“G u r u    m u k h a     p a d m a    v a k y a"

The greatest pleasure of our life.......................Nectarean Mellows

A selfish person eats and feels happy. A selfless person finds more happiness in feeding others. Yes? A father has some love for the child, has some affection for the child. What brings the father more happiness – doing something for the child or doing something for himself? If there’s affection, obviously you would be more happy doing something for the child, even if you have to suffer doing it. Bhaktivinoda Thakura prayed, “My dear lord, the sufferings and the pains that I undergo to serve You are the greatest pleasures of my life”. So not only is there such a thing as selfless service, it is our eternal nature and to the degree we cultivate that spirit, to that degree we’ll actually find bliss in life.

H H Radhanath Swami Maharaj

guru-mukha-padma-väkya, cittete koriyä aikya, är nä koriho mane äsä


trinad api sunicena, taror api sahishnuna, amanina manadena, kirtaniya sada Hari

Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare


Humility is not just a part of devotional service; it is the heart of devotional service.

To see a Vaishnava and not become happy is an offence. – Skand Puran

It is important to remind ourselves that at the end of the day, all we really have is each other.

For previous nectars of Maharaj, please visit - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/nectareanmellows/

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