
Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 3 Chapter 2 Text 31
vipannan visa-panena
nigrhya bhujagadhipam
utthapyapayayad gavas
tat toyam prakrti-sthitam

vipannan -- perplexed in great difficulties; visa-panena -- by drinking poison; nigrhya -- subduing; bhujaga-adhipam -- the chief of the reptiles; utthapya -- after coming out; apayayat -- caused to drink; gavah -- the cows; tat -- that; toyam -- water; prakrti -- natural; sthitam -- situated.

The inhabitants of Vrndavana were perplexed by great difficulties because a certain portion of the Yamuna was poisoned by the chief of the reptiles [Kaliya]. The Lord chastised the snake-king within the water and drove him away, and after coming out of the river, He caused the cows to drink the water and proved that the water was again in its natural state.

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