
Spiritually Advanced Devotees

1. Is strict with personal Sadhana
2. Makes the order of guru life and soul, always thinking about how to execute, and doing best to execute
3. Does not take credit for achievements, giving all credit to guru instead
4. Does not take offense with small mistakes of others, forgives easily, but is not foolish and does not allow others to exploit oneself
5. Always engaged in Krishna Katha, hearing or chanting
6. Does not knowingly commit offenses against the Holy Names
7. Does not indulge in mental speculation - when asked a question, does not find it difficult to say "I don't know" rather than concoct an answer
8. Is regularly studying the books of the predecessor Acharyas and refreshing the knowledge
9. Does not care about "high" service or "low" service, happy to help wherever required
10. Always eager to engaged others in Krishna's service
11. Is very humble and approachable, kind and compassionate
12. When a mistake is pointed out by others, accepts one's fault humbly, and resolves not to do such a thing again, and tries very hard
13. Like a lion when defending the spiritual master, Krishna, and other Vaishnavas against any blasphemy or insult
14. Always trying, always trying, always trying, inspite of success or failure
15. Does not consider oneself advanced, always in the mood of rendering service to the devotees
16. Communicates in such a way that others can understand, not to show off one's own knowledge.

Actually, the advanced devotee can be glorified in millions of ways. If we look around ourselves, we see many devotees who are very advanced, if we look at their qualities and see how nicely they behave, we can see how so many devotees are actually advanced.

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