
Visit to Melbourne

Prabhupada spoke at length on the basis of Vedic authority. It was clear to his audience that he was here to instruct, not to invite casual give-and-take dialogue. He delivered the timeless message of Bhagavad-gita intact, faithfully quoting the Sanskrit, quoting the previous spiritual masters, delivering perfect knowledge supported with reason and argument, exacting scholarship, and deeply committed devotion. It appeared that he had long ago mastered all the references and conclusions of his predecessors and had even come to anticipate all intellectual challenges. After the lecture, the audience showed its appreciation by enthusiastic applause. A lively question-and-answer period ensued.

A young, slightly-built Catholic priest in black vest and white collar stood up. "The first question that I would like to ask Your Grace is: 'Are you enjoying your stay in Melbourne?'"

"Yes," Prabhupada answered with a grin, "I enjoy everywhere."

There was more applause and laughter from the audience who seemed to be hanging on every word. The priest attempted to begin a second question, but Prabhupada had not finished answering the first one.

"I must explain why I enjoy everywhere. Because I think that every country belongs to Krsna, and I am servant of Krsna, therefore every country is my country."

The priest continued. "I have two more questions, Your Grace, and then I'll shoot through. Your Divine Grace, Dr. Radhakrishnan, in his writings, says -- in his interpretation of the Brahma-sutra -- that 'God cannot be reduced to a thought concept by a process of mantra'. This is my first question, and my second question is"

Prabhupada cut him off. "Yes, but Radhakrishnan is a mundane scholar. He is not a realised person. He does not know anything." The audience laughed and applauded Prabhupada's boldness. "So this person is not authorised because he is one of us, he has imperfect senses, cheating propensity, so how he can give the right knowledge? He does not know anything about Krsna, but he is writing his commentary on Bhagavad-gita. This is cheating. I am telling you how it is. In the ninth chapter of his commentary, when Krsna says: 'man mana bhava mad-bhakta,' he says that it is not to Krsna, but to the inner soul which is within Krsna that we should surrender. So what can I say? He is such a fool. He does not know Krsna, and he is trying to explain Krsna. That is his defect. He does not know that Krsna is Absolute. There is no difference between Krsna's body and Krsna's inside. But he's thinking Krsna is an ordinary man. Avajananti mam mudha manusim tanum asritam.

"Because Krsna is coming as a human being, he's accepting Krsna as a human being, but if Krsna was an ordinary human being, such uncommon things he could not perform. There are so many wonderful things, it is not possible to be performed by an ordinary man, so why you should quote Radhakrishnan? There are so many acaryas, those who are stalwart, like Ramanuja, Sankaracarya, they know such things. What does Radhakrishnan know? He does not know." The audience responded with more enthusiastic laughter.

The priest was not done. "Last question, Your Divine Grace. Are you going to say anything while you are in Australia regarding the muffles that are being put on your movement here and your activities around the city with the council? I think this is a marvellous opportunity to say something while you are here. Or have you already communicated with the authorities of the city regarding the arrests, the bashings, the publicity in the city regarding your followers?"

Prabhupada gave a wry smile. "Well, it is very good that they are not crucifying us." The audience broke into full extended applause and laughter. "These classes of men are always trying to defame the God-conscious men. You know this, you know very well. Lord Jesus Christ, he was simply distributing knowledge of God and he was crucified. Now in this society, it is not so rascal that they can crucify us, but the same class of men are there, poking their nose in our business. But we do not care for these things, we do not care. We can go on with our business."

- From "The Great Transcendental Adventure" by HG Kurma Prabhu

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