
Highlights of this festival:

Sri Jagannath Darshan, Sri Jagannath Mahaprasadam, Sadhusanga, Chanting, dancing, circumambulating Puridham, bathing in the ocean, and much more, all in the association of more than ten thousand devotees!!

Hearing from expert devotees like HH Bhakti Purushottama Swami, HH Bhakti Ashray Vaishnav Swami, HH Gauranga Prem Swami, HH Bhakti Vijaya Bhagwat Swami, HH Bhakti Gaurav Narayan Swami, And many Srila Prabhupada disciples and senior devotees.

The festival schedule is as follows:

29th Nov Devotees arrival. Mahasagar Arthi
30th Nov: Visit to holy places in Puri. Evening: Jagannath Katha
1st Dec: Visit Tota Gopinath, Siddha Bakul, Gambira, and other places. Evening: katha
2nd dec : Sri Kaetra parikrama
3rd Dec: Devotees depart


Registration is Rs. 3000/- (international group) and includes Breakfast, Lunch, and accommodation for four days.

Only 2 people can stay in the room.  Families with one kid, only pay hotel for the parents, we can have the kid for free (till 10 years old), but the kid should register, which is 600 rupees for the whole Parikrama.

Gathering at:-ISKCON Bhakti Kuti, near Haridas Thakur Samadhi, Swargadwar, Puri, Odisha, India – 752 001 

Important Notice:

All Devotees must register in advance so accommodation and other facilities can be arranged accordingly. Register yourself and your group from the beginning of September.

  • Please email us for registration at: puriparikrama@gmail.com  OR call - 08145829888
  • Registration begins at the beginning of September

Your registration will be confirmed only upon payment.

As we are taking very nominal donations as registration fees to enable as many devotees to participate in this parikrama we need different sponsorships to cover the overall expenses of parikrama. Following is the list of different items that you can sponsor. We humbly request all devotees to kindly come forward to help us financially to make this parikrama a grand success.

Sponsorship Opportunities:

The registration fee for the event is very nominal to enable more devotees to participate in this parikrama. Therefore, different sponsorships are needed to cover the overall expenses of Parikrama. Following is the list of different items that can be sponsored. All devotees are humbly requested to kindly come forward to help financially to make this parikrama a grand success.

  1. Prasadam:
    • Breakfast - Rs.50,000
    • Lunch - Rs.75,000
  2. Sannyasi Seva - Rs.21,000
  3. Mahasagar Arati - Rs.21,000
  4. Drama(cuitural Program) - Rs.15,000
  5. Pandal - Rs. 65,000
  6. Jalchatra - Rs.11,000
  7. Patron Membership - Rs.11,000
  8. 108 Vaishnav Seva - Rs.5,100


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