He cited the humorous story of a man in Bengal who reasoned that since stool was an obnoxious substance, if he smeared his entire body with it, then Yamaraja would not approach him. "This is another pramatta. That crazy fellow, that he is thinking 'By keeping myself dirty and obnoxious, Yamaraja is gentleman, he'll not come and touch me.'"
Likewise Prabhupada said, we should not think that because we have a nice husband or wife that we are secure, although he did relate the story of how Savitri saved her husband Satyavan from the clutches of Yamaraja. "The husband died. So Yamaraja came. So she pleased Yamaraja by prayers, and then Yamaraja asked, 'What do you want?'
"'A very good son.'
"'All right, you'll have a good son.' So then Yamaraja was taking her husband, and she was going behind. Then Yamaraja said, 'Your husband cannot be returned. He is dead. And it is my duty, I am taking. Why you are coming, following me?'
" 'Now, you said that I will have a son. So if you are taking my husband, how I will have son?'
So Yamaraja came to his senses that 'I have done a mistake.' Then 'All right, take your husband.'
He cautioned us, "These are rare instances. But don't think that because you are very clever and you'll be untouched by Yamaraja. No, no, no. Dehapatya-kalatradisu asatsu. Asat. Nobody will stay. This material world is like that. Asat means temporary, everything. This body is temporary, this life is temporary. Therefore asato ma sad gama; this is Vedic instruction. Don't be attached to this asat, temporary things, that is called vairagya."
He said that if we want to learn how to be detached from this material world, then we must take to devotional service. "Bhakti-yoga means vairagya; one who is actually attached to Krsna, he must be no attachment for this material world. That is the sign. Bhakta, without any endeavor, because he develops attachment for Krsna, he automatically gives up attachment for this material world. Bhaktih paresanubhavo viraktir anyatra syat. This is the symptom how one has become attached with this material world. If under the cover of becoming bhakta I am trying to gather some material profit, that is not bhakti, that is very dangerous."
- From "A Transcendental Diary Vol 4" by HG Hari Sauri Prabhu