Initiation lecture

In his lecture Srila Prabhupada explained, "Every human being must be initiated in Vedic culture, to make his life fulfilled, successful, because we are born animals."

He stressed the responsibility of spiritual life, and perhaps because of the girls, he put a little extra emphasis on giving up intoxicants. "So some of the devotees who are now eager to accept the spiritual life very seriously, and they have come to take initiation, this is the first initiation. Now they have to promise that they'll give up four sinful activities. If you indulge in sinful activities there cannot be any spiritual advancement. That is not possible. Just like here there will be fire. If you favorably ignite the fire, it will be blazing. But if you ignite the fire and pour water at the same time, then there will be no blazing fire. Similarly, to advance in spiritual life and at the same time indulge in sinful activities will not help us.

"The basic principles of sinful activities are mentioned in the sastra-striya, suna, dyuta, pana. Pana means intoxication, including chewing pan and drinking tea. Chaya pana. So one has to give up this pana. And drinking, smoking, drinking tea, chewing pan should be given up. Pana. This is one of the pillar of the sinful activity. And meat-eating-meat, fish, eggs, they should be given up. And gambling, dyuta, pana dyuta, that should be given up. And avaidha stri-sangi should be given up. In this way, if you become cleansed, then ... Just like if we get dry wood, then the fire ignites very easily. If we get moist wood, then it takes some time. So voluntarily we should give up these sinful activities. Then spiritual advancement of life will be very quick."

Beyond the following of these regulations and the chanting of a minimum of sixteen rounds, Prabhupada stressed the inner meaning of what it means to be a devotee. "Always pray to Krsna, that 'Krsna, I have taken shelter of You. Kindly guide me.' And He is prepared to guide. He says, 'If a devotee surrenders and wants My guidance...' He says, tesam evanukampartham aham ajnana-jam tamah/ nasayamy atma-bhava-stho jnana-dipena bhasvata. So Krsna is always ready to help us provided we are eager to take His help. Then jnana-dipena bhasvata. When Krsna takes charge of making you enlightened in knowledge, who can be better person of knowledge, man of knowledge, or wise, than a devotee? ... And as soon as you understand Krsna, you become liberated immediately."

Urging everyone to visit the temple daily and see the Deity form of Lord Krsna, he said that Krsna consciousness was not at all difficult. "I think everyone can offer a flower, a little fruit. Even if you do not offer, just come here, see the Deity and take the impression within your mind and offer obeisances. Just see. And chant Hare Krsna. Everyone, there is no restriction. So that is our request. We have opened this branch in your city, it is a very prominent place. You can come and take the advantage."

The new initiates then came forward to receive their beads and names -- all except the girls, who sat by the side of the yajna, sobbing and crying. Dr. Misra had decided that they were too young and unreliable to make such a commitment and thus she stopped them, despite Prabhupada's willingness to accept them.

A sannyasi from a local village then stepped forward and offered a special kind of guru-puja to Prabhupada. He had wanted to come to offer his worship to Prabhupada on his vyasa-puja day but had been unable.

The puja completed, Prabhupada returned to his room, leaving the igniting of the fire and other formalities to Harikesa Maharaja and Pradyumna.

- From "A Transcendental Diary Vol 4" by HG Hari Sauri Prabhu
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  • Keep posting these tidbits prabhuji. I enjoy reading them. Haribol.
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