Rath Yatra Festival - Sacred Rituals

'Snana Pumima' marks the beginning of this festival. On this day the three deities—Lord Jagannath, Lord Balabhadra and Goddess Subhadra take a royal bath on an open platform known as 'Snana Bedi'. Then they retire for 15 days and remain in isolation. During this period, no public worship is performed. After 15 days of isolation, the Gods come out of the temple in a colourful procession to board their respective Chariots and thereafter begins the magnificient journey known as Ratha Yatra. 


Rath Yatra symbolizes the Lord's desire to come out of the temple for a brief period to give Darshan, bestow His mercy and shower His blessings to every soul and deliver them from all their sinful reactions. The chariots of Lord Jagannath, His brother Balabhadra and sister Subhadra are lovingly pulled by thousands of devotees in three gorgeously decorated chariots from the main gate of the temple to Gundicha Mandir where the Lord along with His entourage reside for 7 days.


When the majestic chariots move on the main thoroughfare of Puri known as the Grand Road through a vast concourse of humanity that usually throng to have His Darshan, the atmosphere is charged with sanctity. It is delightful to witness millions of pious souls, countless foreigners in saffron robes, people of all faiths and from diverse walks, dancing and reciting musical compositions in honour of Lord Jagannath and Krishna, to the accompaniment of cymbals and mridangas.


The deities, after a seven-day stay at 'Gundicha Mandir' commence their Return Journey on the 9th day. The Return Journey of the chariots takes place in the same order as in the Ratha Yatra. Lord Balabhadra's chariot moves first, followed by that of mother Subhadra and then Lord Jagannath. The three magnificient chariots, pulled by thousands of devotees without distinction of caste, colour, gender or religion, reach back to the Singha dwara. On the next day the three deities are beautifully attired in costumes of glittering gold ornaments and are worshipped by lakhs of devotees, This form of the deities Is known as the 'Shonar Vesha'. On Dwadasi day, the three deities go back to their original place of the temple, the 'Ratna Slnghasana'. The arrival of the Lordships into the sanctum sanctorum marks the end of the Ratha Yatra, the grand festival of chariots.
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