
Parallels in Vedas and Modern Science

We can cite innumerable instances from the Vedas, which illustrate concepts similar to concepts from modern sci­ence. Modern scientists are wonder-struck on seeing these strik­ing  similarities  and they cannot even imagine how such great truths were written down at a time when there were no sophisti­cated instruments. A few examples showing similarities in the  knowledge obtained from science and the Vedas are:


 •   The Mahabharata describes how once when Gandhari was pregnant, in a fit of anger, she struck her womb and consequently had a miscarriage. The lump of flesh that came out of her womb  was cut into 100 pieces. The great sage Vyasadeva instructed her to place these pieces in 100 ghee pots. And that is how the Kauravas were born. ("The Mahabharata actually describes how  Vedavyas created the Kauravas from a single embryo from Gandhari" states Dr B G Matapurkar, a surgeon with Maulana Azad Medical College in New Delhi. Dr Matapurkar holds a US patent on  an organ regeneration technique that he devel­oped ten years ago.     He further states, "they not only knew about test tube babies and embryo splitting but also had the technology to grow  human fetuses outside the body of a woman - something that is not known to modern science." (The Times Of India. May 5, 2002; The Indian Express, May 4, 2002))


*The Shrimad Bhagavatam describes the birth of King Pruthu, His consort Arci and the demon Bahuka by churning the body of Vena (This is also similar to cloning)

*In the Ramayana, it is described how Ravana would fly from one place to another in a vimana (Similar to the aeroplane de­vised by the Wright brothers)

*In the Mahabharata , Ashvatthama sent a brahmastra at Uttara, which killed the fetus in her womb without causing anv injury whatsoever to her. (The brahmastra is far more powerful and  accurate than the nuclear bombs of today)

*The Kurukshetra war involved many subtle celestial weapons like shabdabhedi, vayavya, parthavya, bhaumya, anthardana etc, which are far more sophisticated than the gross weapons known  to scientists today.

•The Shrimad Bhagavatam, canto 9, describes Kakudmuni's experience of relativity of time (This resembles Einstein's theory of relativity)


In addition to these similarities, there are many facts which were stated in the Vedas since time immemorial, but which mod­ern science has started discovering only recently. Some of them are:

*Using a variety of complicated instruments, gynecologists have gradually come to know how the embryo grows during the pe­riod of pregnancy. But the Shrimad Bhagavatam, 3rd canto, 30th  chapter, gives a vivid description of the growth of the embryo in the mother's womb. If we compare the information given therein with the information given in a standard textbook such as the  embryology section of Gray's Anatomy, there are strik­ing similarities in the information obtained from the two sources.


*The Vedas claim that there are living entities everywhere - even in fire. Modern science, however, presumed that no life could exist in fire. This presumption is in fact the basis for the process of  sterilization. But recent advancements in the field of medicine have shown that microbes called 'fire bacteria' sur­vive even in fire.


*The Vedas state that cow dung, in spite of being the stool of an animal, is pure. It was only in 1940 that the antiseptic qualifies of cow dung were discovered.

The Vedas state that plants have life. But till Jagadish Chandra Bose proved that plants have feelings, scientists believed that they were inanimate.

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