Radha Damodar Das has been following in Srila Prabhupada's footsteps since almost 40 years, and his path has not been an easy one. He first heard the Maha-mantra in 1979 and began chanting right away. He soon became one of the leaders of the ISKCON movement, which was then illegal in the Soviet Union. In May 1983, he was arrested and imprisoned for his faith. While in prison, he had to work in dangerous conditions, which included using a poisonous glue. He also suffered from malnutrition. Nevertheless, Radha Damodar continued to follow the principles of Krishna Consciousness and to preach. His health suffered, especially his lungs. Today, it is the lungs that have been affected by a dangerous disease. 

In 1987, the repressions against the devotees have ended, and since then, Radha Damodar das has become the leader of the Movement in the USSR and later in Russia. For many years, he has also been the leader of ISKCON Communications in Russia. Many important contacts have been established and many wonderful projects were carried out under his guidance. His latest project is a book, which is dedicated to ISKCON 50.  All those who know him are impressed with his stability, goodwill and his never-changing good mood. He has helped many, and today he is in need the devotees’ prayers.

Radha Damodara Das back in the 80s.

On August 20th, Bhakti Vijnana Goswami published an appeal to the Russian Vaishnavas with a request to pray for Radha Damodara Das's health.

On August 27th, the Fund for Moscow Vaisnavas Support published an update on Radha Damodara's health. It said that Radha Damodar das is receiving medical treatment in Moscow and that there is a team of devotees that takes care of his needs and diet. Radha Damodar continues to associate with devotees and chants japa. He is optimistic, follows all the instructions of the doctor and is ready to fight the disease and come back to his service, which is of no surprise to those who know him as a very determined devotee.

On September 1st, there will be a yajna in the Sri Sri Dayal Nitai Sacisuta temple in Moscow for Radha Damodara Das’s recovery.

Russian devotees are asking the international devotee community for their kind blessings and prayers.

Anuttama Dasa, ISKCON Minister of Communications adds:

“Radha Damodar prabhu has been a steady, mature leader of the Russian yatra and of the Communications Department in Russia for many years. He is a thoughtful person, a kind person, and a true Vaishnava gentleman. I request the devotees around the world to please say a prayer to Lord Krishna on behalf of Radha Damodar prabhu and his family, so that Radha Damodar may recover from this health challenge and continue his excellent service to the Lord and the Russian yatra.”

Source : http://iskconnews.org/radha-damodar-das-one-of-the-first-devotees-in-the-soviet-union-is-gravely-ill,5778/

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