On behalf of ISKCON Desire Tree, we would like to express our sincerest and deepest gratitude for helping us maintain Srila Prabhupada's web-seva! We are able to reach significant devotee and soon to be devotee audiences.
On the auspicious occasion of Damodar Month, any pious act done during Kartik month is 1,000 times more beneficial! We humbly request you to donate and support ISKCON Desire Tree (IDT). IDT employs 35 full-time devotees. In addition, we bear high maintenance costs. Our monthly expenses are about 8 lakh rupees (~ 12,000 USD). We are in dire need of funds.
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“The Master Collection," now in one deluxe case, also contains subtitles in English for all 31 hours of the devotees’ remembrances; especially helpful for those who speak English as a second language.