
Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 3 Chapter 2 Text 33
varsatindre vrajah kopad
bhagnamane 'tivihvalah
trato bhadranugrhnata

varsati -- in pouring water; indre -- by the King of heaven, Indra; vrajah -- the land of cows (Vrndavana); kopat bhagnamane -- having been in anger on being insulted; ati -- highly; vihvalah -- perturbed; gotra -- the hill for the cows; lila-atapatrena -- by the pastime umbrella; tratah -- were protected; bhadra -- O sober one; anugrhnata -- by the merciful Lord.

O sober Vidura, King Indra, his honor having been insulted, poured water incessantly on Vrndavana, and thus the inhabitants of Vraja, the land of cows, were greatly distressed. But the compassionate Lord Krsna saved them from danger with His pastime umbrella, the Govardhana Hill.

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