Never satisfied with what we have

There is a devotee here from Chicago, Trana-karta dasa, who is very interested in singing different bhajanas. Several times I have heard him sing jaya radha-madhava, jaya kunja-bihari, jaya gopi-jana-vallabha, jaya giri-vara-dhari, jaya giri-vara-dhari, rather than sing it the way Srila Prabhupada does. In view of what Prabhupada recently said about not changing anything given by the acaryas I approached Trana-karta and asked him where he had learned this new version.

He said that he had heard it on a tape made by Acyutananda Swami. He was also singing other bhajanas that are not in our song book, and said that he got them from Prabhupada's Godbrothers. He even had a tape of himself singing a song written by B. R. Sridhara Maharaja.

We had a bit of a debate about the merits of what he was doing, and so I decided to bring the matter to Srila Prabhupada for clarification. I brought up the issues about chanting new versions of existing songs, and the chanting of new songs.

As far as the new version of Jaya radha-madhava is concerned, Prabhupada said it was all right. But he added, "Bhaja Hare Krsna is not all right. The thing is, they add these things without asking, and that is the danger. It is better to just follow the guru."

Srila Prabhupada confirmed that the song, and the singing, of his Godbrothers was also all right. Nevertheless, his preference is clearly that we stick to whatever he has introduced and not be so interested in running here and there to gather up new songs, as this may cause a distraction for us. As he has said before, our Western mentality is to always seek out something new -- we are never satisfied with what we already have.

- From "A Transcendental Diary Vol 4" by HG Hari Sauri Prabhu
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