sa jayati viçuddha-vikramaù / kanakäbhaù kamaläyatekaëaù
vara-jänu-vilambi-ña-bhujo / bahudhä bhakti-rasäbhinartakaù 1
saù - He; jayati - may He be victorious; viçuddha-vikramaù - who has
immaculate and immense potency; kanaka-äbhaù - golden luster; kamala -
lotus; äyata - spread; ékaëaù - glance; vara-jänu - beautiful knees; vilambi -
extend; ñaö-bhujaù - six arms; bahudhä - manifold; bhakti-rasa - devotional
mellows; abhinartakaù - enchanting dancer.
May my Lord be ever victorious, whose potencies are immense and immaculate,
whose luster is glittering golden, whose eyes are as wide-spread as the petals of the
lotus, whose beautiful arms extend down to His excellent knees, and who
munificently distributes the myriad mellows of devotion while delightfully dancing.
Hare Krishna today is ekadashi we have remember more n more mahaprabhu