
One thing I find absolutely disgusting is the sexploitation that our children are exposed to. Recently, I saw footage of a drag queen displaying movements of a sexual nature in front of young children. How can any educational institution anywhere on this planet permit such a thing? What state of confusion do we anticipate will come of this? Is it not a kind of grooming?

When I think of the term sucks in the Vedic context, Sri Krishna speaks of kama as an act not contrary to dharma or righteousness. Somehow, in the name of protecting kids from harm, responsible adults will do whatever it takes to have a child maintain a wholesome innocence. This extreme far left approach of drag display to young eyes will never guarantee a stable society. Where is sanity?

At our Scarborough ISKCON Centre on this fifth month of the 21st day, I decided to speak from the Gita using those chapter numbers 5.21 (today’s date) as my lead to speak from. In the purport of this verse, sex pleasure is addressed in regard to Yamunacharya, who was abhorred at the mere thought of conjugal engagement. “I spit at the thought,” he said after he had found a superior experience in spirituality. His response might be regarded as extreme, but we are looking at more conservative times when he lived centuries ago.

We need to gravitate to sattva guna ways of life – in goodness and thoughtfulness. To balance the extreme liberalism of current times, I spoke to our Scarborough congregation about the beautiful story of “The Monk and the Pot of Cream,” which is wholesome and harmless to innocent ears and eyes. I did so for our Toronto community as in a poetic dramatical form. Traditionalists know it as the story of Ksirachora Gopinatha.

Source: https://www.thewalkingmonk.net/post/the-extremism-of-the-day

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