Srila Prabhupada on a japa walk with Yamuna Devi Dasi, Malati Devi Dasi, and others.
The history of ISKCON has shown that Kali, the personification of the current Age of Quarrel, is adept at introducing controversies that act like storm clouds obscuring the effulgent sun of Mahaprabhu’s saṅkīrtana movement. The propensity for debate, argument, and verbal conquest can be likened to turbulent winds; harsh speech to torrential rain; and fleeting victories in establishing one’s position to flashes of lightning—offering only momentary illumination before plunging everything back into darkness.
Kali wields his two chief whips—hypocrisy and quarrel—to sow discord and undermine unity. As aspiring servants of Lord Chaitanya, we must all be vigilant not to become Kali’s instruments by ourselves coming under the sway of these two influences. All who remain oblivious to or otherwise unmindful of these dangers may meet with spiritual stagnation, or in severe cases, spiritual ruin.
In this spirit, I offer a historical reflection on the topic of women’s roles in ISKCON leadership. I approach this subject not as a participant in the ongoing debate, which I feel is an unproductive mode of discourse among Vaiṣṇavas, but as one providing historical evidence to clarify misconceptions. Those inclined to debate would do better to direct their energy toward engaging with the billions of atheists and opponents of Vaiṣṇavism across the planet.
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