Manitou Springs – they call it 'The Dead Sea of Canada'. Because the waters at Little Manitou Lake have a hight content of magnesium, sodium, and potassium salts, you can float effortlessly. Receding glaciers formed this long and narrow lake that 's fed by underground springs.
We are here for two days to feel the sensation of buoyancy on the water. You walk in the liquid and suddenly your legs automatically kick up and you can't help, but float. The salinity level is five times higher than the ocean, but half that of the Dead Sea in Israel (I had the pleasure to experience that water when I walked Israel). Quite extraordinary!
Our Indigenous people would come here for the water's healing powers. The four of us who ventured into the water in the evening came out feeling quite refreshed and relaxed. There is something to this place. At first, we were slightly taken aback by some of the algae, but for myself, well, I grew up by some of the Great Lakes where such things were quite common. You just go past that initial barrier and then you're okay.
We had the option to go for the miraculous waters in the indoor spa, however, government regulations require chlorine and such, so we chose to go for more 'rawness'.
The experience we had on our first day here brought us closer to Krishna. It is God that provides. Most of us are too weak to take advantage of natural facilities. Most of us resort to bad food, bad music, and our mobile devices for our lifestyle.