
Quoting from Srila Prabhupada,

Quoting from Srila Prabhupada, 

In Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu (1.1.11) Srila Rupa  Gosvami states
anukulyena krsnanu-
   silanam bhaktir uttama

In this verse Srila Rupa Gosvami clearly states that if anyone wants to execute unalloyed devotional service, he must be freed from all kinds of material contamination. He must be freed from the association of persons who are addicted to fruitive activities and mental speculation.

When freed from such unwanted association and from the contamination of material desires, one favorably  cultivates  knowledge of Krsna...

The more one is attracted to sense objects, the more  one becomes entangled in material existence. One should dissociate himself from persons who are against Krsna. Not only are the atheistic persons against Krsna, but so also are those who are attracted to fruitive activities and mental speculation.

"By natures own way the complete system of material activities is a source of perplexity  for every one. In every step there is perplexity and therefore it behooves one to approach a bonafide spiritual master who can give one proper guidance for executing the purpose of life....

...A person with a bonafide spiritual master is supposed to know everything. One should not, therefore, remain in material perplexities but should approach a spiritual master.

What is the man in material perplexities? It is he who does not understand the problems of life.  InBrhad-aranyaka Upanisad (3.8.10) the perplexed man is described as follows: yo va etad aksaram gargy aviditvasmal lokat praiti sa krpanah //
 "He is a miserly man who does not solve the problems of life as a human and who thus quits the world like the cats and dogs, without understanding the science of self realization". 

This human form of life is a most valuable asset for the living entity who can utilize it for solving the problems of life; therefore, one who does not utilize this opportunity properly is a miser. On the other hand, there is the Brahmana, or he who is intelligent enough to utilize this body to solve all the problems of life. Ya etad aksaram gargi viditvasmal lokat praiti sa brahmanah.//

The krpanas, or misely persons, waste their time in  being overly affectionate for family, society, country etc., in the material conception of life. One is often attached to family life, namely to wife, children and other members, on the basis of "skin disease." The krpana thinks that he is able to protect his family members from death; or the krpana thinks that his family or society can save him from the verge of death. Such family attachment can be found even in the lower animals who take care of children also. 

So we first have to get out of this krpana mentality and engage ourselves in favourable devotional service .

A pure devotee is also known as mat-paramah or one who considers the associatiojn of Krsna in His supreme abode to be the highest perfection of life. Such a person does not wish to be elevated to the higher planets such as the moon or sun or heavenly planets, or even the highest planet of this universe, Brahmaloka. He has no attraction for that. He is only attracted to being transfered to the spiritual sky. And even in the spiritual sky he is not satisfied with merging into the glowingbrahmajyoti efulgence, for he wants to enter the highest spiritual planet, namely Krsnaloka, Goloka Vrndavan. He has full knowledge of that planet, and therfore he is not interested in any other. For it is only in that planet that he can continue in his service to Sri Krsna. He does not even want salvation and shuns even being transfered to the highest planet, Goloka Vrndavan. His only objective is to serve Krsna wherever he may be.
Relationship to the body in terms of I.me and mine and the desires that spring out of such state of consciousness. WE ARE NOT THIS BODY!!!

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