Symptoms of one in illusion
When there is no illumination, knowledge is absent. One in the mode of ignorance does not work by a regulative principle; he wants to act whimsically, for no purpose. Even though he has the capacity to work, he makes no endeavor. This is called illusion. Although consciousness is going on, life is inactive. These are the symptoms of one in the mode of ignorance.
>>> Ref. VedaBase => Bg 14.13
Symptoms of one chiefly under the influence of the mode of ignorance are laziness, excessive sleeping, and uncleanliness.
>>> Ref. VedaBase => SC 19: Erasing All Doubts
Everyone should know that a living entity is eternally a servant and that unless one serves Krsna one has to serve illusion in different varieties of the three modes of material nature, and thus perpetually one has to wander within the cycle of birth and death; even the so-called liberated Māyāvādī speculator has to undergo this process. This knowledge constitutes a great science, and each and every living being has to hear it for his own interest.
Bg: Preface
Kāma krodha lobha moha mada mātsarya bhaya. These are different associates, one after another. If your desire is not fulfilled, then you become angry. Then after becoming angry, you become very greedy. Then you become bewildered, then become illusioned, then you become fearful.
Therefore there must be some regulative principle to fulfill our desire.
The Regulative Principles are like the thread that controls the movement of the kite.
When there is no regulations then the Kite loses its direction and falls down.
It is said where there are no barriers of rules and regulation in that place Adharma presides. When there is adharma, anxiety rules that place. Where anxiety rules equilibrium of the mind is lost and hasty acts are the consequences. When the mood is not situated in Sattva Guna then welfare of oneself and people does not exit in such hasty acts. The chain of reactions entangle us further and we get lost in whirl wind of such behaviors that mislead us. Therefore we need a leader who can lead us, that spiritual leader who rescues us from illusion and takes us to light.