Sravan Utsava Seva Sponsorship 2023


10967771469?profile=RESIZE_584x welcomes all the devotees who have arrived here for Gaura Purnima 2023 festivities.

Yesterday was the 8th Annual Sravna Utsava since it started in 2014. There would be lectures from 13th to 16th February on Spiritual Master, Advent of Lord Caitanya & His Childhood pastimes, The Liberation of Sarvabhuama Bhattacharya and Lord Caitanya travels to the Holy Places and lots more. Today is the second day of Sravan Utsava Mela, we urge you to please take full advantage of it whether physically present or not.

After Sravan Utsava, Kirtan Mela will be held from 18th Feb to 22nd Feb. To make your dham visit a success, it is important to take advantage of the opportunity to immerse as much as possible in Sravanam, in the association of devotees.

This year, senior sanyasis have consented to give katha. Please find the schedule above.

We shall also be serving FREE LUNCH & DINNER PRASADA on these days to participants of the Sravan Utsava Mela.

If you are unable to be in Mayapur, still you can benefit by serving these wonderful vaisnavas- “mahat–sevam dvaram ahur vimuketas”- by rendering service to the devotees, one can get liberation from the path of material bondage. You can offer lunch (Rs.80,000) or dinner prasada (Rs.60,000) for Sravan Utsav. Only one-day lunch prasad seva is yet to be sponsored and 4 days for dinner prasada seva are available.

To book the seva, please visit OR for general donation options.

Sravana Utsava and all festival events are being broadcasted on Mayapur. tv. Share this with as many friends as you can.

Thank you, your servant,

Gopijana Vallabha das


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