Her Grace Krishna Priya Devi Dasi entered the spiritual realm of Goloka Vrindavana to serve her beloved Lordships on March 12, 2025, at 3:41 pm in North Carolina. Devotees present said, “She was very peaceful, pain-free, and looking effulgent during her departure as if she knew where she was heading to and what to do there. She was surrounded by loving devotees holding her while Srila Prabhupada’s chanting was going on. A perfectly glorious departure!!”
Glorifications from godsiblings and devotees impacted by her life and service are being shared across social media platforms. Among them, Urmila Devi Dasi (Dr. Edith Best), shared “My dear friend of 47 years, Krishna Priya Dasi, has left this world in a wonderful and auspicious way. She is relieved of her painful, disabled body and certainly in the arms of the Lord. Yet, for us, the loss of such a saintly person and dear friend is deep.”
In an online bio shared by ISKCON Boston, it said, “Krishna Priya began practicing Krishna consciousness in the 70s and had the good fortune to meet Srila Prabhupada. She later took initiation from Hridayananda das Goswami and worked with Bir Krishna Goswami to develop the New Goloka community in Hillsborough, North Carolina…she has lived a simple, renounced life as the pujari of their Lordships, Sri Sri Radha Golokananda. With her mood of sweet devotion and her practical, compassionate nature, Krishna Priya Devi Dasi gives spiritual inspiration to everyone she meets.”
Her community, ISKCON New Goloka in Hillsborough, NC shared a message noting Krishna Priya was “an exemplary devotee who dedicated her life to the service of Sri Sri Radha Golokananda and New Goloka Dham…Over the last 40 years at New Goloka Dham, she has served as the Temple President, the Head Pujari, and as the mother and spiritual mentor for the entire community. Every family who has come in contact with her over the last four decades at New Goloka has been touched by her sweet, motherly affection and her genuine care and has been inspired by her purity, dedication, and devotion. She has lived an exemplary life, showing an example for everyone to follow of what it means to be a true devotee, a true Vaisnavi. We are eternally grateful for her inspiration in our spiritual lives and her tireless, dedicated lifetime of services to New Goloka. New Goloka Dhama will not be the same in her absence, and we will deeply miss her presence.”
New Goloka will dedicate its Gaura Purnima celebrations today to Krishna Priya and gather on Sunday, March 16, at 4 pm EST to share memories and glorifications. Please see their Facebook page for any additional information.
Photo collage courtesy of ISKCON New Goloka.
Source https://iskconnews.org/remembering-her-grace-krishna-priya-devi-dasi/