Prem Ras Madira

prem ras madira

Siddhant Madhuri
(Sweetness of Devotional Philosophy)

Suno man! Sabai shrutin ko sar.
A devotee says to himself, "Oh my mind! Listen to the gist of all the Vedas."

Ik maya ik jeev duhun ko, Ish brahm sakar.
"There are only three existences -- maya, the soul and God. Out of these three, God is the Governor of the soul and maya."

Mayadheen sanatan jeevahin, maya hi son pyar.
"The soul has been under the bondage of maya since eternity, and due to this, loves the material world."

Jeev brahm ko divya ansh hai, charihun Ved pukar.
"But the four Vedas declare that the soul is a fraction of God and Divine in nature (not material)."

Yate yako vishay na mayik, yah mayik sansar.
"If a soul realized that the material world and its limited happiness are not his cherished objective..."

Mayik jag son rag dvesh taji, rah Guru-sharan majhar.
"...he could find Divine fulfillment by detaching himself from the world and surrendering to Radha Krishna."

Tajahu 'Kripalu' apar sadhan bal, bhajahu yugal sarkar.
Jagadguru Shri Kripaluji Maharaj says, "Oh my mind! Renouncing all other means, devote yourself entirely to Radha Krishna."
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  • Jai Sri RadheKrishna!
  • Well Said, mathaji!

    So many vedas, scriptures,all talk about these philosophy at larger levels, but the essence is the understanding as you have explained, Lords' internal potency, external potency and the soul.

    Radhe Radhe!
  • Radhe Radhe maataji ................dandvat pranam ............beautiful post...............
  • i hope we all devote ourself to radhe krsna hari bol
  • ya right mata ji,every devottees aim is to reach(soul) the radha krishna from this material world.
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