
Transcription : Bhaktin Ramola

Editing : Hemavati Radhika Dasi

Prabhupada Realizations by HH Bhakti Charu Swami – Friday Morning- HH Bhakti Caru Swami -Drakenberg Seminar South Africa


Ramayana means the glorious activities of Lord Ramacandra.But to understand the glories of the Sri Ramachandra, we have tounderstand the glory of Srila Prabhupada. Rather to understand the –Themore we recognize and appreciate the glory of Srila Prabhupada the morewe will be able to appreciate of the activities of Supreme Personalityof Godhead, because Srila Prabhupada came to give the SupremePersonality of Godhead. The mercy of the Lord flows through SrilaPrabhupada, the most bona fide representative of the Lord. Instead ofspeaking of Grantha Bhagavad to the person Bhagavat. Instead ofBhagavatam the scripture, we are going to speak on the Bhagavatam, thepersonality, Srila Prabhupada. To recognize Srila Prabhupada properlywe have to recognize ISKCON.  Because ISKCON is the manifestation ofSrila Prabhupada in his absence. We have to recognize the importance ofISKCON because ISKCON is the manifestation of Srila Prabhupada in hisabsence. Srila Prabhupada is the founder Acarya of ISKCON and tounderstand this is not difficult. Srila Prabhupada founded, he createdISKCON.  He is the one who made ISKCON. But what about the other half,the Acarya aspect? Prabhupada is not only the founder, he is the Acaryaof ISKCON. What is the meaning of Acarya? Acarya means the spiritualmaster. So Prabhupada is not only the founder of ISKCON, but Prabhupadais also the spiritual master of everyone in ISKCON. Srila Prabhupada isnot just the spiritual master of his disciples, Srila Prabhupada is thespiritual master of all the devotees of ISKCON for all time. As long asISKCON will be there Srila Prabhupada will remain the Acarya of ISKCON.Does that mean there shouldn’t be any other guru’s? No, there will begurus but those gurus will be subservient to Srila Prabhupada. SrilaPrabhupada is the principle Acarya and all the gurus are subordinate.That is the difference between ISKCON and any other institution.

To properly understand this point, let us consider how theinitiation system used to be conducted in the past. In the past theguru used to have his ashram and the disciple used to come and gettrained by the guru in his ashram. When the guru retired he handed theashram over to a selected one. He used to appoint an Acarya, and thatperson used to continue. The other disciples, if they wanted, theycould have their ashram and they could continue educating or trainingtheir disciples. So it was a small set up. The guru used to educate hisdisciples himself in a personal way. But with Caitanya Mahaprabhu’ssankirtan movement there appeared to be need for a world-widepropagation of Krishna consciousness and this revival of CaitanyaMahaprabhu’s mission was started by Bhaktivinode Thakur. Prior toBhaktivinodhe Thakur, Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s teachings were practicallylost. In the desert of apasampradayas, the nectarean stream of SriCaitanya Mahaprabhu’s  sankirtana teachings got lost and BhaktivinodheThakur came to revive that flow of nectar. Bhaktivinodhe Thakur himselfcould not do much preaching. He just founded the foundation of CaitanyaMahaprabhu’s   movement. Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur started thepropagation. Bhaktivinodhe Thakur gave the blueprint in his books andwritings but Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur started the propagation.That propagation started in the form of Gaudiya Math, his institution.His institution was very effective during his presence. There were 64Math’s or centers throughout India in those days. The kind of peoplethat surrendered to him were amazing, they were very prominent, verycultured, very wealthy, well established individuals. Gaudiya Math wasthriving at that time. But soon after Bhaktisiddhanta SarasvatiThakur’s disappearance, his institution actually crumbled. Why did ithappen? When we go into the history then we find that BhaktisiddhantaSarasvati Thakur did not want to appoint an Acarya. He did not appointany successor Acarya. He rather suggested that his disciplescollectively maintain the institution. He did not name anybody asAcarya. He said manage the institution collectively through a governingbody. But, unfortunately soon after his disappearance there was a splitin the institution. Some thought that the institution should bemaintained collectively through a collective management asBhaktisiddanta Sarasvati Thakur pointed out but some others felt thathow can a spiritual organization be maintained by a group of managers.Therefore there is a need for an Acarya. Although BhaktisiddantaSarasvati Thakur did not appoint an Acarya, they appointed an Acarya.And that personality was an extremely brilliant personality. I heardthat he was so brilliant, in those days they used to take notes, therewas no tape recorder and if they missed out some parts, they used toask this person. And his memory was so sharp that he could repeat whatBhaktisiddanta Saraswati Thakur had said. If Bhaktisiddanta SarasvatiThakur got stuck with some verse, some scriptures, he used to provide.He was an extremely brilliant personality. It was decided that heshould become an Acarya. Those that proposed that he become an Acarya,were themselves extremely brilliant personalities. I had the goodfortune of being very close to the personality who was the orchestratorof this thing. He was a very brilliant personality as well. SrilaPrabhupada was also very close to him. He himself didn’t want to becomean Acarya. His name was Ananta Vasudev. If he was such a brilliantpersonality then you can imagine how brilliant a personality was personappointed as Acarya. But unfortunately after some time it was detectedthat he was having an affair with a woman. They found some love letterswritten by him and then he was exposed. In this way when the Acaryafell down you can imagine what happened. The structure collapsed.Already the institution was divided.

Now there was a further division, and the substance waslost. That strength that it was standing on the spiritual potency ofthe Acarya was not there.  In course of time we saw how the Gaudiyamath disintegrated. Although they are there, their temples are there,the spiritual activities are going on, they’re giving initiation, theirpreaching and their cultivating is going on and so forth, but thedynamic movement that Bhaktisiddanta Sarasvati established, that wasnot there. Then fortunately Srila Prabhupada came, our Srila Prabhupadacame. Prabhupada was actually an insignificant personality during thattime, it is not that he was lacking in his brilliance by any chance.But nobody could see that. I discovered some early writings of SrilaPrabhupada from 1948, 1940 onwards of the Gaudiya Math magazines. Idiscovered some early writings and I could see they were such brilliantwritings.  But Srila Prabhupada was not really recognized. Because theysaw him as a householder so there was no exposure to his brilliance,although it was there. It was not that all of a sudden he becamesaktyaveshar avatar, as some less intelligent persons think. They thinkthat Srila Prabhupada was a nobody and then suddenly he became asaktyaveshar avatar. But that is not the case. Srila Prabhupada hasalways been that great personality. From his writing and his actions wesaw Srila Prabhupada’s surrender and sacrifice. Who can make such asacrifice? At the age of 26, a householder, married, with a child and avery very coveted job, Srila Prabhupada practically sacrificedeverything for the sake of fulfilling the mission of his spiritualmaster. Where do we find this kind of sacrifice? At that time Gaudiyamath was not that prominently established. It was just one small littlehouse and Srila Prabhupada was one of the first people who actuallywent to listen to Bhaktisiddanta Sarasvati Thakur He just came after 10years of tapasya at Mayapur, chanting 1 billion names, which meant for10 years Bhaktisiddanta Sarasvati Thakur chanted 300 000 names, meaning192 rounds a day without fail. He completed 100crore names, which means1 billion names (1000 million names) of the Lord. To fulfill that vowhe was there for 10 years. When he completed it he came to Calcutta tostart to preach. He rented a part of a small 2 story building and itbecame his ashram. Some people were coming to listen to him and somebecame impressed. One of Prabhupada’s friends became very impressedwith him. Prabhupada was the leader of his group. For example wheneverthey did anything they wanted his approval. So they wanted to verifythe caliber of this sadhu that they came across.

So they wanted Srila Prabhupada to come, ‘Come and tell uswhat you think of this sadhu.’ Prabhupada ‘s initial response was that‘I am not interested in this sadhu. I have seen many sadhus and I knowwhat they are. They are just a bunch of professional beggars. They justcome and don’t have any spiritual profundity, any spiritual depth.’ Andhis friend who was coming from a very wealthy family, one of therichest families of Calcutta of that time, the Mallik family, insistedthat ‘No Abhay, please come. This sadhu is not like that. Please come.He seems to be very learned, very scholarly. There is something veryspecial about him.’  Then Prabhupada finally went and you all know whatis the consequence of that meeting. In the first meeting,Bhaktisiddanta Sarasvati Thakur saw Srila Prabhupada and just addressedhim that ‘Educated young men like you should spread the message ofCaitanya Mahaprabhu throughout the world in the English language.’Prabhupada couldn’t figure out who he was actually addressing. ‘Me?’‘Yes, you.’ Prabhupada was there with other friends, other young men,but when finally Bhaktisiddanta Sarasvati pointed out that ‘You I amtalking to.’ When they were returning home, his friend asked him, NarenMallik, that ‘Abhay what do you think of it’? Srila Prabhupada responsewas that now that the message of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu has comethrough such a personality, he will do something about it. Not onlythat but Srila Prabhupada commented that something is going to happenbut Prabhupada himself committed to this mission. He quit his job andpractically left all the other responsibilities to commit himself tothis mission. This is how Prabhupada’s spiritual life started.Prabhupada did not get involved straight away. Prabhupada was ———-? Hedid not join Bhaktisiddanta Sarasvati’s institution then and there on afulltime basis. He was carrying on with his own life, preparing himselfhow to spread this Krishna consciousness all over the world. Once Iheard Prabhupada telling himself that at that time he thought that hewould make a lot of money by running a business. And with that money,he would go to the West and fulfill this mission. But Prabhupada wasnot successful in his business. It was a struggle. He quit his job andstarted a business but his business was a failure. But Prabhupada didnot give up.

And Prabhupada mentioned that finally when CaitanyaMahaprabhu sent him to the West, he sent him as a pauper, without anymoney, without any resources. But all kinds of wonderful things startedto happen. So Srila Prabhupada was not in the limelight, SrilaPrabhupada was not even in the forefront when Srila BhaktisiddantaSarasvati was present. But Bhaktisiddanta Sarasvati Thakur knew whoSrila Prabhupada was and what Srila Prabhupada would do. BhaktisiddantaSarasvati Thakur told Prabhupada that ‘You are not successful in yourbusiness, you do not love money enough. In order to be successful inbusiness, you have to love money enough. But you do not love moneyenough, therefore you are not successful in business.’ Then Prabhupadawas in Bombay. Devotees were setting up an ashram. They wereestablishing a centre in Bombay. Prabhupada was very involved.Prabhupada was helping them even though he was a householder. He wasnot living in the ashram but he was giving them all kinds of help. Andsome suggested that Prabhupada becomes the president of the temple inBombay.  Bhaktisiddanta Sarasvati Thakur said, ‘No, there is no need toencumber him with any responsibilities. In due course of time he willdo something wonderful.’  Bhaktisiddanta Sarasvati Thakur detected thathere is a person who is so absorbed in hearing. He listens verycarefully. He was impressed with that.  And Bhaktisiddanta SarasvatiThakur also confided in Srila Prabhupada that very soon there will befire in Gaudiya Math.  He could see how the members of that institutionwould start to fight amongst themselves for the sake of position andpower and property. And Srila Prabhupada was away from all that. Andfinally after a lot of struggle, when Srila Prabhupada went to the Westand there was an opportunity to get a building, a 6 or 7 storeybuilding in Manhattan. At that time it was costing $100 000. SrilaPrabhupada invited his god-brothers, ‘Please come. Let’s fulfill themission of our spiritual master collectively.’ But they did notrespond. Initially Prabhupada tried his best to co-operate witheveryone. But when they did not, then Prabhupada had to start it up onhis own. In the meantime Gaudiya Math of Bhaktisiddanta SarasvatiThakur disintegrated, fell apart. Some temples are there, the templeactivities are going on but preaching stopped. That dynamic preachingthat Bhaktisiddanta Sarasvati Thakur set up, that dynamic preachingthat was necessary to spread Krishna consciousness all over the worldthat stopped. Prabhupada once mentioned what they were doing is ringingbells and having picnics. Their spiritual activities were reduced tojust ringing bells and having picnics. Prabhupada summarized that theDeity worship that they are doing, was ringing bells and then afteroffering to the Deities, that is picnic. Now Bhaktisiddanta SarasvatiThakur recognized the importance of an institution. Nowadays I oftenhear that some individuals say that institutionalized religion is bad.They criticize the institution. But we have to recognize that in orderto spread Krishna consciousness all over the world effectively, we needan institution. Without an institution, it is not going to happen.

Like, if you want to set up a big multinational business, anessential thing is a structure. Without a structure, can it functionproperly? Let us go back, in the Gaudiya Math there were scores oftemples, with many sannyasis, who were powerful individuals, veryerudite, very learned, and very austere. Hundred of temples were therebut where was the preaching? Now no preaching was going on. They werejust trying to maintain themselves. But the dynamic thrust that isneeded, the dynamic spiritual impetus that is needed, was missing. Why?They disintegrated because that collective endeavor of the institutionwas missing. Therefore they fell apart. Srila Prabhupada came and – Iwould even go to the extent of saying that from the ruins of theGaudiya Math – Srila Prabhupada revived the spirit of SrilaBhaktisiddanta Sarasvati Thakur. And he established the institution ofISKCON. Srila Prabhupada very emphatically told us what the mistake wasthat his God brothers made after Srila Bhaktisiddanta SarasvatiThakur’s disappearance. And he warned us, ‘You don’t make this samemistake.’ And what was the mistake? ‘Guru Maharaja told us collectivelymanage the society through a governing body and they didn’t do that.They appointed an Acarya.’ So the secret or success of thisinstitutional endeavor is collective management.

So let us look at ISKCON’s history. In Gaudiya Math, afterSrila Bhaktisiddanta Sarasvati Thakur’s disappearance, one Acarya felldown. And as a result of that the whole structure collapsed. In ISKCON,if you look at the history, many gurus fell down who were very powerfulindividuals and very charismatic personalities with many, manyfollowers.  They fell down. When they fell down, there was a massivedisaster in the movement. Naturally, their disciples, their followersbecame disheartened and left. They have been a massive loss. But ISKCONdid not fall apart. Why? Because this institution having a collectiveconcept of management. The gurus have fallen down but the GBC(Governing Body Commission) was in place. The ISKCON was not resting onthe strength of the gurus. The ISKCON was being substantiated by thecollective management of the GBC. And therefore we have to understandwhere our real strength lies and we have to act according to thatunderstanding. We must derive our strength from where the source of ourstrength is.

The source of our strength is on our unity, in ourcollective management.  There had been many attacks that have come toISKCON in many, many ways. In many ways there have been many attacksand it seemed as if the society will fall apart but it didn’t becauseof this concept of collective management. As I mentioned the gurus,many powerful gurus have fallen down. Many of you have experienced. Andmany of you here, I know, have been even initiated by gurus. Like, forexample PrabhaVishnu? You are been initiated by? ‘Jayatirtha andBhagavan.’ Okay, so two gurus fell down. And how were they? They werevery very powerful individuals, with how many followers? Even in SouthAfrica there were hundreds of followers, hundreds of disciples. Andwhat kind of damage it caused. But ISKCON did not fall apart. Damagehas been caused. A good part of ISKCON collapsed but ISKCON remainedand ISKCON continued and is still continuing. Show me or name how manyspiritual institutions are there that is still continuing, after thedisappearance of the founder, the charismatic founder that the founderis. Very few. We can name only name a few, say, Christianity, Islam.Then we can go to the extent to say RamaKrishna Mission. They’re doingpretty good.

Let us see why these three institutions have beensuccessful. Those three institutions have been successful because thefounder of the institution has been recognized and it is on thestrength of the founder that the institution is thriving.  Christianityis centered on Jesus Christ. Can you imagine if Jesus Christ’s positionbecame obscured and some of his followers took his position, became theleader of the guru? And Jesus’ position became obscured? Then wouldthere be any Christianity? Same thing applies with Islam, same thingapplies also with RamaKrishna Mission. We must give credit toVivekananda. Although he was the main force behind that institution,not only that, he actually is the createR of the RamaKrishna Mission.RamaKrishna was not the creator of the RamaKrishna Mission. RamaKrishnaMission is the creation of Vivekananda, but the thing is he putRamaKrishna  in the centre. And as a result of that, that institutionis still thriving. On the other hand, you look at some otherinstitutions. In the recent past there have been many institutions, forexample, there has been Rajneesh, so many bhogi yogis, these babas andthat babas and so forth. Just wait till they fall apart, till theydisappear. What will happen?

One thing also, in this case I can point out, Sai Baba. SaiBaba did not establish the institution on his own strength. Heestablished the institution in the name of Sriddhi Sai Baba, who was avery powerful spiritual leader. But he did not really establish aspiritual institution. It is this Satya Sai Baba who actually made itpossible. It is on his strength that actually Sai Baba is Sai Baba. Healso has some mystic power. No doubt about that. And people areimpressed with this mystic power. Most of the institutions, after thedisappearance of the leaders, fall apart. For example, Rajneesh? Didyou even hear about Rajneesh? Same way, there are so many.Sachidananda, Balayogi.  Balayogi created quite a sensation in histime. But what happened to their institutions? They fell apart. Now,why is ISKCON still going so strong, 32 years after Srila Prabhupada’sdisappearance? Although ISKCON faced so many difficulties, so manycrises, ISKCON is still going strong. Why? Because of this collectivemanagement and ISKCON has Srila Prabhupada in the centre. And thisputting Srila Prabhupada in the centre is not just a sentimental thingin ISKCON. Prabhupada IS the centre. How? Because the basis of ISKCONis actually the books of Srila Prabhupada, Srila Prabhupada’steachings.  They are presented in books. Prabhupada himself said ‘Booksare the bases. In this institution books are the basis. And we areseeing that it is on the teachings of Srila Prabhupada that ISKCON’sactivities are going on. In the morning, we give Bhagavatam class.Based on what?  Devotees go out and preach. Based on what?  On thebasis of Srila Prabhupada ‘s books. Whenever we have any discussion,what is the basis of that discussion? Srila Prabhupada‘s books.

This is the difference between Christianity and ISKCON.Christianity is thriving, but when we go into the bottom of it then yousee it is empty. It is on some sentiment that they are carrying on. Whyis their basis empty? Because they don’t know the teachings of Jesus.Jesus’ teachings haven’t been presented. What we got in the form of thebible, is just the statements of the Apostles, who came much afterJesus Christ. And that’s why Christianity is so confusing in so manyways. And they don’t have any philosophical understanding. How can yoube considered to be a bona fide religion when they don’t even recognizethat the animals have soul? Christian understanding is that only humanbeings have soul, animals don’t have soul. What does it imply?  Theydon’t know what soul is. They say, ‘Love thy Father, Lord, thy God.’But who is God, the Father? No understanding. How can you love somebodyWhom you do not know. They’re saying, ‘Father, Father,’ but they’resaying His only son is Jesus Christ. What kind of Father is He?Prabhupada once mentioned that, ‘I had five children and God, theFather had only one child? Impossible.’ So we can see that theirspiritual aspect of it and philosophical understanding is practicallynil. They don’t have any spiritual understanding. Just some rituals andbased on that rituals, that religion is thriving. You know, at leastChristianity admits human beings have souls. You know what about theMuslims? They say only the men have souls, women don’t have a soul. Thepoint is that they don’t have any information of the spiritual identityof an individual. They don’t have any understanding about the spiritsoul and the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Whereas in Prabhupada’steachings and books. It is not that Jesus didn’t know about this God,the Father and the identity of the soul. Jesus knew but Jesus’teachings haven’t been presented properly. For that matter we see thatChristianity was not established by Jesus or even by the Apostles.Christianity was actually established by Constantine, a king. Justconsider that a king is establishing a spiritual organization. Whatwill you get out of that? That is why there is lots of regal displaybut not spiritual understanding.

Anyway to go back to our main point, Srila Prabhupadacreated ISKCON in a most perfect way, in the most solid ground on thebasis of his books. Books are the basis and purity is the force. Thosewho are going to propagate Srila Prabhupada’s mission, Srila Prabhupadapointed out, they have to be pure. And that’s why ISKCON maintainedsuch a strict standard. No matter how exalted a personality you may be,no matter how powerful individual you may be, you deviate from thespiritual path, please step down. That’s why we find that in ISKCONsuch strict and strong measures have been taken whenever the leaders ofISKCON, the gurus of ISKCON deviate. And who is making these decisions?Individuals will deviate. But this collective concept of management,the GBC is the judge. They’re judging. They’re implementing and theyare establishing the standard.  And then many of the GBC were alsoleaders, individually. They have gone and yes, a void has been createdbut they have been replaced. One seat has been vacated, another personcame and occupied that seat. This is how collective management hasprotected the movement from all kinds of crises and calamities.

Now let us go back to the importance of Srila Prabhupada’sposition. Like, let us consider some big business conglomerations, likeone of the most prominent one’s are Ford, Rockefeller, these giant oforganizations. Now just consider, Ford Motorcar Company was establishedby Henry Ford. And still today we can see that who is the … When wethink of Ford, when we speak Ford, who do we speak of? Henry Ford. Fordmeans Henry Ford. And being the successors or being connected to HenryFord , the other Fords had become glorious. Now just imagine if HenryFord was … There are many institutions somebody sets up, then it ishanded over to his sons and grandsons, then what happens? They don’treally become that prominent. Now why the other Ford’s are glorified?Why other Fords are so fortunate? those who are born in that family?Because they are connected to Henry Ford. Henry Ford created that giantof an institution. And by being connected to Henry Ford, they becameglorified.  Now same thing with Rockefeller. Some Rockefellers are bornin that family. They inherited that legacy, they inherited that wealth.Some others came, they inherited that wealth. In this same way thepersonality, some very special personality creates that institution andthose who become connected, those who are somehow fortunate enough tobecome connected to him, they inherit the legacy. Now in this case, letus consider, where does our real good fortune lie? Our connection toSrila Prabhupada. That somehow or other we are connected to SrilaPrabhupada.

Will Rockefeller institution be the same if we takeRockefeller away from there? Will the Ford institution be the same ifwe take Henry Ford away from there? No. So similarly we have tounderstand that our main strength actually lies in Srila Prabhupada ‘sposition as THE founder Acarya of ISKCON. And if that concept ismaintained, ISKCON will become stronger and stronger. Like, as I wasalso pointing out, the old concept of ashram, guru’s ashram. One guruis there. He sets it up, then he hands it over to another person. Theother person, because the structure is so small, he can actuallycontinue handling it. But when Srila Prabhupada came, Srila Prabhupadacreated an international institution. To run that institutioneffectively there has to be a personality who is almost as qualified asSrila Prabhupada, otherwise he will not be able to handle it. Thereforethere is a need for a collective concept. This structure is so vast, sopowerful that in order to manage that it is not going to be possible tobe managed by one particular individual after Srila Prabhupada.Therefore there is a need for that collective management. And we cansee the way Srila Prabupada structured it that is perfect. What is thestructure? Just look at the ISKCON structure. The whole world has beendivided into different zones. And those zones are managed by the zonalsecretaries of the GBC. And in that zones all over the world there aremany , many temples. The temples are actually the units. Our actualunits are the temples. And those temples are managed by the templepresident. Temple presidents have the sole responsibility ofmanagement. Prabhupada made it clear. GBC’s should not interfere in thelocal management. They must guide, they must help, and they must seethat the standard is being maintained, but they should not interferetoo much. They should see, interference should be there, whether thespiritual standards are being maintained, whether enough finance isthere, whether they need any manpower, and so on and so forth. But whenit comes to managing the temple is the temple president . And as aresult of that, you can see ISKCON’s development will take placethrough effective establishment of the temples.

And in his way we can have hundreds of temples, thousands oftemples, being managed by qualified individuals and then the templewill be run not whimsically by Temple President but by the Templecouncil which should have the Temple President, Vice President, Secretary and other important members of the temple.

So Prabhupada gave the perfect structure. And in thisstructure we can grow endlessly. Endlessly we can grow. And anyway, nowagain I will re-iterate the structure. What is the structure? SrilaPrabhupada is THE founder Acarya. Then the GBC body is the managingauthority of structure and then the temples are the units from whereour preaching and activities and all the spiritual programs will beconducted.  Those temples are managed by the Temple Presidents. Now, inthis structure, what is the most important consideration? SrilaPrabhupada’s position. It is not that Srila Prabhupada after hisdisappearance, he left. We have to recognize that Srila Prabhupada isstill present. Srila Prabhupada is still present. Srila Prabhupada ispresent through his ISKCON. Srila Prabhupada is present through hisvani. Yesterday that point came up a few times. What is the meaning ofvani? Vani means Prabhupada’s books. Prabhupada is still present in hisbooks. Prabhupada is a spiritual personality. It is not a sentimentalconcept that ‘Oh Prabhupada is present, Prabhupada is present.’ We haveto see in a practical way how Prabhupada is present. And one thing Ican tell you. Line up with Srila Prabhupada, dedicate yourself to SrilaPrabhupada, surrender yourself to Srila Prabhupada and commit yourselfto the mission of Srila Prabhupada, I can guarantee you spiritual lifewill become a success.  That is the secret of success. Thank you verymuch all GLORIES TO SRILA PRABHUPADA!! Gaur Premanande!

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