I’m on a crystal thawing trail
At the state before snowmelt in Cedarvale
My footstep makes a splash in the slush
You just cannot trudge in a rush
I take careful baby steps moving in time
To avoid a slip and a fall and getting out of the rhyme
I’m accidentally creating some jazz music
Which could turn into some hopeful classic
With a crunch, crunch in snow, a swish, swish in slush
In the dreamy dark night everything is hushed
There is even some ominous fog setting in
I hear other footsteps which gives me a grin
Oncoming is another jazz maker
A duet potential at the length of a hectare
He approaches, stirring up a beat
Not necessarily in sync though on that same ice sheet
Everyone makes their own genre of noise
My special feature – chanting, for the equipoise
This winter trek is a far cry from the Everglades
The fact that I completed some music is its own accolade
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