Street Chanting is Krishna’s best Propaganda

There is absolutely no greater experience to be had than to be a member of the Harinama Sankirtan party, watching the faces of the members of the public as they smile, laugh, frown or scowl at you while you chant and dance jubilantly to the sweet sound of the Hare Krsna Maha Mantra.

Our Krsna Consciousness movement was founded on this transcendental activity and the movement will only continue to flourish if our leaders give it the prominence and encouragement it rightly deserves.

This 5 minute ecstatic video was recently filmed on the Appearance Day of His Divine Grace Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur. It appears that there was some divine intervention because all of a sudden, as if out of nowhere, 100 youths spontaneously joined the blissful Kirtan party. (watch from 2.30 minutes in)

It is our experience here in London that the street chanting is more relevant now than it has ever been before. Our London Sankirtan Parties have become accepted, embraced and even loved by the citizens of London as well as by many of the millions of tourists that visit this ‘fortunate’ capital every year.

During the Seventies we were hounded by the police and arrested almost every day and forced to pay fines for ‘obstructing the highway’. Eventually, due to the determination of the devotees such as Tribhuvanath, Maha Visnu, Prabha Vishnu, Janananda, Sakshi Gopal and many many others, the police began to leave us alone.

Now we are so much accepted that a public opinion poll once showed that of the 10 most iconic sights in Central London’s West End the devotees came up third. First were the red buses, then came the black cabs and third the colourful Hare Krsnas.

George Harrison once told Sripati Prabhu that seeing the Harinam Parties, whatever the weather, as he drove into the London Apple Studios back in the Seventies was what most convinced him of the validity of the Krsna Consciousness Movement

Here are just a few quotes from Srila Prabhupada regarding the importance of Harinam Samkirtan.

“My will I have already disclosed to you all that each and every one of you should chant the Mahamantra regularly in sixteen rounds, follow the four regulative principles, CHANT HARE KRSNA MANTRA ON THE STREETS, try to distribute our books and literature”

SPL to Makhanlal 3.06.70

“Yes, such opening of temples, HOLDING DAILY STREET SANKIRTAN, distributing books, preaching in the schools and colleges, this is our standard programme for injecting Krishna Consciousness in the world. And if we simply stick to this programme we shall be successful, without any doubt.” SPL to Pusta Krsna — Vrindaban 8th Nov 72

“To manage a Sankirtan party nicely is more precious than all other activities. That is the verdict of Bhagavad-gita and the mission of Lord Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.”

SPL to Tamala Krsna – Bombay 1975

“All other things are subsidiary. This chanting is our life and soul, so we must arrange our program now so that there will be as much chanting on the streets and at college engagements as possible.”

(SPL to Satsvarupa, 14th May, 1969)

“This is making our movement VERY POPULAR more and more, so in any circumstances, you all go together outdoors for kirtana at least for one hour daily. (Letter to Krsna Dasa – Columbus, Ohio, May17th 1969)

“…At least for one hour you must all go to have Sankirtana outside on the streets or in the park. That is your life and soul, first business.”

(Letter to Rayarama – Columbus, Ohio, May17th 1969)

“Otherwise you can stop these activities, but outdoor kirtana must be done, even at the cost of suspending all editorial work. That is your first and foremost business.”

(To Rayarama)

“Temple worship is not so important. If need be, the whole temple can be locked, but the outdoor kirtana cannot be stopped.”

(Also to Rayarama)

“This sankirtana party, backed by literatures and books, will certainly bring in a great change in the modern civilization.”

(Letter to Hamsaduta, 1st April, 1970)

…and finally from 4th Canto of Srimad Bhagavatam.

“If the surface of the globe is over-flooded with the chanting of the Hare Kṛṣṇa mantra, the people of the world will be very very happy”

Devotees need to have the faith that just by going out on Harinam in public places, and enthusiastically singing and dancing – distributing Srila Prabhupada’s books along with some prasadam – all other things will be arranged by Krsna.

Due to the exuberance of the 80 devotees taking part in this Samkirtan video, 2,400 copies of the 16 page full colour booklet ‘On Chanting Hare Krsna’ were freely distributed throughout the evening. Most of these will be taken all around the world by the many tourists that witnessed the Harinam

Therefore London Harinam goes to ‘Every Town and Village’. In the past the tourists just took a picture, and maybe a BTG to show their friends back home. But nowadays they are all taking videos. Because of this the transcendental sound of the Holy Names will just go on reverberating all over the world day after day after day.

“I have set a fire that no one can put out”

Prabhus, please don’t let anyone mislead you by telling you that Harinam Samkirtan is no longer as relevant as it was in the 60’s and 70’s, that those who continue to go out for street chanting are living in some sort of fairy tale world. If anyone does, then you can please show them this video.

Some devotees are even saying the times have changed so much and Street chanting is no longer the best way to spread Krsna Consciousness, but they are mistaken. Harinama is more relevant now than ever before.

golokera prema dhana,hari-nama-sankirtana, rati na janmila kene taya

“The only remedy is hari-nama-sankirtana, the chanting of the Hare Krsna maha-mantra, which is imported from the spiritual world, Goloka Vrndavana. How unfortunate I am that I have no attraction for this.”

Please watch this wonderful five minute video and see for yourself how much the public appreciate and love the Hare Krsna devotees.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Your servant on behalf of the

Saturday Night London Harinam Party

Bhajahari das Adikary

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