
Proper way of Chanting

There is nothing sweeter than chanting the holy names of God in a mood of loving devotion because such chanting brings one into direct contact with the Supreme Person Himself. Such chanting is best done in the early morning hours before sunrise when the material world is not offering many distractions to lure the mind away from Krishna's holy names.

From the great acharyas we have learned the system of chanting on japa beads. This system of chanting onexternal image japa.gifbeads amplifies the power of the mantra and thus helps one to go deeper into a state of transcendental meditation. Taking the japa beads in one's right hand beginning just next to the end bead, one utters the Hare Krishna mahamantra on the first bead and then moves to the second bead on which he again chants the mahamantra, etc, etc. In this way after chanting on 108 beads the devotee completes one round or one mala. (The 109th bead is called the end bead and is not chanted on. It simply serves as a marker to let you know where to begin and end each round.) After completing the first round the chanter then turns the beads around and goes back in the opposite direction to chant the second round and continues going back and forth until he completes at least 16 rounds.

In the above illustration the chanter has almost completed one round and is chanting the last few beads before he completes the round.

For more information about chanting please consult the following article:

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