Meet with parentsIt was not uncommon in his worldwide travels for Srila Prabhupada to meet up with parents of his disciples. Always, as in the cases of the parents of Jagattarini and Syamananda, they would leave with a favourable impression of Srila Prabhupada and his Krsna consciousness movement.In the afternoon, the parents of Satyavati came for a brief visit. Their daughter was presently attending to the service of the Deities in Auckland. Her mother came with a humble request. "When you go to Auckland would you tell her that we are very well and we miss her."Prabhupada was respectful and charming. "Yes, that is my duty, to take care of all my disciples. I'm trying to reform all the boys and girls all over the world."Madhudvisa introduced the girl's father. "Satyavati's father -- he's a priest. The other night at our meeting at the Palais, he was preaching Krsna consciousness to all the people after the talk."Prabhupada opened his eyes wide and nodded in appreciation. "Because the father is good, therefore the daughter is good. That is nature. The daughter acquires the qualities of the father and the son acquires the quality of the mother." Satyavati's mother told Srila Prabhupada that she also had a son."So, he must acquire your qualities."After a while, the couple were ready to leave. The mother expressed her pleasure: "We are honoured that you let us speak to you."Prabhupada was encouraging. "Because your daughter has become Krsna conscious, you can also become. Please come to this temple and take advantage of it."Mother: Oh, I love it. Yes!Prabhupada: He's already preaching, your husband. That's nice.Mother: Thank you very much.Prabhupada: Give them prasadam.Mother: God bless you!Prabhupada: Hare Krsna!Mother: Hare Krsna.- From "The Great Transcendental Adventure" by HG Kurma Prabhu
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