Los Angeles
Letter to Yamuna
"We are not impersonalists, under the circumstances we have got varieties of perception in the matter of discharging devotional service. In Rupa Goswami's ``Siksamrta'' it is stated that advanced life in Krsna Consciousness means one should be always very much anxious to calculate whether every moment of his life has not been utilized in devotional service. This is called feeling of being afraid for misusing time.
One should be very careful to estimate how every moment of his life is being utilized in the service of the Lord. The Goswamis were very much advanced in this line of action, and therefore about them it is said ``nidra hara bihara vijito'' that means one who has conquered over eating, sleeping, and mating. The idea is to save more time from this materialistic business and utilize it for Krsna's service.
When our anxieties are how to utilize life in that way, that stage is abyarthya kalatvam ``utilizing life without spoiling it.'' The next stage is namagane sada ruci ``attraction for chanting the Holy Name always'' and priti tad basati sthale ``feeling of pleasure in living in the Temple or in the place of pilgrimage.'' So I am very glad that you are gradually coming to that stage; continue it carefully. Try to realize it yourself and teach the method to all your younger brothers and sisters.
Krsna Consciousness means full cooperation with Krsna, and Krsna means with all His entourage. We should always remember this. Just like when we speak of a tree, it includes the root, the trunk, the branches, the leaves, the flowers--everything. Therefore to love Krsna means to love Him along with all His Name, His fame, His qualities, His entourage, His abode, His devotees, etc."