From the sounds of it, this place in northern Ontario really does have a name that’s appropriate. The gods must be bowling above. The rumble of thunder was prevalent for some time. This concerned the organizers of the Chariot/India Fest. The forecast also predicted showers.
So, that’s what came, descending upon the park’s grasses, or shall I say, the camomile. This popular tea herb, also known as pineapple weed, is just so tangy and aromatic after a rain.
I think the rain deterred some people from coming. Dignitaries did attend, the local member of Parliament, a mayoral delegate, and the minister for Indigenous Affairs, and more.
“Quick, cover those books!” was the theme at the book at boutique tables. Once books are wet-worn, they are difficult to sell, so vigilance had to be applied in shielding them from moisture.
I was impressed with the six inflatables provided for the children. The prasadam was excellent, and it fed our energy-expended bellies. People had questions. There were locals and plenty of international students from India. Malini from upstate New York provided dance and hosting for a time on the stage. A bit of fusion was the style she enacted.
One question came from a fellow who anxiously ran to me as I was leaving. “I need your blessings. I want to be a millionaire but will use my finances wisely.”
He touched my feet, which is a common custom in India when meeting a monk.
My response was, “If you are meant to have wealth, then it will be so, but what you want to do is to also display you are kind and caring, and give to the Creator a portion of your wealth."