The lesson, Prabhupada said, is that a Vaisnava can tolerate any inconvenience and cannot be unhappy in any circumstance. To demonstrate this he told two stories, providing a striking contrast. "One big politician in Calcutta, C. R. Das, he died in 1925. Fifty years ago he was earning 50,000 per month. 50,000 means fifty lakhs nowadays; he was so rich man. But on the Congress resolution that the prominent members of the Congress, they should not cooperate with the government, one of the items of non-cooperation was they should not practice in the British court because there is no justice. That was Gandhi's order, that 'In the British court there is no justice. So why should you go there? Don't go.' So this C. R. Das was one of the prominent members. He gave up, so he had no income. The Congress was giving him 500 rupees, pocket expenses, because he was such a rich man. What is 500 rupees for him? He was earning 50,000 rupees and spending. So he could not bear that inconvenience. He died within a year. He was a rich man; he could not provide. And he was very charitably disposed. If somebody would come to him he would say, 'I have lost my all income. Now I have got this 500 rupees, you can take it.' So anyway he could not tolerate.
"But a devotee, just like Rupa Gosvami, he also did the same thing. What is that? He was a minister in charge of Nawab Hussain Shah's government, but he decided, 'What is this nonsense ministership? Let me join Caitanya Mahaprabhu, preach this Krsna consciousness.' So he did it. Therefore about him it is said, tyaktva turnam asesa-mandala-pati-srenim. He was associated with big, big men, mandala-pati. He was minister, but he gave up: 'What is this nonsense? It has no value.' So if we compare with C. R. Das, he also gave up his income, but he died. But what happened to Rupa Gosvami? Naturally, such a rich man, minister, he gave up his position, he should have also died because no income? No, he did not die -- that is the difference.
"For benefiting the mass of people who are suffering for want of Krsna consciousness, to do them good, they became mendicant, kaupina-kanthasritau. You have seen the picture of Rupa Gosvami, a small loincloth, and nothing more. Then? He should have died? No-gopi-bhava-rasamrtabdhi-lahari-kallola-magnau muhuh: they were enjoying how the gopis are engaged in Krsna consciousness; they were twenty-four hours thinking. That is Krsna consciousness.
Prabhupada's conclusion was, "If you once become merged into the nectarean of chanting the holy name of Krsna, then you'll always remain happy. There is no doubt about it."
Despite this, he said that a Vaisnava cannot be happy if others are unhappy. "Vaisnava is not satisfied that 'Because I have no problem, I can chant anywhere and enjoy.' No. Still, Vaisnava takes the risk. As Prahlada Maharaja said, that 'I do not wish to go alone to Vaikuntha or anywhere, my Lord, unless I can deliver all these rascals.' This is Vaisnava. Therefore Krsna is very, very satisfied with the Vaisnava. Na ca tasman manusyesu kascin me priya-krttamah."
Casting his gaze over his dozens of young disciples, he said, "So you have taken to the vow of Krsna consciousness. Try to preach Krsna consciousness all over the world." Recalling Balavanta prabhu's recent report, he added, "And we have got little success. One politician in U.S.A., he has remarked that 'This Krsna consciousness movement is increasing like an epidemic.' He has said that. 'And if we do not check it, one day it may take our government.' He has opined like that. So any intelligent man can know what is the ultimate result. Because mass of people, if they take to Krsna consciousness, then government is yours. That is a fact." To the laughter of the devotees he spelled out the consequences of what that meant. "And if the Krsna consciousness government is there -- no meat-eating, no smoking, no illicit sex -- so many no's, the demons will die. That is the position. Thank you very much."
- From "A Transcendental Diary Vol 4" by HG Hari Sauri Prabhu
hari bol prabhu Dandvats
Prabhupada's conclusion was, "If you once become merged into the nectarean of chanting the holy name of Krsna, then you'll always remain happy. There is no doubt about it."
hari bol