Part of my kartik-vrata is to read Krishna’s instructions to Uddhava before He left this world from the 11th canto of the Srimad Bhagavatam. The Lord makes an important point there – that the knot in the heart, the ahankara, the false ego, is destroyed by bhakti. He says: “When one engages constantly in worshiping Me through loving devotional service, his heart becomes firmly situated in Me. Thus all material desires within the heart are destroyed and the knot in the heart is pierced, the ego knot.” (11.20.29) This is the power of bhakti. It so to say digests the ego. what happens when something is digested? After the stomach burns the food the good portions go into the bloodstream and the unnecessary ones are eliminated and leave the body in the bathroom. This happens automatically, you don’t have to analyze what happens, you don’t have to think about it to make it happen. It works by the power of digestion. So, the Bhagavatam states that bhakti, devotional service, dissolves the subtle body including the ego, without any separate effort, just as the fire of digestion digests everything we eat. if you have ego problems, this means your spiritual digestion is not so strong. In such moments, ask yourself: ‘how can I step up my practices of bhakti? How can I chant? What can I do today that is just for Krishna’s pleasure, without having my own selfish desires in my mind?’ Then offer service with feelings and you will see how your spiritual digestion will become ablaze.
I sitting here in Vrindavan, I chant and do it only for the pleasure of my lord. I can see so many good insights, realizations and clarity of mind coming from this. I wish that you also use the month of kartik in whatever way possible to increase your spiritual fire of digestion, your bhakti.
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