Prabhupada's appreciation

A day or two after the festival, an airmail letter arrived from Srila Prabhupada in London. Madhudvisa, still elated from the festival and especially the drama, was surprised to read the contents:

Regarding your question of dancing-show, whatever it may be, it may not deviate from the real Krishna consciousness program. We are hari-kirtana men, that's all. We can attract people by some gorgeous show, but inside there must be strict purity and seriousness, otherwise we shall be attracted by the gorgeous show only. There are two energies always working simultaneously and maya means when we diminish the spiritual energy, then automatically we become attracted to the external dress of maya, so I do not care very much for these plays and dramas, unless they are coming directly from the Vedas.

If we can recite from Bhagavad-gita the first chapter without any need for elaborate scenery or stage props and gorgeous dresses, that is best. Just like your Shakespeare. Macbeth may be recited by two men without anything else, and simply by their acting ability and the meaningful words alone, they can very easily capture the entire audience and give them real substance.

We have so many stories, like Jagai and Madhai, Krishna departing for Mathura, like that. Satire will not help us. Our message is very grave, and because it is the Absolute Truth, it will work without any artificial presentation.

Because they heard of our program in Bombay along with the Zavery Sisters, Manipuri Dancers, here in London, they had arranged one program of lecturing by me along with a recital by one man playing on the vina, just to attract attention to my speaking.

I am not in approval of such arrangements, and it will be a dangerous thing in the future if we begin this type of program just to attract the masses. Already I see this happening practically all over the Society, so better we stop it now and get ourselves firmly on the track chalked out for us by Lord Caitanya. We are simply sankirtana men, our program is chanting, dancing, distributing prasadam and speaking high philosophy -- that's all.

Madhudvisa quickly wrote back reporting on the successful festival. He explained:

I am very much ashamed to admit that for the program following the Ratha-yatra festival, we had a full-length musical dance drama, illustrating the philosophy of Krishna consciousness. You explained in your last letter that satire will not help; you said that we should not bother ourselves with props and costumes as well as extensive lighting. Those who witnessed this play however, exclaimed that it was tremendously successful and many of the devotees as well as the guests were in tears during the final act when the fallen jiva ultimately surrenders to the spiritual master. During this scene, there was an enormous slide of your Divine Grace projected on stage, and apparently the connection was made by the devotees that if they felt themselves resisting you in not surrendering wholly -- when they saw your mercy, this moved them greatly.

I am feeling very much confused in that we were trying to illustrate a very philosophical point, but at the same time we did not follow your instructions, because your letter arrived two days after the festival.

Madhudvisa described in detail the recent Melbourne Ratha-yatra and added that he was thinking of staging a play based on the teachings of Lord Caitanya. Srila Prabhupada replied reporting on the successful London Ratha-yatra:

I am very glad to hear that there has been a very nice Ratha-yatra festival in Melbourne, and that despite all obstacles many people joined, and it was very successful. Similarly, in London we have already celebrated a very successful Ratha-yatra procession and many thousands of persons joined in marching from Marble Arch to Trafalgar Square, and in Trafalgar Square I initiated nearly 30 new disciples and we had a fire yajna and many, many thousands of persons had observed it, mostly Englishmen.

In this letter, Prabhupada uncompromisingly reiterated his instructions on drama:

Regarding the dramas, my point is not to deviate from gravity, and compromise or distract from the situation. Keep this point in vision and continue. That is a very good proposal, to stage one play based upon Lord Caitanya. Read Teachings of Lord Caitanya on the stage, just like Caitanya Mahaprabhu is giving instructions to Sanatana Goswami. The actors may speak a little philosophy, without the need for special costumes or other things. Then kirtana. There must be always kirtana. Dialogue, kirtana; then again dialogue, again kirtana; again repeat; like that. No humour should be there. Just philosophy and kirtana.

If it is successful, then the same dialogue-kirtana may be followed by other sankirtana parties in Europe and America.

All in all, however, Prabhupada appreciated Madhudvisa's service:

All blessings of Krishna upon you. You have done so nicely. Keep always in your vision that our movement is so great and keep gravity. You are experienced devotee, I can see things are going nicely.

- From "The Great Transcendental Adventure" by HG Kurma Prabhu
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