By Maharishi Das
My customer ( friend ) Rob drove four and a half hours from Devon to pick up a bespoke hand crafted amplifier. When he arrived HG Titiksu Prabhu was just leaving and greeted him as he walked by on his way out. Rob paused for a moment, then commented “All your friends seem special,” and when I asked why, he said, “They have a certain glow.”
I explained that Titiksu Prabhu has a certain glow as he has been selflessly serving God for many years. I mentioned to him that prior to coming to my house, being incharge of uk BBT Titiksu had been in a cold warehouse moveing pallets of books around no easy task for someone in there 60s, and told him all about his dedication to London Ratha Yatra. Rob said “wow thats incredible and so selfless”. I said I can introduce to a entire world that will blow your mind a world of selfless souls Rob smiled.
Rob reminded me that during his younger years he had lived in a Bramha Kumari ashram, but had left after a few years to start his own business. We listened to some music and discussed how the unit sounded. Now Rob is is quite sensitive to religious talk due to his past and I tread carefully when discussing matters of faith with him. He said, “You produce some of the best sounds on this planet as a artisan and you must be inspired by your Krishna.” I replied all comes from Krishna and krishna has the ulitame sound in the form of his flute.
I smiled, not many people understand or care what role Krishna plays in my life; and if I told them, they would think I was either mad or lying. We laughed, my dear friend Titiksu Prabhu always jokes about this (lol). Rob said, “You should never move from here as I can feel the presence of God.” What a lovely compliment. We stopped listening and went to the other room where Lordships Jaganath Baladev and Lady Subadra reside. Rob said, “I am going through a hard period in my life but I feel peaceful here.”
I said, “It is peaceful here because the Lord is here and I am also very close to the temple.” He nodded in agreement, “Yes,” he said, “That will be why I can feel Gods presence in this house. Not only do you produce the best musical sounds but there is also positive energy here.”
I decided to invite him to chant with me. I mentioned that I had a round to chant (not quite true – I had already finished my rounds) and so I said, “Why not join me? We can chant together. He was reluctant at first, not liking to feel forced into it. So I said, “Of course, you do not have to if you don’t want to.” and I thought he was going to leave it. But to my surprise he said, “You know, something is telling me I should try.”
I said, “Only if you want to.” but Rob was really positive, so Rob and myself chanted a round together. When we’d finished he smiled and asked if he could take the beads back home with him. When said yes, Rob hugged me and said, “Thank you so much, I was not really wanting to upgrade my equipment but I feel the Lord has tricked me into visiting you.” I smiled again and gave him a Srimad Bhagavatam first canto. He held it tight to his chest and said, “I promise to read this; I really do promise.”
We can learn from everyone and cutting ourselves off from the world will certainly not spread the ultimate truth that all love is best shared. It still continues to amaze me how the Lord works, if we have the desire to learn and spread the ultimate truth he will send us loving souls in abundance; there’s no doubt. Through freindship and by being kind caring and understanding to all, always remembering our own struggles and what we have been through to get to where we are today so much can be acheived. Hare Krishna