Rains and Planes by Bhaktimarga Swami


A kind Purnanidhi took me to the Minneapolis Airport through a fresh rain. I could describe airport as busy, busy, busy. One of the workers controlling the line ups, noticed my Canadian passport, and in an amicable tone asked, "Oh, you know several languages - French, English ....? Then I cut in, "Eh!" which got him laughing.

Now, I'm on United Arlines, and they always talk about "Friendly Skies," but the truth is, they were not friendly at all whether through to Chicago, the windy city, or enroute to Winnipeg. It reminded me of an old Hollywood line, "Fasten your seat belts, it's going to be a bumpy night" (Bette Davis).

Once I arrived at O'Hare, Chicago, I just walked a few steps in and I heard, "Hare Krishna!" It came from a woman in blue, an airport employee. "I'm Radha. I was passing by and I'm a devotee. From Bulgaria originally."

She was ever so helpful and directed me as to where to go to my terminal and also moved me up to a business class status.

In the plane I met Jake Stroth who is a history buff and had been in India for a friend marrying an Indian girl. "Can I ask about your branch of Buddhism?"

"Actually, I'm a monk with Hare Krishna." When I mentioned I'm Canadian and on my way to Winnipeg, he remarked. "My favourite wrestling champs come from Winnipeg; one is Jericho and the other ... (I couldn't catch the name of the second one). Nice guy, Jake.

In Winnipeg, Richardson Airport, after another bumpy ride, I was picked up by Iskcon Winnipeg president, Visvambara, and taken to the home of Akash engaged to be married in December. He has a couple that show up at the house for daily dose of roti from his mother. I could not resist feeding them myself. Overall, despite jerky planes all went smooth from here.

Source: https://www.thewalkingmonk.net/post/rains-and-planes

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