On Speaking Strongly in Srila Prabhupada's Service
This is an important point that Srila Prabhupada often stressed: that his strong words were not his personal opinion, but that he was simply repeating what Krsna had said.
Na mam duskrtino mudhah prapadyante naradhamah. These are the words used in the Bhagavad-gita. It is not our manufactured word. People may be very unhappy or angry, but we have to quote from these scriptures.
Krsna speaks strongly. He says,
na mam duskrtino mudhah
prapadyante naradhamah
asuram bhavam asritah
Those miscreants who are grossly foolish, who are lowest among mankind, whose knowledge is stolen by illusion, and who partake of the atheistic nature of demons do not surrender unto Me. Bg. 7.15
Srila Prabhupada said that this verse is "very important." (760711ed.ny) If devotees feel discomfort instead of pleasure in hearing these words of Krsna, it suggests that they do not have full faith in them. Despite having made some moves towards Krsna, they are still inclined to the nature of the duskrtis (rascals).
Those who have no practical experience of the beauty and purity of Krsna or of Krsna consciousness may be confused by such uncompromising denunciations (of material, bodily gratification). But those who are enlightened in Krsna consciousness will be enlivened and enthused by such absolutely truthful statements. SB 10.60.45 purport
One who has real faith in Krsna follows in the footsteps of Arjuna and accepts all that He says. Arjuna did not accept only some things that Krsna said, whimsically ignoring others. Arjuna said,
sarvam etad rtam manye
yan mam vadasi kesava
O Krsna, I totally accept as truth all that You have told me. Bg. 10.14
We cannot edit what Krsna says. We have to accept it in toto. Therefore a real sadhu must speak forthrightly.
- From the "My Memories of Srila Prabhupada" by HH Bhakti Vikas Swami