I could not resist going down an endless prairie dirt road for the friendly skies of Krishna – blue clouds, great air, and no stop signs or intersections to worry about. The road I chose is located where I’ve been staying; I didn’t catch the name of it but it is edged by lots for new housing units. Out of nine lots, seven are sold and one of them is already under construction, at least the foundation. Three men were up and at it, hard hats and all. They were surprised to see a spec of saffron ambling along in the distance. As I got closer to the working crew, I waved. They reciprocated. I shouted, “Good luck with the project!” A second handwave followed. I guess they appreciated the encouragement. While in the prairies, I thought for a moment about the B.C. mountains and the Frazer River. Perhaps it was Paramatma, God in the heart, sending a message – “you have a Zoom call to tend to with the Vancouver community – a class on the Bhagavatam.” So, I rushed back to the home of my hosts, Amit and Priyanka, for that monthly call.
It was a sweet call. Here we were reading a portion of the ultimate literature, commenting on it with reflections deep. A great way to air out the mind.
Amit took me to St. Vital, a subsection of Winnipeg. Once I settled, I took to an urban stroll with Manitoba maple lining the streets; earth-toned rabbits running all around.
My day completed with a Zoom call with our east-coast devotees at this time, a bi-weekly Gita Chat.
What a perfect day!
Source: http://thewalkingmonk.blogspot.com/2022/06/monday-june-13-2022.html