He is following the principlesAfter the class, a devotee entered Prabhupada's room with a silver plate of maha-prasadam from the Deities' late-night offering, and placed it on his low desk. Prabhupada looked at the selection: bowls of vegetable preparations, puris, and hot milk. Prabhupada noted how the puris were all puffed-up like small translucent fawn-coloured balloons."This puri is best," said Prabhupada, pointing at the most spherical one of all. He turned to the devotee. "Who has cooked?""Kurma dasa, Srila Prabhupada," he replied.Prabhupada nodded in approval. "He is following the principles."Srila Prabhupada called Srutakirti. "You learn from him how to make puris like this."The discussion continued in a culinary direction. When cooking for Krsna, Prabhupada explained, one should keep in mind that he was preparing a meal for a hungry sixteen-year-old boy with a big appetite. He should thus cook quantities accordingly. As far as cooking the last, night-time offering, Srila Prabhupada gave a suggested menu: three vegetable preparations, cooked with ghee; six large puris per plate or alternatively eight medium-sized or sixteen small puris per plate; a sweet cooked with ghee, like laddhu, and hot milk.- From "The Great Transcendental Adventure" by HG Kurma Prabhu
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