Prabhupada was encouraging and affectionate in his dealings with Dipak, who now served as Melbourne temple's full-time pujari. Dipak, in turn, reciprocated by trying to render menial service. He was in the habit of daily bringing Srila Prabhupada offered articles from the morning Deity worship -- garlands, tulasi leaves, and other sacred items.
Dipak often marvelled at the depth of Prabhupada's spiritual emotions. The day before, as he sat beside him in the car, Prabhupada suddenly started laughing. Turning to Dipak he said: "Do you know what this name Dipak means?" Dipak, bewildered by the sudden manifestation of Prabhupada's mirth, could not answer.
"It means 'to enlighten, to bring light into darkness'." Prabhupada laughed some more, leaving Dipak to wonder further at the cause.
Now, Dipak came with some questions. He wondered what food preparations should be cooked for the Deities and when they should be offered. Prabhupada answered at length, specifying types of food that Krsna liked to eat at various times of the day.
Dipak had a couple of other, more personal, questions. "Srila Prabhupada," he asked nervously, "could you give me the secret to spiritual advancement?" Dipak was hoping for a mystical, esoteric answer.
"Yes," replied Prabhupada gravely. "chant the holy name, 16 rounds every day. Never stop chanting, and you are guaranteed spiritual advancement."
Dipak had one more question. "Srila Prabhupada, what can I do for you?"
Prabhupada's answer was completely satisfying. "Your service attitude," he said, "is enough."
- From "The Great Transcendental Adventure" by HG Kurma Prabhu