Sri Govardhana Puja, Go Puja, Go krda (attached document)(Worship of Govardhana Hill)Sri Bali Daityaraja PujaSri Rasikananda - Appearance----------------------------------------------------------Origin of Govardhan:In the western coast of India, in the island of Salmali, lived Dronachala,the king of the mountains. Once a sage by the name of Pulastya Muni, came tohim to take his son Giriraja with him to Kashi (Varanasi). After offeringsome initial resistance, Giriraja, somehow agreed to go with him only oncondition that he should not put him down on the earth in between. If hedoes so, he would stay there forever.When they were flying over the Vraja bhumi, Giriraja increased his weight tothe extent that Pulastya had no option but to put him down. Pulastyaunderstood the mischief of Giriraja. He became furious and cursed him thathe would decrease by a grain everyday. But then repenting on the curse hegave to Giriraja, he assured him that he would be blessed in the DvaparaYuga and everybody would start worshipping him since then.This happened in the Satya yuga. Brahmaji wished to create the Dvapara Yugabut because of the portentous phenomenon of Ravana, he had to create theTreta Yuga. In this yuga, Hanumanaji on the instructions of Lord Rama, cameto take Giriraja for the cause of constructing a pull on the ocean.Giriraja at once agreed to go for the service of Lord Rama. But before theyreached, the pull was ready and there was no need of additional stones.Giriraja was very dissappointed on not having the darshana of Lord Rama.On knowing the sorrow of Giriraja, Lord Rama sent a message saying that,"...by the end of the Dvapara Yuga, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, SriKrishna will Himself appear and play on you and will also worship you. Inthe kaliyuga, the devotees shall attain numerous divine supernatural powersby worshipping you.''In Sarasvata Kalpa, i.e. the end of the Dvapara Yuga, Bhagavan Sri Krishnastopped the worship of Indra and started the Govardhana Puja by doingHimself. It was a wonderful sight. Being worshipped by Sri Krishna, Girirajahimself became like Sri Krishna. It was like He (Sri Krishna) worshippingHimself. Since then all the six seasons resided permanently on Giriraja.Besides this, the eight gates of the Asta Sakha's from where they enteredthe nitya lila, are also on the Govardhan hill. The Asta Sakha's, who resideon the Govardhan hill are in differrent places, each of which werepassionately attached to their respsctive Deities of those places.---------------------------------------------------------------SRI RASKIKANANDA DEVA GOSVAMIIn the Christian year 1590 (Sakabda 1512), on the first day of the brightfortnight of the month of Kartik, during the night of the festivalDipamalika, when the houses are decorated with rows of lamps, SriRasikananda Deva made his appearance in this world. His father was SriAcyuta Deva, the king of Rohini. After passing many years without having amale issue, Sri Acyuta Deva, by the mercy of Sri Jagadisa (Jagannath), wasblessed with this jewel of a son. The village of Rohini or Royni wassituated within the country known as Mallabhumi, encompassed on one sideby the Suvarnarekha River (Suvarna meaning golden and rekha, a line). ThisSuvarnarekha River cleansed the sins of all the local people. Near Royniwas another village of the name Barayita, by the side of which flowed theDolanganadi River, whose banks were adorned with beautiful gardens. RajaAcyuta Deva very affectionately maintained his subjects and was famous forimpeccably observing the rites attendant upon kings. In the village ofRoyni the son of King Acyuta appeared as the sun appears in the easternsky and became dearly beloved by the people. He was known as Rasikanandaand also Murari. As he grew up, shining qualities appeared by degrees inhis person that caused the further exaltation of his family, just as thewaxing moon gradually expands its influence in the night sky and causesthe sea to rise. At a very young age he became quite proficient in all ofthe scriptures. He was very devoted to his parents, especially his mother,whose name was Bhavani. His father married him at very young age. Murari'swife Syamadasi was a mine of good character who hailed from the village ofGhonta Sila, not far from Royni on the banks of the Suvarna Rekha, wherein days of old the Pandavas had lived in exile. One day, Murari wassitting in a lonely place, wondering when and where he might become sofortunate as to get shelter at the lotus feet of a spiritual preceptor.Just then a voice from the sky addressed him, "Don't be in anxiety, youwill become the disciple of Sri Syamananda." Having heard thisproclamation, Rasik Murari became very jubilant, and began to repeatedlymurmur the name Syamananda, as though chanting japa. From moment to momenthis eagerness increased without diminition, as tears flowed from his eyesby his chanting of the name of Syamananda. He was in such a state that hespend most of the night sleeplessly, calling to his master Syamananda.Finally, towards the early morning, he drifted off to the land of dreams,where he saw his spiritual master, the very figure of charm and grace.Smilingly, Syamananda informed him, "When tomorrow the eastern sky becomestinged with pink, you will obtain me." Saying this, Syamanandadisappeared. Rasikananda's heart began to swell in ecstatic bliss. Then,with the first rays of morning which dispel the dense darkness of theworld, the wise Murari sat silently watching the path. After some timeSyamananda approached from the distance, looking as beautifully effulgentas the sun and surrounded by his disciples like Sri Kishora dasa andothers. His smiling face was like the lotus flower that opens to greetits friend the sun, and his chest was as broad as a door. His captivatingappearance was made all the more irresistable by the sweet sounds of 'SriKrsna Caitanya-Nityananda' emanating from his lotus mouth. Absorbed inintense love he moved along the path like the clouds move in the sky. WhenRasika caught sight of this divine form, he fell down in front of him totouch his lotus feet. In great ecstasy Shyamananda embraced him and beganto bathe him with his tears of ecstatic love. Sri Rasika Murari then felthimself to be one of the most fortunate living beings within thisuniverse. On an auspicious day Syamananda initiated Rasika and his wife inRadha-Krsna mantra. After that, Rasikananda began to travel with his guru,during which time he became a very intimate disciple. Syamananda thenbestowed upon him the service of Sri Radha- Govinda Deva at SriGopiballabhapur. Rasikananda became totally engaged in their Lordshipsservice, and the devotees were charmed by his excellent services. AtGopiballabhpur and other places he began to seriously take up thepreaching of the message of Sri Gaura-Nityananda. By his influence manyatheists and unbelievers were transformed into devotees of Sri Gaura-Nityananda. "By the tremendous influence of Rasikananda's preaching, manyrogues, robbers and atheists were delivered from their sinful activitiesand received his mercy. He distributed the jewel of devotion even to theinfidel Mohammedans, as he travelled from village to village, in thecompany of his disciples. He even converted the wild elephant which wassent for his destruction into his disciple and engaged him in the serviceof Krsna and the Vaisnavas. That wicked miscreant who sent the elephant, aMohammedan, bowed at his feet when he realised his mistake. It is notpossible to count the number of living entities that were extricated fromthe ocean of material existence by Rasikananda Deva's association. He wasalways intoxicated with the chanting of the Holy Name. Who cannot but beoverwhelmed by hearing about his uncommon qualities?" [B.R. 15.86] By SriRasikananda's mercy many Mohammedans, who were actually just impious andwicked atheists, became worshipers of the Supreme Lord. Also many virtuouskings and zamindars such as the king of Mayurbhanj named VaidyanathaBhanj, the king of Patashpur known as Gajapati and Candrabhanu, the kingof Moyna, took shelter at his lotus feet. What to speak of those pious andnoble gentlemen, even the sinful zamindar Bhima, the Mohammedan SubaAhmadbeg and the wicked atheist Srikar also surrendered themselves at hislotus feet. A vicious, wild elephant was tamed by Rasikananda'stranscendental influence and henceforward was known as Gopala das. Later,two jungle tigers likewise gave up their ferocious nature. Accepting theorder of his guru, Sri Syamananda, on his head, Rasikananda preached themessage of Sri Gaursundar in the world for approximately 16 years.Thereafter he entered into his eternal pastimes through the lotus feet ofGopinatha at Remuna. On the first day of the bright fortnight in the monthof Phalguna, Sakabda 1574 (Christian year 1652), Rasikananda quietlyslipped out of the village Santa without anyone's notice and walked toRemuna. Arriving there, he discussed Krsna-katha with the devotees therefor a while and instructed everyone to serve Sri Krsna with devotion.Then, after requesting them to begin sankirtana, he entered the temple ofSri Gopinatha, and after touching Kshira-chora Gopinatha's lotus feet,which bestow complete fearlessness, he entered into their ultimateshelter.Rasikananda prabhu’s samadhi is at the Temple of Kshira-chora Gopinath atRemuna just in front and to the right as you go in the main gate, with thetemple to the left, and admin’ offices straight ahead.Sri Rasikananda had three sons: Sri Radhananda, Sri Krsna-Govinda and SriRadha-Krsna. The present servants of Sri Sri Radha-Govindadeva atGopiballabhapur are their descendents. He composed Sri Shyamananda-sataka,Srimad Bhagavatastaka as well as other hymns and songs. His SripatGopiballabhpur can be reached from Calcutta by taking a train toKhavagpur, and a bus to Gopiballabhpur from there. There is also a templeof Rasikananda at Puri. One year, during Lord Jagannatha's Ratha-yatrafestival, Rasikananda Deva was preaching somewhere in the country, butwhen he realised that it was time for Ratha-yatra he dropped everythingand rushed like the wind in order to come to Nilacala in time for thefestival.But in the meantime the festival had already begun. Lord Jagannath, Whofelt reciprocal separation from His dear devotee Rasikananda, caused theRath to stop. Though the king summoned his elephants to push the Ratha,under no circumstances could they budge it, not even an inch. Then LordJagannatha, seeing that the king was becoming frustrated, informed himthat he was waiting for His devotee Rasika. Finally Rasikananda Devaarrived, carrying with him many offerings of silk clothes and otherpresents. He fell down to offer his dandavats before Lord Jagannatha, andthe king requested him to pull the rope at which the cart began to easilymove along the road, just as the clouds move in the sky. Later the kingrequested Rasikananda to accept a gift of land so he might establish atemple there. Rasikananda requested the place known as Fultota Math, whichis now known as Kunja Math. There he installed the Deity of Sri BatKrsna. The Deity is now known as Sri Sri Radha-Rasika Raya.
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