Hare Krishna! On 2 Feb 13, Sat is the Disappearance Day of Sri Jayadeva Goswami, a great devotee of Lord Sri Krishna, poet and composer of Dasavatara-stotra, a poetic glorification of Lord Krishna’s main incarnations.







The beautiful life-sized Gaura-Gadadhara Deities at Champahatti were installed and worshiped by Dvija Vaninatha, the younger brother of Gadadhara Pandita. They are over 500 years old. Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura established this temple.



This very special place lies in the south-western portion of Koladvipa and is non-different from Khadiravana forest in Vrindavana where Lord Sri Krishna and Balarama had many pastimes and used to rest. Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura has mentioned the following in his Navadvipa-bhava-taranga:

“Towards the south of Koladvipa there is a place called Champahatta. In all of Navadvipa-Dhama this place is the most beautiful. This Champahatta village is a great tirtha and the most attractive location of the poet Jayadeva’s worship of Gaura-sasadhara. There, at the house of Vaninatha, Sri Saci-nandana along with His associate performed Harinama-sankirtana. There was a great festival at house of Vaninatha, where Sri Gauranga showed His opulence of love. In Champahatta village there is a forest of campaka flowers, which the gopi Campakalata comes here to pick. This forest in Navadvipa is non-different from Khadiravana in Vraja where Balarama and Krishna take rest.”

Why Is This Place Known As Champahatti?

In Sri Navadvipa-Dhama Mahatmya, Lord Nityananda tells to Jiva Goswami, “Listen son of Vallabha, there was once a champaka forest at this beautiful place which is a portion of Khadiravana in Vrindavana. Champakalata sakhi takes champaka flowers, strings garlands, and offers them to Sri Sri Radha and Krishna as her eternal pastime. When Kali-yuga grew in influence, capitalists moved here and eagerly took the champaka flowers. They set up a hatta (market) and sold the champaka flowers to the villagers and townsfolk. Therefore this enchanting place is called “Champahatta”, or more commonly, “Champahatti”. Dwarka Puri and Ganga-sagara are present here.

Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura established this temple. Prior to the establishment of this temple, there was an imposter Baba who was in-charge of this  place. Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura was deeply saddened to see the condition of this very important place for Gaudiya Vaisnavas. He used to cry and pray to Supreme Lord Sri Krishna for His help to restore high-standard worship for Sri Sri Gaura-Gadadhara. By the mercy of Lord Sri Krishna, in 1922 was Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura was able to establish the temple here. Temple was managed by his disciple Nayanananda dasa Babaji. Babaji Maharaj came to this temple in 1922 when he was 20 years old and until recently at the age close to 100 years he faithfully served Their Lordships Sri Sri Gaura-Gadadhara for nearly 80 years before passing was few years ago.

Read more: http://www.dandavats.com/wp-content/uploads3/jayadeva/index.html

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