My assistant with the plays, Dhruv Patel, has begun to submit our short film, “The Embassy,” to film festivals. I am anticipating that there will be takers to this production, which is well acted and overall well-assembled with camera and lighting.
The film is about the dialogue between Krishna and Duryodhan. It is an interesting character study about two persons so diametrically opposed. The play on mind games is fascinating.
The script is rich. Playwright, Bhasa, was committed to a language of class. In his time, centuries ago, all was written in Sanskrit. A smart translation in English was rendered by A.C. Woolner and Lakshman Sarup. As a sample, Krishna, who comes into Duryodhan’s palace, does a quick assessment and explains His purpose:
“At the bidding of Yudhisthira, and from true friendship with Arjuna, I have taken on today the thankless role of envoy to Duryodhan, so overbearing in war and catching at what one has not said.”
The unaccommodating Duryodhan addresses his friend; remarking about Krishna’s entrance:
“Karna, my comrade – Black-hearted Krishna has come here today as an envoy, like a hireling at the Pandava’s behest. Prepare thine ears friend Karna, to hear the words of Yudhisthira, gentle as a woman’s.”
The language is rich and worth viewing. I’m proud of this production. Enjoy the one-minute trailer. The film will be released soon.