Dear Friends,
Reminder!!! Please join us on Wednesday, June 9th at 6:30pm for our annual outdoor Sacred Sounds celebration with HH Radhanath Swami. This is our most exciting and beautiful Sacred Sounds festival of the year. Surround yourself with friends, incense, candles, and chanting to uplift the soul. The gathering will be held at Gaura Vani and Vrinda's home in Ashton, MD (address below).
We will be starting with a potluck dinner, followed by kirtan under the stars. This will be outdoors, so please feel free to bring any blankets and cushions you have to be comfortable on the lawn. If you would like to bring something to share for the Potluck Dinner, please remember, no meat, fish, eggs, mushrooms, onions and garlic so that everyone can enjoy the festival.
Please contact Vrinda about bringing a vegetarian dish at or 240-426-6682.
We hope to see all of you there!
So here's the details....
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Satvic Vegetarian Potluck Dinner/Prasadam
Kirtan, kirtan, and more kirtan
Discussion and sharings with HH Radhanath Swami
We hope to see you soon.
Vinay Vanodia
1308 Patuxent Dr, Ashton MD 20861