Prabhupada - on being intelligent

And there is one small animal, he's called phew. As soon as the tiger gets out to find out some prey, this small animal  warns, 'phew.' The other animals will understand the tiger is coming. So despite getting good  strength, good jaws, good nails—there is no food; he's dependent. If God supplies him, then he'll get opportunity. Otherwise, these nails and jaws and strength are useless." 
 Dayänanda and Atreya rshi tried to  argue that man could use his own intelligence in order to create the things he lacks, but again Prabhupäda pointed out that without the supply, which comes from God, we cannot use our intelligence.
I recalled the slide show our scientists showed us in Washington last month, wherein they depicted Mozart's confession that his inspiration to write his music was not his own creation but came to him from a source he could not identify. "And that is answered in the Bhagavad-gitä," Srila Prabhupäda said. "Mattah smrtir jnänam apohanam ca. So intelligence comes from God."

Atreya rshi prabhu posed a question which he said many Iranians ask. "If He is giving us intelligence, why doesn't He give us enough intelligence so that we could be God conscious?" Prabhupäda immediately confirmed, "Yes, He's giving. Read the
Bhagavad-gitä. But you rascals don't accept, what can be done? God is personally coming to give you intelligence; take this intelligence. Yadä yadä hi dharmasya glänir bhavati bhärata  tadätmänam srjämy aham. 'I come when there is no intelligence, when you are all rascals, I come to give you intelligence, but you don't take, what can I do?' That is God's mission, that 'These rascals, without properly being guided they'll go to hell. Let Me give them some intelligence.' That is Bhagavad-gitä. "Arjuna is kärpanya-doshopahata-svabhävah: 'I have become confused, so give me intelligence.'  shishyas te 'ham sädhi mäm tväm prapannam. He's taking Krishna as his spiritual master by surrendering to Krishna.
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