Posted on September 12, 2009Filed under BVKS Sanga…they have no knowledge what is God and whether one can go back to home,back to Godhead, it is a practical thing or not. No knowledge. Simply likeanimals. That’s all. No knowledge. They pray: “O, God, give us our dailybread.” Now ask him: “What is God?” Can he explain? No. Then whom we areasking? In the air? If I ask, if I submit some petition, there must be someperson. So I do not know what is that person, where to submit this petition.Simply… They say that He’s in the sky. The sky, there are so many birdsalso, but that is not God. You see. No knowledge, no knowledge. Imperfectknowledge, all. And they’re passing on scientists, philosophers, greatthinkers, writers, and… All rubbish, all rubbish. The only book isSrimad-Bhagavatam, Bhagavad-gita.>>> Ref. VedaBase => Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.8.33 — Los Angeles, April 25, 1972