International Group Registration
Final date: 30th October
Dear devotees of Lord Jagannath, with great excitement we invite you again to join the international party at Sri Ksetra Puri Parikrama.
Puri Parikrama is a four day pilgrimage organised by ISKCON Mayapur for the last 12 years! In the occasion of the 10th anniversary more than 10 thousand devotees joined! It is a lifetime experience to be among so many vaishnavas from different parts of the world.
Last year was the first time, after 10 years that the organisers had a special international group exclusive in English Language (with simultaneous translation to Russia and other languages). Not only the language was a concern but also the accommodation, the Katha, the Kirtan and the prasada which was non spicy. Everything according to the needs of the international devotees aim to help them take full advantage of the pilgrimage and the katha! No other concerns! The result was a great success! We had many devotees from India as well, those who speak English are very welcome. Spanish, Chinese and Russian devotees will have special translation arrangements.
Most of the katha was giving by HG Madhavananda prabhu, who is a very enlighten and expert speaker of Jagannath lila, which made the devotees specially happy!
HH Lokanath Swami, HH Jayapataka Swami, HH Bhakti Purushottama swami and HG Ananga Mohan prabhu were also there. This year we are planning to have an even more exciting event, with kirtaniyas joining us from different places.
Please see videos, pictures and testimonials here:
The price will be only 600 hundred rupees if you already have accommodation. If you don’t have accommodation, the full package is 3000 (three thousand) rupees or 47 (forty seven) dollars, including everything for one person (registration, prasada, accommodation and pilgrimage).
Please register now here: