Puzzles of EvolutionTraps of the evolutionary theory: Insect traps

Flowers with complicated pollination have always puzzled evolutionists. The large amount of tricksy equipment and their great variety sets an irresolvable task for those who consider chance mutations and natural selection to be the main causes of the formation of species.The chance that these, in terms of function, perfect forms and their numerous, mutually complementing conditions arose by a mere accident is inconceivably small. If even one of the many chance mutations would develop in the opposite direction, rather than towards a suitable characteristic for improvement, finally, they could not have developed into well functioning systems. Furthermore, a crucial question is: how could the supposed preliminary forms of the complex mechanisms survive in a half complete condition for many millenniums.Classical examples are orchids and, of course, all the numerous other groups of plants with a very complex flower construction. For example, the arum lily that lives in the forests of South Africa has especially a very complicated, integrated pollination mechanism (Arum maculatum*). This plant first attracts the incest using a distant enticement of its fragrant chemicals and then its trap flower. Details about this type of trap flower pollination system are given below.Flowers with different genders unite in a thick spadix. The pale, colored upper part of the cob thickens (it is thicker then than the lower part) and spreads a very unpleasant smell. A big, cream-colored spathe that narrows downwards like a funnel and then widens into a belly-shaped, closed container surrounds the inflorescence (flower). In the container, on the lower part of the cob are the female flowers and above them are the male flowers. Between and above the male flowers, mostly in the narrow part of the container, the sterile, female flowers are situated. Because their pistils turn into thick bristles, they function as so-called obstacle flowers.Insects are attracted to the color and smell of the cob and the temperature of the husk, which is higher than that of the environment. When the insects try to land on the flower, they slip, due to drops of oil, and slide into the container. The obstacle flowers, blocking the upward and outgoing path, and the lubricity of the container’s wall make escaping impossible.The insects stay in captivity till the next morning. During the night, the staminate flowers scatter a huge amount of pollen into the container. Thus, on the one hand, they transmit the pollen to the prospective deliverer and, on the other hand, hospitalize their exhausted, hungry visitors. Simultaneously, the flower’s smell fades away. The obstacle flowers begin to wither and in the morning the exit becomes free. At that time, the insects laden with pollen may leave the trap but mostly, shortly after that, they again fall into another, similar trap, where due to their night squirm the pollination process takes place again.Many other varieties of the arum lily have similar, slippery traps. One of the biggest among them is the Indonesian giant arum lily with the biggest inflorescence (flower); the diameter of the spathe can become 1.3m and the cob might grow up to 3m in height! Evolutionarily, this gigantic size is also unexplainable, since the pollinators are the tiny insects, just like in the case of their smaller relatives (arum lily). There are many other amazing and complex flower systems, for example in the Birthwort (Aristolochia clematitis), in various orchids, in all types of Cassinia, in Common Milkweeds (Asclepias syriaca), etc.The objections listed in the introduction were already formulated at the birth of Darwin’s theory by those who didn’t agree with the concept of evolution. The zoologist St. George Mivart, for example, argued that "The explanation of their origin [of the construction of the orchid flower] is deemed thoroughly unsatisfactory- utterly insufficient to explain the incipient, infinitesimal beginnings of structures which are of utility only when they are considerably developed." (Darwin, Origin of Species, page 203.) Darwin tried to answer this proposition by placing currently existing, different flowers next to each other in a row, as if they would be the possible examples of the different, developmental stages. However, his argument is lame in two essential points.On the one hand, it is completely groundless to put currently existing forms into a hypothetical order. They are not at all suitable for illustrating the possible lineage of descent, because we don’t know the most essential thing regarding this topic, that is, whether there is any connection at all between these ‘hypothetical,’ descending forms. On the other hand, Darwin avoids the real answer, since all these existing, very complex flower species have a perfectly functioning pollination mechanism. Thus, there is still no explanation why the species would become further differentiated. Similarly, on the basis of his examples it is not possible either to answer the question of how the development of such structures could have begun in the very beginning and how it could have continued step-by-step.Quoting Mr. Mivart, Darwin quite cautiously but with very honest words gives an important remark: “In this, and in almost every other case, the enquiry may be pushed further backwards and it may be asked how did the stigma of an ordinary flower become viscid, but as we do not know the full history of any one group of beings, it is as useless to ask, as it is hopeless to attempt answering such questions”. (Darwin, Origin of Species, page 203)We agree. It is certainly hopeless for the evolutionist to find answers to these kinds of questions.

Bees and evolution?Bees are one of the most disciplined species and the best architects in the natu re. They live in colonies and produce one of the most perfect food in the world – honey. Bees produce honey in hexagonal chambers, which, of course, they build by themselves. It is very interesting that the bees always construct their chambers hexagonally. This awoke a curiosity of the scientists and regarding mathematical calculations we can conclude that the hexagonal chambers made by the bees are the best way of storage. The space is maximally used with a minimal need for building material. However, if, for example, the bees would build their chambers in a cylindrical or pentagonal shape, there would be some unused space left and in that case less honey could be stored. Triangular or quadrangular chambers could be easily built without remains of unused space but in that case more building material would have to be used. Thus, the mathematicians came to conclusion that of all the different geometrical shapes, the hexagonal chambers give the maximal usage of space with a minimal necessity of building material - the beeswax.The perfect organization of the honeybees and the building of alveolate into a hive is really something unique in the whole animal kingdom. When the bees build their chambers, they always start from the outer side toward the middle. Simultaneously from three or four various sides, hundreds of honeybees start to build the chambers that later, without any mistakes, or holes in the building process, becomes melted and connected in the middle. The bees successfully figure every angel of the cells during the building of the chambers. Cells are built under the angle of 13 degree in relation of the mount. Thus, both chambers from one and the other side are turned upward in order to prevent the licking out of the honey. All this is done by the bees within the hive in complete darkness without any sunlight.

It is also very interesting, that after hatching from the eggs, the bees are immediately capable to execute their duties although they didn’t learn it anywhere nor did they see from other bees how to do it. Therefore, the question is who did teach the bees to perform such complex activities?To this, there is an answer in the Srimad Bhagavad-gita where it is said: matta smritir jnAnam apohanam – remembrance, knowledge and forgetting are all caused by Krishna. Therefore, He is the perfect guide, the instinct in the animals, and the well-wisher of all living entities.Tree transpiration.Have you considered on a hot, summer day how one large tree can pump over 1,000 gallons of water from its roots to its leaves. The hot sun causes water to evaporate from the leaves. Because water likes to stick together, this pulls the water up the tree like a drinking straw. This water can move up to 25 miles per hour. Ninety percent of the water is transpired in this way, while only 2% is used for photosynthesis. Literally tons of water are taken from the soil and released into the air each day. This is an amazing system involving capillary flow, osmosis and vacuum pressure. All this gives evidence of an arrangement of a careful design.The Spring LeavesHave you considered the leaves of spring? These green machines run on air, water, sunlight, and a few minerals. These miniature solar panels are involved in an incredible process called photosynthesis. Sunlight falls on the green cells in the leaf, which causes chemical changes to take place like the splitting of the molecules of water into oxygen and hydrogen. The oxygen is released into the air we breathe, while the hydrogen is used to make sugars as it combines with carbon dioxide from the air. This process involves more than 70 separate chemical reactions. Photosynthesis is so complicated that scientists have been unable to duplicate this in the lab, yet it is done automatically in a leaf. Even if for the sake of argument we would accept that all this developed by natural selection the answer should be given from where does the natural selection have the intelligence to build purposeful and useful systems that helps the survival of the living beings?Bacterial Design for Recycling PhosphorousA microbiologist and a geologist in Germany have found some amazing design features in a large sulfur bacterial species that benefits all life. Thiomargarita namibiensis is a colossal bacterium (nearly 1 mm in diameter) that thrives in surface marine sediments under both oxic (containing oxygen) and anoxic conditions. It periodically contacts oxic bottom water to take up nitrate. Such internally stored nitrate allows it to survive for long periods under anoxic conditions. The bacterium’s prime energy source is sulfide oxidation. The sulfide accumulates in anoxic marine sediments when sulfate-reducing bacteria there degrade organic matter. The researchers discovered that aggressive sulfide oxidation by large populations of T. namibiensis is responsible for phosphorite deposits in marine sediments. Such deposits play a critical role in the life-essential phosphorous cycle. The amazing, unique designs and behaviors of T. namibiensis that allow it to take advantage of sulfide produced by sulfate-reducing bacteria so as to sustain Earth’s phosphorous cycle at an ideal rate for the benefit of all life testifies of a supernatural, super-intelligent Creator.Click here to go to the page with Videos with Similar Subject matter - reasons for Designer.SUBTITLESTraps of the evolutionary theoryBees and evolution?Tree transpirationThe Spring LeavesBacterial Design for Recycling Phosphorous
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