Sri Rama - The Root Source of All Incarnations

सीतानाथ समारम्भां रामानन्दार्य मध्यमाम्
अस्मदाचार्य पर्यन्तां वन्दे श्रीगुरू परम्पराम् ।

I bow down to the lineage of Sri Sampradaya upto my own Acharya which is being started by Sri SitaRama and Anandabhashyakara Svami Sri Ramanandacharya is situated in middle of this Succession of Sri Sampradaya. 

Although there are many verses which are being given in shastras to realise that Sri Sita-Ramachandra is the Original Supreme Personality of Godhead ; The Root source of all Incarnations like Sri Krishna, Sri Nrisimha, Sri Balarama , we will stick to some most authentic scriptures like Valmiki Ramayana , Srimad-Ramacharitmanasa , Srimad-Bhagvatam, Upanishads etc. 


  नेति नेति जेहि बेद निरूपा। निजानंद निरुपाधि अनूपा॥                                                                                                                                                                                                          उपजहिं जासु अंस तें नाना।संभु बिरंचि बिष्नु भगवाना॥ 

(Vedsār Śrīmad Rāmcharit Mānas 1.144)

To which the Vedas describe as 'neti-neti' (not even this, not even that). who is blissful, untitled and unique and from whose fragment many Lord Shiva, Brahma and Vishnu appear (he is Sri Rāma). 


प्रभु जे मुनि परमारथबादी। कहहिं राम कहुँ ब्रह्म अनादी॥
सेस सारदा बेद पुराना। सकल करहिं रघुपति गुन गाना॥

(Vedsār Śrīmad Rāmcharit Mānasa 1.108)

Oh, Lord! Those sages who are the knower and speaker of Paramarthattva (Brahman), call Rama as the eternal Brahman and Shesha, Saraswati, Vedas and Puranas all sing the praises of Raghunatha.


जासु कृपाँ अस भ्रम मिटि जाई। गिरिजा सोइ कृपाल रघुराई॥
आदि अंत कोउ जासु न पावा। मति अनुमानि निगम अस गावा॥

(Vedsār Śrīmad Rāmcharit Mānasa 1.118)

Hey Parvati! By whose grace this type of confusion is removed, he is Kripalu Raghunath. Whose beginning and end no one has known. The Vedas have sung in this way by guessing with their intelligence.


राम ब्रह्म चिनमय अबिनासी। सर्ब रहित सब उर पुर बासी॥

(Vedsār Śrīmad Rāmcharit Mānasa 1.1.120)

Rām is Brahman, Chinmaya (in the form of knowledge), imperishable, devoid of all and the one who resides in the city of everyone's heart.


सुनु सेवक सुरतरु सुरधेनू। बिधि हरि हर बंदित पद रेनू॥
सेवत सुलभ सकल सुखदायक। प्रनतपाल सचराचर नायक॥

(Vedsār Śrīmad Rāmcharit Mānasa 1.146)

Oh, Lord! Listen, you are Kalpavriksha and Kamdhenu for the servants. Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva also worship dust of your feet. You are easy to serve and the giver of all happiness. You are the protector of the refuge and the master of the inert-conscious.


जासु अंस उपजहिं गुनखानी। अगनित लच्छि उमा ब्रह्मानी॥
भृकुटि बिलास जासु जग होई। राम बाम दिसि सीता सोई॥

(Vedsār Śrīmad Rāmcharit Mānasa 1.1.148)

From whose fraction the innumerable mines of virtues Lakshmi, Parvati and Brahmani (powers of the Tridevas) are generated and from whose brow the world is created, that (God's Swarupa-Shakti) Sita is situated on the left side of Rama.


हरि हित सहित रामु जब जोहे। रमा समेत रमापति मोहे॥
निरखि राम छबि बिधि हरषाने। आठइ नयन जानि पछिताने॥

(Vedsār Śrīmad Rāmcharit Mānas 1.1.317)

When Lord Vishnu husband of Lakshmi saw Rāma with love, he became fascinated (मोहित) for Rama along with Lakshmi. Brahma was very pleased to see the beauty of Ram, but started regretting knowing that he had only eight eyes.


जगु पेखन तुम्ह देखनिहारे। बिधि हरि संभु नचावनिहारे॥
तेउ न जानहिं मरमु तुम्हारा। औरु तुम्हहि को जाननिहारा॥

(Vedsār Śrīmad Rāmcharit Mānas 2.217)

Hey Ram! The world is visible, as you are its watcher. You are the one who makes Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar also dance. Who else is going to know you when they don't even know your essence?


सुनु दसकंठ कहउँ पन रोपी। बिमुख राम त्राता नहिं कोपी॥
संकर सहस बिष्नु अज तोही। सकहिं न राखि राम कर द्रोही॥

(Vedsār Śrīmad Rāmcharit Mānas 5.23)

O Ravana! Listen, I promise that there is no one to protect the enemy of Śrī Rām. Even thousands of Lord Shiva, Lord Vishnu and Lord Brahma cannot save you who if you have betrayed Lord Rama.


आप्नोति स्वाराज्यम् । आप्नोति मनसस्पतिम् । वाक्पतिश्चक्षुष्पतिः । श्रोत्रपतिर्विज्ञानपतिः एतत्ततो भवति आकाशशरीरं ब्रह्म ।                                                                                                        सत्यात्म प्राणारामं मन आनन्दम् । शान्तिसमृद्धममृतम् । इति प्राचीनयोग्योपास्स्व ।

(Taitriya Upanishad Shikshavalli Verse-6)

He himself gets independent sovereignty; he attains the lord of the mind; he becomes the ruler of speech, the ruler of eyes, the ruler of ears, the ruler of knowledge. Over and above all these he becomes like the Brahman, the Brahman which has body resembling Akasa/space/sky, That Supreme personality of godhead Rama is identified with the gross and the subtle and has truth as Its real nature, which reveals in life, under whose possession the mind is a source of bliss, which is enriched with peace and is immortal. Thus, O Pracinayogya, you worship him only.


अखण्डनिर्विकल्पं तद्रामचन्द्रपदं भजे॥

(Yajurvedā Shäkhayam Saraswati Rahashya Upnishad 1.1)

I salute the lotus feet of Lord Sri Ramachandra who can have no alternative, i.e. he is nirvikalpa, when Brahmavidya is said, Sri Rama is the one in sight and who is free from all kinds of competition (as no one can stand along him).


मुमूर्षोर्मणिकर्ण्यां तु अर्द्धोदकनिवासिनः ।
अहं दिशामि ते मंत्रं तारकं ब्रह्मदायकम् ॥
अतस्त्वं जानकीनाथ परब्रह्मासि निश्चितम् ।
त्वन्मायामोहितास्सर्वे न त्वां जानंति तत्वतः ॥

(Padma Puran 6.243.41)

Translating Highlight, Therefore, O Lord of Janaki, You are certainly the Supreme Brahman.


राशब्दो विश्ववचनो मश्चपीश्वरवाचकः।
विश्वानामीश्वरो यो हि तेन रामः प्रकीर्तितः ॥

(Brahma Vaivartha Purana 111/1)

Śrimati Radhā Rāni said:—"The word 'Ra' signifies perfection and the word 'M' signifies God, therefore 'Ram' is the perfect God.


रामात् नास्ति परोदेवो रामात् नास्ति परंव्रतम् ।
न हि रामात् परोयोगो न हि रामात् परोमखः ॥

(Padma Purāna 5.35.51)

No God is superior than Lord Rama; No penance has greater fruit than Lord Rama (the penance which is done for Lord Rama); no Yoga exists beyond Lord Rama (means Param-Yoga is to get the nearness of Lord Rama only); No sacrifice (Yajna) is greater than (that Yajna which is done for Lord Rama) Shri Rama


राम त्वं परमात्मसि सच्चिदानन्दविग्रहः॥
इदानीं त्वां रघुश्रेष्ठ प्रणमामि मुहुर्मुहुः।

(Śhukla Yajurvēd muktikōpaniṣad 1.4,5a)

“O' Śrī Rāma! You are the Supreme Being, The Parambrahman, of the nature Sat (real, eternal), Chit (consciousness) and Ananda (bliss)! I pay my obeisance in your lotus feet again and again.”


सर्वांल्लोकान् सुसंहृत्य सभूतान् सचराचरान्।
पुनरेव तथा स्रष्टुं शक्तो रामो महायशाः॥

(Vālmīki Rāmāyaṇa - 5.51.39)

Annihilating all the worlds including the elements, their created beings, as well as the entire mobile and immobile creation, the highly illustrious Shri Rāma is capable of creating them over again in exactly the same way.


ब्रह्मविष्णुमहेशाद्या यस्यांशा लोकसाधका: ।
तमादिदेवं श्रीरामं विशुद्धं परमं भजे ॥

(Skanda Puran, Uttar Khand, RamayaNa MahAtmya, 1.3)

“Salutations to that Rama who is the most superior, the primeval lord of universe, and free from all the vices. Brahmā (Brahmaa), Viṣṇu (Vishnu) and Mahesa (Shiva) who are sustainer of the world, are just parts of Lord (Śrī) Rāma . ”


गाणपत्येषु शैवेषु शाक्तसौरेष्वभीष्टदः । वैष्णवेष्वपि सर्वेषु राममन्त्रः फलाधिकः ॥
गाणपत्यादि मन्त्रेषु कोटिकोटिगुणाधिकः । मन्त्रस्तेष्वप्यनायास फलदोऽयं षडक्षरः ॥

(Atharvavedā Shäkhayam Ramauttartapini 5.6-7)

Among all the mantras of Lord Ganesha, Lord Shiva, Goddess Durga, Lord Surya and Lord VishhNu, the mantras dedicated to Shri Rama bestow greater fruits. And This Mantra-Raja of Bhagavan Shri Rama easily bestows Billions and Billions times the fruits of all the mantras dedicated to Lord Ganesha, Shiva, Durga, Surya and Vishnu. Such is the supreme glory of Mantra-Raj!


रामु काम सत कोटि सुभग तन । दुर्गा कोटि अमित अरि मर्दन ॥
सक्र कोटि सत सरिस बिलासा । नभ सत कोटि अमित अवकासा ॥

(Vedsār ŚrīRāmacaritamānasa 7.91.4)

“Śrī Rāma's body possesses the charm of a myriad Cupids. He is as inexorable in crushing the enemy as countless millions of Durgās. He enjoys the luxury of a myriad Indra-s and is immeasurable in expanse as a myriad firmaments.”


सारद कोटि अमित चतुराई । बिधि सत कोटि सृष्टि निपुनाई ॥
बिष्नु कोटि सम पालन कर्ता । रुद्र कोटि सत सम संहर्ता॥

(Vedsār ŚrīRāmacaritamānasa 7.92.3)

“He is as sharp as countless millions of Saraswatis-s and possesses the creative skill of a myriad Brahmā-s. Again, He is as good a preserver as billions of Vishṇu-s and as thorough a destroyer as billions of Rudra-s.”


मंत्र परम लघु जासु बस बिधि हरि हर सुर सर्ब।

महामत्त गजराज कहुँ बस कर अंकुस खर्ब ॥

(śrīrāmacaritamānasa bālakānda, dohā 256)

"The supreme sacred Mantra (the seed mantra Raam), indeed, is very small, although it has under its sway Brahm, Hari, Hara and all other gods. A tiny goad governs the mightiest and most furious elephant."


ततस्त्वमसि दुर्धर्षात्तस्माद् भावात् सनातनात् ।

रक्षार्थं सर्वभूतानां विष्णुत्वं उपजग्मिवान् ॥

(Vedāvatāar Śrī Vālmiki Rāmāyaṇa 7.104.9)

"After my prayers in the begining of the creation, Oh Rāma ! You forsaken Your durdharsa (the swarupa which is difficult to be achieved for many) i.e. eternal Bhava (the eternal two armed Śrī Rāma form) and assumed the form of Vīshnu for the sake of protection and sustenance of all the beings."


ब्रह्मादिपञ्चब्रह्माणो यत्र विश्रान्तिमाप्नुयुः ।
तदखण्डसुखाकारं रामचन्द्रपदं भजे ॥

(Yajurvedā Shäkhayam Pānch Brahmõpanishād 1.1)

I worship the lotus feet of Lord Śrī Rāmachandrā, the cause of eternal bliss, where the five Brahmas (Shri Shiva, Shri Hāri Vīshnu, Shri Ganesha, Bhagwati Durga and Shri Surya) along with Brahma etc. always find rest (ashraya).


एतेषु चैव सर्वेषु तत्त्वं च ब्रह्म तारकम् ।
राम एव परं ब्रह्म राम एव परं तपः ।।
राम एव परं तत्त्वं श्रीरामो ब्रह्म तारकम् ।।
वायुत्रेणोक्तास्ते योगीन्द्रा ऋषयो विष्णुभक्ता हनूमन्तं पप्रच्छुः रामस्याङ्गानि नो ब्रूहीति ।
वायुपुत्रं विघ्नेशं वाणीं दुर्गां क्षेत्रपालकं सूर्यं चन्द्रं नारायणं नारसिंहं वायुदेवं वाराहं तत्सर्वान्त्समात्रान्त्सीतं लक्ष्मणं शत्रुघ्नं भरतं विभीषणं सुग्रीवमङ्गदं जाम्बवन्तं प्रणवमेतानि रामस्याङ्गानि जानीथाः ।

(Yajurvedā Shäkhayam RāmRahāshyopanishād 1.6/7½)

In all the scriptures like Vedās, the supreme principle is 'Tāraka Rāma' in the form of Brāhman. Śrī Rāma is the Supreme Brāhman. Śrī Rāma is the supreme form. Śrī Rāma is the Supreme Being. Śrī Rāma is Tarakabrahma. Hanumān Ji preached to the devotee of Śrī Hāri Vīshnu and other Rishis "I myself, Śrī Ganēshā, Goddess Saraswati, Goddess Durgā, All the Guardian (Khetra Pāl), Sun (Suryā), Moon, Lord Śrī Hāri Nāräyana, Lord Naräsimha, Lord Vāsudev (Śrī Krishnā), Lord Vāraha etc. all are the mere parts of Lord Śrī Rāma. Lakshmāna, Shātrughna, Bharata, Vibhishana, Sugriva, Angad, Jambavant and Pranav (Om ॐ) are also mere parts of Lord Śrī Rāma.


वासुदेवादि मुर्तिनाम् चतुर्नाम् कारणं परम्।
चतुर्विंशति मुर्तिनाम् आश्रय श्रीरामः शरणं मम।।

(Brihād Brahmā Samhitā 2.7.8, Śrī Hāri Nāräyana to Brahmā)

The supreme cause of the four vyuhas, such as Vāsudeva. Śrī Rāma, the shelter of the twenty-four avtars, is my refuge.


नेदं यशो रघुपतेः सुरयाच्ञयाऽऽत्त लीलातनोरधिकसाम्यविमुक्तधाम्नः।
रक्षोवध जलधिबन्धनमस्त्रपूगैः किं
तस्य शत्रुहनने कपयः सहायाः।।

(Śrīmad Bhagwat Mahapurana 9.11.20)

Parikshit! There is no one like Lord Śrī Raghūvara, then how can anyone be greater than him? He had done this Leela (past times) only by the prayers of the gods. In such a situation, it is not a matter of great pride for Raghuvansh-Shiromani that he killed the demons with weapons or built a bridge over the sea. Well, did they need the help of monkeys to kill the enemies? All this is His Leela.


यो रामः कृष्णतामेत्य सार्वात्म्यं प्राप्य लीलया । अतोषयद्देव्मौनिपटलं तं नतोऽस्म्यहम्।।

(Atharvavedā Shrüti Krishnōpanishad 1.1)

That Śrī Rāma, who transformed himself (incarnated) as Krishnā, attained Sarvaatmakta (सार्वभौमिकता) by his very lilā (divine exploits, pastimes); and thus deities-sages-masses were completely satisfied on this earth. I make prostration before that same Śrī Rāma.


यस्यांशेन एव ब्रह्म विष्णु महेश्वरा अपि जाता महाविष्णुर्य्यस्य दिव्यगुणाश्च । स एव कार्यकारणयोः परः परमपुरुषो रामो दाशरथिर्वभुव॥

(Atharvavedā Shäkhayam Vedsaropanishad, uttarakhand)

Whose Portion (Ansh) are Brahma Visnu and Mahesvara, Whose divine Guna is Mahavisnu, The only one who is the cause of all causes, The one who is higher than the highest, such is Śrī Rāma, the son of Dasratha.


मीन कमठ सूकर नरहरी। बामन परसुराम बपु धरी॥ जब जब नाथ सुरन्ह दुखु पायो। नाना तनु धरि तुम्हइँ नसायो॥

(Vedsār ŚrīRāmacaritamānasa 1.6.110)

O Rama, you assumed the bodies of Matsya, Kachchapa, Varaha, Nrishimha, Vamana and Parashurama. O Lord! Whenever the gods suffered, You assumed many bodies and destroyed their suffering.


लोक लोक प्रति भिन्न बिधाता भिन्न बिष्नु सिव मनु दिसित्राता ॥ नर गंधर्व भूत बेताला । किंनर निसिचर पसु खग ब्याला॥

(Vedsār ŚrīRāmacaritamānasa 7.81)

Each world or Loka that I visited had its own set life in its various forms and stages of evolution. Every world had a different Creator Brahma, Lord Vishnu, Lord Shiva. Manu. Dikpals, human beings, Gandharvas, ghosts, phantoms and spirits, Kinnars, demons who roamed in the night, animals, birds and serpents.


भिन्न भिन्न मैं दीख सबु अति बिचित्र हरिजान । अगनित भुवन फिरेउँ प्रभु राम न देखेउँ आन ॥

सोई सिसुपन सोइ सोभा सोइ कृपाल रघुबीर। भुवन भुवन देखत फिरतें प्रेरित मोह समीर ॥

(Vedsār ŚrīRāmacaritamānasa 7.81)

Oh the celestial mount of Lord Hari ("harijāna"-i.e. Garud)! Everything I saw was different from the other and had its own distinctiveness, and in all sooth and without gainsay it was indeed a wonderous spectacle that awed and perplexed me beyond imagination. But inspite of this astounding diversity and stupendity of variation, one thing stood out remarkably-in all the innumerable universes and worlds where I roamed, I saw only one form of my Lord Sri Ram; there were no changes in him. There was the same form of Lord Ram everywhere though everything else changed around me from one world or universe to another. Impelled by the wind of delusions and inspired by an inquisitive mind that was infatuated with amazement by the sights I saw, I roamed around from one world to another in the countless universes. But to my utter astonishment I saw the same merciful Lord Ram in the form of a child having the same bewitching charm and beauty.


एवं सर्वेऽवताराः श्रीरामचन्द्र चरण रेखाभ्यः समुद्भवन्ति तथाऽनंत कोटि विष्ण्वश्च चतुर्व्यूहश्च समुद्भवन्ति एवमपराजितेश्वर मपरिमिताः परनारायणादयः अष्टभुजा नारायणादयश्चानंत कोटि संख्यकाः वद्धांजलि पुटाः सर्व कालं समुपासते यदाविष्ण्वादीन यदाऽज्ञापयति तदा तद्ब्रह्माण्डे सर्व कार्यं कुर्वन्ति ते सर्वे देवाद्विविधाः भिन्नांशा अभिन्नांशाश्च श्रीरघुवर मुभये सेवन्ते भिन्नांशा ब्रह्मादयः अभिन्नांशा नाराणादयः ।

(Atharvavedā Shäkhayam Vishwambhar Upanishad chapter 1 verse 6)

Similarly, all the incarnations appear from the line of the feet of Śrī Rāmachandrā. The infinite Vīshnu and the Chatūrvyuha, namely Aniruddha, Pradyumna, Sankarshana, and Vasudeva, are all manifested from him. Ayodhyapati Śrī Rām has such immense influence, in front of whom infinite Para Narayan, Ashtabhuja Ashtabhuja Narayan (Bhuma Purush) stand with folded hands and worship him at all times. When innumerable millions of Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva etc. get the command, they all do all the work of creating, maintaining, destroying and so on of the millions of universes. Those gods like Vishnu, Shiva etc. are all of two types one is a Bhinn (भिन्न) from them and one is an integral (अभिन्न) part. They all serve Śrī Raghunath Ji, the Bhinn (भिन्न) parts are the gods like Brahma, Shiva, Indra etc. and the integral parts are the incarnations like Narayana, Vishnu etc.


श्रीराम एव सर्व कारणं तस्य रूप द्वयं परिछिन्न मपरिछिन्नं परिछिन्न स्वरूपेण साकेत प्रमदावने तिष्ठन रास मेव करोति द्वितीयं स्वरूपं जगद्पत्वादेः कारणं तद्दक्षिणांगात्क्षाराबि्ध शायी वामांगाद्रमा वैकुण्ठवासीति हृदयात्पर नारायणो वभूव चरणाभ्यां वदरिको पवन स्थायी शृङ्गारान्नन्दनन्दन इति ।

(अथर्ववेद विश्वंभरोपनिषद् अध्याय१ श्लोक ५)

श्रीराम ही सब के कारण रूप हैं। उन श्रीरामजी के दो स्वरूप है, एक परिछिन्न रूप दूसरा अपरिछिन्न, प्रथम परिछिन्न रुप से श्रीरामजी साकेत लोक में प्रमोद्वन में रह कर केवल रासलीला करते हैं, द्वितीय अपरिछिन्न स्वरूप से संसार की उत्पत्ति का कारण हैं। उनके दहिने अंग से क्षीर समुद्र वासी अष्टभुजा भूमा पुरुष हुए हैं, वामांग से रमा वैकुण्ठ वासी हुए हैं। हृदय से परनारायण अर्थात् विरजा नदी के पार जो नारायण रहते हैं। चरणों से बद्रीबन निवासी नर नारायण हुए हैं, शृङ्गार से नन्दनन्दन श्रीकृष्णजी हुए हैं।


सोइ रामु ब्यापक ब्रह्म भुवन निकाय पति माया धनी।
अवतरेउ अपने भगत हित निजतंत्र नित रघुकुलमनी॥

(Vedsār ŚrīRāmacaritamānasa 1.51)

The same omnipresent, Lord of all universes, Lord of Maya, eternal, supremely independent, Par-Brahmā Lord Rāma has taken incarnation in the form of the gem of the Raghu dynasty for the benefit of His devotees.


सा देवी त्रिविधा भवति शक्त्यासना इच्छाशक्तिः क्रियाशक्तिः साक्षाच्छक्तिरिति इच्छाशक्तिस्त्रिविधा भवति श्रीभूमिनीलात्मिका भद्ररूपिणी प्रभावरूपिणी सोमसूर्याग्निरूपा भवति

(Athârvavedā Shäkhayam Sītā Upänīshad 1.11/12)

Śrī Sītā is threefold through Her power, namely the power of desire, the power of action, and the power of knowledge. Taking the incarnation of Śrī Devi, Bhudevi, Neeladevi, the one who benefits everyone with her influence, shines in the form of moon, sun and fire.


ब्रह्मादिपञ्चब्रह्माणो यत्र विश्रान्तिमाप्नुयुः ।
तदखण्डसुखाकारं रामचन्द्रपदं भजे ॥

(Yajurvedā Shäkhayam Pānch Brahmõpanishād 1.1)

I worship the lotus feet of Lord Śrī Rāmachandrā, the cause of eternal bliss, where the five Brahmas (Shri Shiva, Shri Hāri Vīshnu, Shri Ganesha, Bhagwati Durga and Shri Surya) along with Brahma etc. always find rest (ashraya).


वासुदेवादि मुर्तिनाम् चतुर्नाम् कारणं परम्।
चतुर्विंशति मुर्तिनाम् आश्रय श्रीरामः शरणं मम।।

(Brihād Brahmā Samhitā 2.7.8, Śrī Hāri Nāräyana to Brahmā)

The supreme cause of the four vyuhas, such as Vāsudeva. Śrī Rāma, the shelter of the twenty-four avtars, is my refuge.


एतत्तदुक्तमव्यक्तमक्षरं ब्रह्म सम्मितम् ।
देवानां हृदयं सौम्य गुह्यं रामः परंतपः ॥

(Śrīmad Valmiki Rāmayana 7.119.32)

Śrī Rāma is the same eternal akshar brahman who is mentioned in Vedās, who is the heart of all Gods.


राम एव परं ब्रह्म परमात्माभिधीयते। रामात्परतरं नास्ति यत्किचित्स्थूलसूक्ष्मकम्॥ ब्रह्मविष्णुशिवाः सर्वेइंद्रो निर्वरुणो यमः । सूर्यश्चंद्रश्च खं भूमिराकाशस्त्वनिलो ह्यपः॥ सर्वे ते रामचंद्रस्य तेजसा संप्रतिष्ठिताः । भूतं भव्यं भविष्यच्च सर्वे रामसमुद्भवम्॥

Parāshara Smriti (Quotes from Kalyan Kalpadrum)

Meaning- Lord Śrī Rāmbhadrā is the Supreme God, whatever is gross and subtle, none of them is beyond Śrī Rāma, that is why Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva all these and Indra, Agni, Varun, Yama, Sun, Moon, Heaven, Earth, sky, wind, water, all these have been established by the glory of Lord Śrī Rāmachandrā and all these three times past, future and present and whatever will be born and has been born in these three times, all that has been born from Śrī Rāma only.


परं ब्रह्म स्वयं राम सच्चिदानन्दविग्रहः । यस्य लोकः सदा भाति गोलोकात्परतस्तु सः ॥

(Śrī Ādi-Rāmāyaṇa 1.9.24)

"Śrī Rāma is himself Parambrahm, the very form of Sat [eternal existence] - Chid [consciousness] - Ananda [bliss], whose divine abode [Divine Ayōdhyā Śrī Sākēta-Lōka] is eternally self-illuminated even beyond the divine world Gōlōka."


जाकें बल बिरंचि हरि ईसा। पालत सृजत हरत दससीसा॥
जा बल सीस धरत सहसानन। अंडकोस समेत गिरि कानन॥

(Vedsār Śrīmad Rāmcharit Mānas 5.21)

By whose strength, O Dashashish! Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh (respectively) create, maintain and destroy the creation, by whose strength the thousand-faced (hooded) Sheshaji holds the entire universe, including mountains and forests, on his head (I am servent of that Rām).


किम्पुरुषे वर्षे भगवन्तमादिपुरुषं लक्ष्मणाग्रजं सीताभिरामं रामं तच्चरणसन्निकर्षाभिरतः परमभागवतो हनुमान् सह किम्पुरुषैरविरतभक्तिरुपास्ते ॥

(Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 5.19.1)

Śrīla Śukadeva Gosvāmī said: My dear King, in Kimpuruṣa-varṣa the great devotee Hanumān is always engaged with the inhabitants of that land in devotional service to Lord Rāmacandra who is the original cause of all causes, the elder brother of Lakṣmaṇa and dear husband of Sītādevī.


ॐ नमो भगवते उत्तमश्लोकाय नम आर्यलक्षणशीलव्रताय नम उपशिक्षितात्मन उपासितलोकाय नम: साधुवादनिकषणाय नमो ब्रह्मण्यदेवाय महापुरुषाय महाराजाय नम इति ॥

(Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 5.19.3)

Let me please Your Lordship by chanting the bīja-mantra oṁkāra. I wish to offer my respectful obeisances unto the Personality of Godhead, who is the best among the most highly elevated personalities. Your Lordship is the reservoir of all the good qualities of Āryans, people who are advanced. Your character and behavior are always consistent, and You always control Your senses and mind. Acting just like an ordinary human being, You exhibit exemplary character to teach others how to behave. There is a touchstone that can be used to examine the quality of gold, but You are like a touchstone that can verify all good qualities. You are worshiped by brāhmaṇas who are the foremost of all devotees. You, the Supreme Person, are the King of kings, and therefore I offer my respectful obeisances unto You.


मर्त्यावतारस्त्विह मर्त्यशिक्षणंरक्षोवधायैव न केवलं विभो:।
कुतोऽन्यथा स्याद्रमत: स्व आत्मन: सीताकृतानि व्यसनानीश्वरस्य ॥

(Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 5.19.5)

It was ordained that Rāvaṇa, chief of the Rākṣasas, could not be killed by anyone but a man, and for this reason Lord Rāmacandra, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, appeared in the form of a human being. Lord Rāmacandra’s mission, however, was not only to kill Rāvaṇa but also to teach mortal beings that material happiness centered around one’s wife is the cause of many miseries. He is the self-sufficient Supreme Personality of Godhead, and nothing is lamentable for Him. Therefore why else could He be subjected to tribulations by the kidnapping of mother Sītā?


न वै स आत्मात्मवतां सुहृत्तम: सक्तस्त्रिलोक्यां भगवान् वासुदेव: ।
न स्त्रीकृतं कश्मलमश्नुवीत न लक्ष्मणं चापि विहातुमर्हति॥

(Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 5.19.6)

Since Lord Śrī Rāmacandra is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Vāsudeva, He is not attached to anything in this material world. He is the most beloved Supersoul of all self-realized souls, and He is their very intimate friend. He is full of all opulences. Therefore He could not possibly have suffered because of separation from His wife, nor could He have given up His wife and Lakṣmaṇa, His younger brother. To give up either would have been absolutely impossible.


सुरोऽसुरो वाप्यथ वानरो नर: सर्वात्मना य: सुकृतज्ञमुत्तमम् ।
भजेत रामं मनुजाकृतिं हरिं यउत्तराननयत्कोसलान्दिवमिति ॥

(Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 5.19.8)

Therefore, whether one is a demigod or a demon, a man or a creature other than man, such as a beast or bird, everyone should worship Lord Rāmacandra, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who appears on this earth just like a human being. There is no need of great austerities or penances to worship the Lord, for He accepts even a small service offered by His devotee. Thus He is satisfied, and as soon as He is satisfied, the devotee is successful. Indeed, Lord Śrī Rāmacandra brought all the devotees of Ayodhyā back home, back to Godhead [Sāket].


कलायाः पुरुषः साक्षाल्लक्ष्मणो धरणीधरः ॥ कलातीता भगवती स्वयं सीतेति संज्ञिता तत्परः परमात्मा च श्रीरामः पुरुषोत्तमः ।।

(Yajurvedā Shäkhayam Tārsaropanisad 1.3/4)

It is said that Lakshman, the holder of the earth, has arisen from Kala and Kalatita is Goddess Sita herself. And beyond that is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Purushottam Sri Rama.


आदिकाव्यमिदं राम त्वयि सर्वं प्रतिष्ठितम् ।

नह्यन्योऽर्हति काव्यानां यशोभाग् राघवादृते ॥

(vālmīki rāmāyaṇa 7.98.18)

Lord BrahmA prayed to Shri Ram: “Oh, Raghava! You are the one who is glorified everywhere in the first and foremost among poems, Ramayana! And none other than You can be worthy of all the fame, eulogies, praises and poems!”


सर्वपुण्याधिकफलः स्मृतस्सर्वाघनाशनः आदिपुरुषः परमपुरुषो महापुरुष एव च। पुण्योदयो दयासारः पुराणपुरुषोत्तमः स्मितवक्त्रो मिताभाषी पूर्वभाषी च राघवः॥

(Srimad Padma Purana 6.254.41/42)

Lord Shiva says to Mother Parvati, 'Sri Rama is the excellent fruit of all merits, the "Adipurusha" whose mere remembrance destroys all sins, the Mahapurush in the supreme purush , the ocean of mercy, the Purushottam described in the Puranas . He always have a smile on their faces, he is little less talkative but he start things themselves.”


न त्वां वयं जडधियो नु विदाम भूमन् कूटस्थमादिपुरुषं जगतामधीशम् ।
यत्सत्त्वत: सुरगणा रजस: प्रजेशा मन्योश्च भूतपतय: स भवान् गुणेश: ॥

(Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 9.10.14)

O all-pervading Supreme Person, we are dull-minded and did not understand who You are, but now we understand that You are the Supreme Person, the master of the entire universe, the unchanging and original Personality of Godhead. The demigods are infatuated with the mode of goodness, the Prajāpatis with the mode of passion, and the lord of ghosts with the mode of ignorance, but You are the master of all these qualities.

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