

Our Srimadh Bhagavad Gita, the celestial song divine, is most lovingly, uttered by the divine most lotus lips of our dearest creator Lord Sri Krishna, is a pure and perfect science just like Math, Physics, Chemistry etc for our Lord has showed us the correct way of life itself. 

 Each and every solution to each of our problems, can be decoded, if we try, reflect, ponder, analyze and with utmost devotion, completely surrender unconditionally unto his lotus feet, understand the verses uttered by our loving Lord, its implications in our daily life and above all the impact it can have, then we can, in a very accurate manner decipher the meaning and practice the principles, at all times.   The success of any thing in our life entirely depends  upon  its implementation, the results obtained and finally constantly improvising on our existing knowledge base and an impeccable conduct of life.

 This interpretation is done after a relentless and continuous research spanning over twenty five years, from personal experiences where our supreme super soul Lord Sri Krishna has showered his immense blessings, grace and benediction and under his divine direction, am trying to reach out, just  as a very smallest humblest speckle of dust ,at the lotus feet of our beloved lord Sri Krishna,  the actual doer, deed,  guide and foremost guru.

 Have maintained the originality of the divine message of our lord,  to the very  best I could , but for the innumerable errors, in all humility seek heartfelt  forgiveness of our Lord Sri Krishna, for I, at my atom and ant level,  possess absolutely no qualifications or qualities, to write about our dearest lord but  for   the deepest  love and affection for HIM and our  cosmic mother SRI MAHALAKSHMI AMMA, which is  beyond my own understanding and measurability.

 Our lord Sri Krishna, has been quite repetitive on the most vital points, which need to be reemphasized at very regular intervals, have tried my very best to ensure, to only highlight the salient features unique to that chapter not covered in the earlier chapters.

Also, this divine work, is not a word by word translation, it is a summation of the core essence of our Srimad Bhagavad Gita, seen through my inward eyes (my mind).

Few points to be strictly adhered to, while reading our Srimadh Bhagavad Gita:

  1. To love our lord Sri Krishna ,to a superlative degree, is to reduce ourselves to an absolutely zero in front of the fathomless stature of our lord  and to know for sure, that each of our lord’s message is sacrosanct to the core.
  2. Introspection is perfect, but unnecessary dissection of our lord Sri Krishna’s message for finding faults, falls in the slot of the highest unpardonable irredeemable sins.
  3. Our lord painstakingly, repeated countless times, in almost every chapter, that "HE IS THE SUPREME PERSONALITY OF GODHEAD."  We should not , for even one moment, construe our lords most loving message, as self-praise but wholeheartedly endorse  it , as a very clear indication that it is for the devotee to find the right path and to know who the real creator is , “IT IS FOR US, NOT FOR HIM.”  a brightest beacon light for us to reach him and not vice -versa
  1. 100% Faith, hope, love, knowledge, wisdom and above all an unconditional surrender are the pre-requisites to decode and imbibe our lords loving message.
  2. A pure heart and mind and an equally clean body to maintain purity whilst reading such an exalted holiest of holy scripture.
  1.  We always till date, have countless times, emphasized the sufferings of all the exalted souls in our Srimadh Bhagavad Gita, be it our grand sire Bhishma  Pitamaha, Karna , Abhimanyu etc.  HAVE WE EVER, FOR ONE MOMENT, REFLECTED OF OUR LORD SRI KRISHNA’S UNBEARBALE PAIN? HOW MANY COUNTLESS ARROWS MERCILESSLY WERE AIMED AT OUR SOLE CREATOR OF ALL THE WORLDS?





Chapter wise Index


Chapter 1      The Yoga of Dejection of Arjuna

Chapter 2      The Yoga of Knowledge

Chapter 3      The Yoga of Karma

Chapter 4      The Yoga and Discipline of Knowledge and Karma

Chapter 5      The Yoga of Action and knowledge

Chapter 6      The Yoga of Self control

Chapter 7      THE Yoga of Jnana and Vijjnana

Chapter 8      The Yoga of the Indestructible Brahman

Chapter 9      The Yoga of the Sovereign Science and Secret

Chapter 10    The Yoga of the Divine Glories of our Lord Sri Krishna

Chapter 11    The Yoga of the Universal Form

Chapter 12    The Yoga of Devotion

Chapter 13    The Yoga of the Body and the Soul

Chapter 14    The Yoga of the three gunas

Chapter 15    The Yoga of the Supreme Person Sri Purushothama

Chapter 16    The Yoga of the Divine and the Demonic

Chapter 17    The Yoga of the division of the three gunas

Chapter 18    The Yoga of ultimate liberation


Our Srimadh Bhagavad Gita is powerfully held on the strongest edifice of the three most important principles:


  1. Ashtaaksharam -  Namo Naryanaya  - Chanting of our lord Sri Narayanaya/ Lord Sri Krishna’s holiest of holy names continuously to ward off every evil, most compassionately revealed by our one and only, most exalted and beloved  Jagatacharyan Sri Ramanujacharya, propounder of Vishistha advaita principles and hence srivaishnavism is called Sri Ramanuja Darshanam.


  1. Dwayam : Sriman SriNarayanam Charanau Sharnam Prabhatye, Srimathe SriNarayanaya Namaha.

Oh, auspicious Lord SriNarayana, I seek the shelter of your auspicious feet.

one whose wife is Kamala (Sri Lakshmi amma sitting on lotus), having the face of a lotus, one who tends lotus, one who likes lotus, one with eyes like lotus, Oh, one in lotus posture, one who rides the divine eagle Garuda Raja , Oh, one with a lotus on his navel, I seek your lotus feet. One who brings good fortune to great yogis.  One who is  the supreme soul beyond.  Oh , one who has the shape of an atom (or one who gives substance to an atom.  Oh, God of Thiruvenkata mountains, Sri Govinda/ /Sri Ranga,  I seek your divine most lotus  feet.  Shreeman- auspicious, venerable, padam- feet, sharanam  - seek feet, surrender.


  1. Charma Shloka:सर्वधर्मान्परित्यज्य मामेकं शरणं व्रज |
    अहं त्वां सर्वपापेभ्यो मोक्षयिष्यामि मा शुच: || 66||

sarva-dharmān parityajya mām ekaṁ śharaṇaṁ vraja
ahaṁ tvāṁ sarva-pāpebhyo mokṣhayiṣhyāmi mā śhucha

This verse explains that for those who do not surrender to our Lord Sri Krishna, there are five debts—to the celestial gods, to the sages, to the ancestors, to other humans, and to other living beings. The varṇāśhram system includes various procedures for releasing ourselves from these five kinds of debts. However, when we surrender to our Lord Sri Govinda, we are automatically released from all these debts, just as by watering the roots of a tree, all its branches, twigs, leaves, flowers, and fruit automatically get watered. Similarly, by fulfilling our duty to our Lord , we automatically fulfill our duty to everyone. Hence, there is no sin in renouncing material dharma if we are properly situated in spiritual dharma. In fact, the ultimate goal is to engage completely and wholeheartedly in spiritual dharma. The Śhrīmad Bhāgavatam states: Abandon all varieties of dharmas and simply surrender unto me alone. I shall liberate you from all sinful reactions; do not fear. BG 18.66






At the very beginning, when Dhritarastra, father of the evil Kauravas wanted to know from Sanjaya the actual situation in the battle field of Kurukshetra, Sanjaya conveys that the battle is about to begin, the proud and wicked Duryodhana, even before the commencement of the battle, is overconfident and arrogant that his side would surely win the war hands down, for he feels , that the most competent warriors are fighting on his side. 

Arjuna , an exemplary archer,  has totally lost his mental equilibrium and begs Lord Sri Krishna to stop the war immediately, for he is blinded by his affection and love for his near and dear ones.  His reasoning that this battle is a pure waste of time, the losses would be unimaginable, the honour of the women would be at stake when there is a admixture of races and above all to his mind, it is pointless to even win the war when at the end, there would be no one around, to celebrate their victory.  Every single person would have lost their lives and in the process the happiness of the victory would be zero, for fortunate are those who have their near and dear ones at the time of their successes, victories and celebration.

When we analyze the same in depth, we can draw some of the following conclusions:


Overconfidence and misplaced bravery would be a downfall of any person.  One should be very positive in life but underestimating the worth of one’s opponents would be fatal.  Let's keep our confidences intact but let them be realistic, ethical and above all let us learn to live, let live and conduct ourselves in such a way that neither do we cause ourselves any harm nor do we destroy others.


       One has to think many times before one leaps, but one cannot be thinking eternally wasting our precious time for  “TIME IS OUR LORD SRI KRISHNA”.  Proper research has to be done before any action is initiated, one should weigh every pro and con but once an action is set to begin, then one should not look backward for even a single second, straight hit on the bull’s eye.

 We have to give our superlative shot and leave the rest to our dearest Lord Sri Krishna, for sometimes even our very best efforts, go un rewarded but it should  not matter to us, once again we need to rise like a phoenix and not cry over spilt milk, one has to have the capacity of resilience, to bounce back with renewed vigour and face any eventualities with stoic courage, conviction and perseverance. 

 Arjuna failed in this, he was about to embark on one of the most important mission of his life, to vanquish the most evil Kauravas, who even after Lord Sri Krishna’s peaceful mediation did not want to budge an inch from their unsavoury stand and  conduct , wanted  every inch of the land which did not rightfully belong to them, yet Arjuna is willing to forgive them, this is called misplaced sympathy and will only incur             dis – reputation,  for the very person on whom it has been directed, will arrogantly  blow the trumpet , proclaiming that the opponent got frightened and ran away like a coward with fear abandoning  their duty.  An act of goodness with a pure heart, done for the evil people will be misconstrued by them disdainfully.


 If we sit in silence and think that the battle of Kurukshetra is not only a physical place where there is a war and disturbance but it is an  ever-present conflicts in our minds.  Many times, despite being very righteous, we are unclear, whether our actions, which we think is excellent ,is actually good or when we think something is evil, is it really so?  The Duryodhana (evil) and the Yudhishthir (goodness) both exist in each one of us. If the evil supersedes the good, then we become like a Ravana and vice versa we transform into a yogi/ mahatma.

 Only the mind, which practices discriminatory powers, to accurately understand the right and the wrong, can  win the internal battle of our mind, towards pure and righteous thoughts and actions.  Each one of us should constantly endeavour to iron out our inner confusion and chaos and ensure that each of our action is guided towards truth and light and our Karmas are a constant source of joy, to our most beloved Lord Sri Krishna.

 If we have any doubts, we can sit in absolute meditation, invoking the blessings of our Lord and after few moments, when we get the right answer to our problems and conflicting situations  we can take the  action.  After the will of our Lord, we need not further dissect our actions at all,  for it has been approved by  our creator , our Lord Sri Krishna and it has be 100% right.  This way, we can win the battle of our minds and all our actions would not be binding on us for it has already been approved and surrendered unto the lotus feet of our lord, it has become" HIS", pure and pristine and we are completely rid of its effects.


Our reasoning in any of our ventures has to be highly scientific and rational.   We should not become a victim of bias, prejudices and any other consideration arising out of misplaced sympathies.  A rationale mind is the only ground for fruitful and righteous action.  Irrational arguments, unfound criticisms and above all supporting the evil forces is an utter sign of weakness and falsehood, we need to fully refrain ourselves from this. 

Our lord who is truth and absolute truth is prevalent in every atom and  mini micro space pervading the entire cosmos, and hence, if any one of us violate the tenets of truth, we surely would have to bear the severe consequences which would be quite unpalatable to us.  

Our actions should not be clouded by favouritism, one up man ship, wrong judgments, etc.  At all times, we have to act, in the very best interests of mankind and in the process, we could incur sadness or dejection, since at a human level, we are bound by different relations, emotions etc  and if any one of them, is adversely affected, it makes us feel sad, since they are a part of our circle, but if they are evil, uncompromising and wicked to the core, we have to set aside our feelings and take a very stern truthful stand and move on unattached, for happy are those who have lived their life with the very best principles of honesty, sincerity and maintained “ THE HIGHEST STRENGTH OF CHARACTER AT ALL TIMES.”  This concludes the first chapter.  






Our most beloved Lord Sri Athi Varadar and Lord Sri Varadaraja, Kanchipuram


Seeing the helplessness of Arjuna in the  battlefield of Kurukshetra , our most beloved Lord Sri Krishna’s advice commences  from the second chapter, where our dearest lord drives home the point, that each one of us have to perform our respective Karma (action) which will lead us to ultimate salvation.  He who discards his action and swadharma will have a very heavy penalty to pay in the form of bondage and will forever be tied by his actions , which will further  enslave him in the permanent shackles of birth and death.  The three very important points to note in Chapter 2 are mentioned below:

  1. Individual soul ( Jeevatma), its nature and its existence
  2. Our Karma
  3. Stithpragya (a person of total balanced mind)

Our dearest Lord Sri Krishna conveys to Arjuna, that despite having fought and won so many battles, now his mind is weakened because of its inability to discriminate the right and wrong.  Yes, we all our bound by  our blood relations , as they say “Blood is thicker than water” .Many of us , at all costs , would shield our kith and kin ,  even if they are wrong, to the point of being criminal,  but happy and fortunate are those who have the discriminatory powers to identify the truth and work, live and breathe truth.

 Our Lord has conveyed” Satyam Bruyat Priyam Bruyat Na Bruyat Satyam Apriyam., translated it means that each one of us is bound to recognize and speak the truth, no doubt we need to ensure that while speaking the truth we need to be kind and the words of truth so uttered should not be hurting and harsh nor should it at any point be spoken out of self-interest but in the universal interest of one and all.   Our Lord beckoned Arjuna to work in the very best interests of truth.

 Lord Sri Krishna has explained in detail the various fantastic aspects of our individual soul which is never born, can never die, nor is subject to decay, destruction or end.  Our soul , at the time of departing from our mortal body, only changes its physical structure, and as ordained by our creator Lord Sri Krishna, at a time so destined, once again enters a new physical case  as per all its Karmic properties, hence we all should  be very careful in our conduct for our journey never ends, only a carry forward.

 If we need a fine life in future our deeds has to be impeccable, our thoughts and action has to be very pious and pure and hence the very realized souls,  constantly endeavour to perform all the actions as prescribed by the scriptures in synchronization with Lord Sri Krishna’s desire and totally submit themselves to his will and grace. 

 We need to try our best not to grieve over the departed for each of our soul is immortal and will take birth once again in some form or the other and for the highly loved and evolved soul which attains the final liberation will permanently enjoy bliss with our Lord Sri Krishna where every second would be peaceful, fruitful and most happy because the soul will be in the eternal service of our creator.

 The lord has also conveyed that our duty should be totally free from attachment. This is possible only when we totally endorse that each and every duty of ours is performed  for and on behalf of  our lord Sri Krishna for, he is the actual  doer and the  deed.  The final fruit of an action whether good or bad, has to be very humbly and lovingly be surrendered unto his lotus feet. In this way, we can ensure our duties or Karma is not affected by any material propensities and will not incur any bondage for the sole purpose of our soul is to redeem itself of all material bondages and reach Lord Sri Krishna.

 The path of unconditional surrender unto the lotus feet of our Sri Krishna  is a feeling of total trust that whatever is happening is in our very best interests and as ordained by our Lord ,for he is our creator and only he knows what is the very best for each one of us,  for he is our mother, father, grandfather, our Sarvaswam (everything).

 Arjuna wanted our lord to explain to him the various qualities of a person who is composed at all times and is in full equilibrium, at every stage of his life.  Our Lord Sri Krishna, mentions, that he who is totally free from all pairs of opposites, is a friend to all, is compassionate to the core and does his duty totally surrendering  all his actions to our lord Sri Krishna.  In pains and gains is balanced and knows that highs and downs are mere phases of life and has to be faced.   He is totally humane. 

These wonderful loving souls reach our lord very happily when they shed their mortal coil.  Our dearest Lord Sri Krishna very eagerly waits for each of us to reach him , sing his glories, weave beautiful garlands for him and our most beloved Lakshmi amma, serve them eternally,   what more can an individual soul ask for when it can serve our creator and get itself totally freed from the shackles of this maya or bondage, a terrible makeshift world of illusion and sorrow.

Our Lord Sri Krishna greatly emphasizes the nature of our soul, Nishkaama karma (pure actions with a total sense of surrender) and above all practising equanimity at all times in the midst of chaos, confusion and cacophony for yoga, a state of balanced mind is a way of life itself.



Our Sri Ramanujacharya and Sri Vedantacharya Maha Mahadesikar  one of the greatest srivaishnavite mahatma/ mahanubhava ever , were the incarnation of our Lord Sri Krishna. The greatest king among yogis (equipoised Jagatacharyas who for even one moment, did not let their mind dwell over the mundane material,  eternally linked with our lord Sri Krishna.  Sri Ramanujaya and Sri Nigamantha Mahadesikaya  namaste namaste namaha




A true devotee of our most beloved lord Sri Krishna can attain his lotus feet either through Gyana (knowledge), Karma ( discharge of the prescribed duty) , Bhakti ( devotion), Prapatti (total unconditional surrender also called Baranyasam, surrendering all our burden unto the lotus feet of the lord ) etc. Out of all these routes, to attain the lotus feet of our Lord Sri Krishna, the simplest one is Karma Yoga for here, right from the stage of our thoughts till the fruits of all our actions everything has to be humbly surrendered at the lotus feet of our lord with a feeling of non doer ship.

No sentient (living being ) can ever exist without performing action nor can one in the nascent stages of our spiritual path meditate on the impersonal aspect of Lord Sri Krishna. It is very tough and only highly accomplished saints  like our reverential Adi Sankaracharya  could have  tread on the path of knowledge for in this path one cannot serve or  sing the praises of our  lord and use all our senses fruitfully for Lord Sri Krishna and his divine consort Lakshmi amma ..

The path of knowledge is devoid of action and this makes it a very lofty journey for any jivatama and hence the path of Karma is most easy and also as mentioned in the scriptures, permanent salvation (moksham/ parama padam ) for any jivatma  is possible only when the total debits ( bad / (paapam) actions) and total credits ( good / (punyam)  actions ) is fully nullified. Is this possible?. What if our good actions exceed?. Don’t we have to enjoy the results  of our good actions, reach heaven and return back to our dearest mother earth,  for there are few credits which  are yet to be accounted for.  Surely,  for every good action unrewarded one need not take rebirth ,but if one very humbly, surrenders every of the action performed, then the summative effect of all these actions belong to our dearest Lord Sri Krishna.

 Our Lord Sri Krishna and our most beloved mother Lakshmi amma  are  the only authorities  in all the worlds who are  parmaatman and can speedily deliver us,  lost jivatmas, an eternal part of our creator, by burning to ashes of  all our deeds whether good or bad of the numerous previous births.

 The annaprasadam (food) offered first to Lord Sri Krishna will forever make a person healthy, wealthy and wise for the devotees of Lord Sri Krishna are blessed with the very best of everything and the very unique aspect of this bhakti is his devotees enjoy the material pleasures as a very fine gift bestowed by Lord Sri Krishna and not as their birthright and hence enjoyment also becomes pure (saatvik) and free from all bondages and impurities.

 Our Lord Sri Krishna, himself, has proclaimed in our divine Gita in this chapter, that although he is the creator, he is continuously performing actions, if even for one billionth of a second he takes rest, without action, then, all the worlds would permanently be lost in deluge. With this, it is crystal clear , that one can never overemphasize the power of Karma, on the contrary,  for sustenance one has to constantly work but with a difference, every action even the smallest one  has to be done with a sense of surrender unto the will of the lord. In this way the contamination and adulteration  arising of every  action would get thoroughly cleansed and purged automatically by default.

Our most beloved Lord Sri Krishna answers in response to Arjuna’s query, that lust which is entirely covered with sense objects, is the real cause of our complete ruin for it destroys the very fabric of our existence, for the sense objects keep tempting the jivatama, which in reality wants to break free and enjoin with parmaatma, but is forcefully bound by the material properties acquired by the numerous births and gets tied down to the mortal body which is  a mere cover/ shield for the soul.

Karma yoga is the simplest of simple path wherein all that is required is to totally surrender unto the  most divine lotus feet of our lord Sri Krishna with a total sense of helplessness and with a very strong conviction and devotion, that  our creator who is our mother knows what is best for us. When , where and how should we obtain the same and the right time of bestowing us of our necessities , desires and wants rests with our lord

for we are too incapable of over riding the  will and wishes  of our  creator. This is the sum and substance of chapter III, the yoga of action






In this very important chapter, our dearest Lord Sri Krishna , very gradually, lovingly  and systematically leads Arjuna to higher levels of knowledge by conveying that his entire preaching/ discourse is a timeless treasure conveyed by Parmaatman first to Vivasvan (sun god) and later sun god transferred it to Manu his son and Manu in turn to his son Ikshavaku.

Till now, Arjuna always loved our Lord Sri Krishna as his very beloved friend, guide and philosopher but on hearing this, he wonders how come our dearest Sri Krishna could have existed before sun god without knowing that Suryanaryana ( Sun god )  is one lotus eye of Lord Sri Krishna and the other being Chandranarayana ( Moon god). 

 The best part is that each one of us in our worldly existence and pursuits are incapable of judging the very people who touch our lives which is very true to this day, where we take each and everyone/everything for granted but the moment we come to know the greatness and ocean of supreme love of some of the people associated with us who are the epitome of humbleness, ever flowing compassion , we are speechless, stunned and are repentant of our ignorance. 

 Lord Sri Krishna conveys to Arjuna every jivatma has very limited memory but the one and one parmaatma knows not only of all of his  leelas and avataars but is a greatest repository of each and every jivatma and knows the evolution and has record of every karma of each and every soul and all this is unwritten but stored in his most beautiful lotus heart and is never subject to virus and permanently acts as a source of all the further births of all the jivatmas. 

Our Lord Sriman Naryanaya is our most caring father, mother, guru, sarvasam and is the only divine best well wisher, who can erase all our karmas and carry us to salvation and none else, this is the ultimate truth.  The all empathetic, kind and most benevolent Parmaatma, is ever waiting very eagerly, enthusiastically and fervently ,for each soul to introspect and reach him as fast as they can, but he offers full independence to each soul, for taking this decision and never imposes it on any soul ,despite his highest power and position as our only creator, which only goes to prove his immense love for each of his creation.

This chapter is enriched with the highest and most reassuring message of our dearest Lord Sri Krishna that whenever adharma/ unethicalness is on rise he would himself come forth and rescue his loving devotees.  After this most heartening and supportive statement and that too from our creator, is there even one billionth of a reason for us to worry for anything? .

 Our lord rushes more than lightening speed to protect his devotees and does not think twice to vanquish the evil doers. Each one of us can live peacefully and with total confidence, that we are fully under the caring shelter of our lord. Our smallest of small want is fulfilled by him unasked, all that we need is to fully repose our faith in our creator that the whole world can go hither and thither but he is there for us ever and ever and we are encircled in his protective lotus arms.

 Our lord speaks of dfferent methods and fruits of the various sacrifices as prescribed by our most venerated scriptures and vedas, the methods of attaining heavens, de-alienation of the perishable  body and full one pointed concentration on the immortal soul.

We have to  Identify  the most righteous, erudite and experienced guru and  then surrender at the lotus feet of the revered guru for seeking of knowledge/ wisdom ,for only  a true guru can lead us to Lakshmi amma and Lord Sri Krishna.  Our lord has very beautifully enumerated of the  four varnaas, importance of nishkaama karma, the fate of the doubting soul which is lost forever.

One step from jivatma towards our Lord Sri Krishna would be most gently reciprocated by him by shielding us in his loving fold eternally. Our Lord keenly desires that each of the jivatma should adopt only his swadharma ( perform with single pointed devotion and fervor the  duties of  Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya or the fourth varna as ordained and allocated to the individual soul and under no circumstance switch over to any other dharma no matter how enticing or fulfilling it may be).

 Our Lord Sri Krishna has very greatly emphasized the importance of wisdom and knowledge which can illumine and sparkle the soul and above all irrespective of whether we are able to cross the jungle of  samsara, control our senses or not , all we need to do is ,unconditionally surrender our soul at his lotus feet, rest will be  fully taken care of by him.









                                                                                                                      PRANAVA KAALA VIMAANA,  ------ SRIRANGAM




This chapter is brief, since most of the aspects of Karmayoga and Sankhyayoga has already been discussed by our Lord Sri Krishna in the earlier chapters.

Arjuna asks our Lord Sri Krishna which path is superior,  that of action ( Karma Yoga)  or knowledge (Sankhyayoga).   There are many avenues  that lead us to the same destination even in our day to day life, the question that arises in each of our minds is which route should one adopt and later adapt, definitely the one that is easier, faster and very pleasant. 

Our most loving Lord Sri Krishna, without waiting for even a single second, responds that the best route is Karma Yoga steeped in Bhakti, very loving service to our beloved creator , the other yogas will also lead to him but he wants each of his creation to follow the Karma Yoga for he is truly in favour of its benefits. Why should not each one of us abide by our Lord’s desire and do exactly what he says and find his grace, benediction and love instantly, rather than adopt to things, which may be favoured by him only as a secondary option. 

Hence, Vishisthadvaita propounded  by our most reverent Ramanujacharya acharyan is very well adopted and reciprocated by even the grahastas and grihini (family men and women ), for all that has to be done is to perform every action with a total surrender unto the lotus feet of our lord.  Lord Bhuvaraha, where our lord Sriman Narayana/ Sri Krishna took the form of a wild boar ,to save mother earth from sinking, with all conviction, conveys, that the things that please him the most are naama sankreetans (hymns in the praise of our Lord Sriman Narayana), beautiful scented flowers, highly fragrant pure sandal paste and delicious prasadam. 

 If our lord has communicated this to us,  then we have to follow what he likes , there is no choice.  It is an absolute pleasure of the highest order,  to love our lord in the manner he wants, to do the things that pleases him and the best part is the most simplest form of worship makes our Lord Sri Krishna happy, then why adopt to paths which may lead to him but is lofty, tough and nearly impossible for the commoners like us to implement. 

 When the action and the fruits of action is humbly , lovingly and with the greatest sense of gratitude  offered at the lotus feet of Lord Sri Krishna then all the impurities automatically gets nullified and the blessings of our lord increases by manifold times and the happiness and contentment enjoyed by us here and here after  is super supreme.

 Our lord is not affected by any good or bad, he is totally immune , for he is Parmaatma, the sole creator and hence the pair of opposites can never touch him and since every jivatma is a very small part and parcel of his glory, the karmayogi too is untainted by pleasure and pain and transcends every other modes of prakriti ( nature and gunas ) and is only concerned of loving our Lord Sri Krishna and in the process of actively discharging his duties  finds him and reaches his abode as swiftly as can be to eternally serve him. WHAT A BLISSFUL STATE!

 Restraining every sense pleasures, controlling the mind and above all,  knowing for sure, with absolute faith and most intense devotion that it is only Lord Sri Krishna who can redeem us.  It is a beautiful journey and culmination of life on earth and a very fresh inauguration  into the abode of our Lord Sri Krishna , which is highly transcendental in nature and is a fountain of pleasure ,for here we would have our lord permanently with us by our side  and where our lord is there, happiness, peace, prosperity and contentment will forever reside.

Let us be a true karmayogi as our beloved lord Sri Krishna wants of us , not for him or his necessity , but to forever reach his abode to serve him eternally  and our most beloved mother and his consort Lakshmi amma, for what better for a jivatma, then to serve his creator and perpetually earn his divine blessings and love. 






Our lord Sri Krishna ,starts by conveying ,that the jivatma is both a sanyasi  (Sankhyayogi ) and also a yogi (Karmayogi)   who practices the yoga of karma and gets the benefits of both yogas  for he truly has surrendered his soul at the lotus feet of his creator Lord Sri Krishna and hence each one of us practising Karmayoga will be blessed with the dual payback of both the fruits of Karmayoga and Sankhyayoga.

When a man ceases to be attached to sense objects, with one pointed focus concentrates on the lotus feet of our lord Sriman Naryana, giving up all worldly pleasures, is forever contented, is in the highest state of meditation and that too, while performing all the duties, as prescribed ,in the scriptures is said to have reached the position of gyani/ saint.

Many times, because of our constant contact with sense objects despite our great fervour and dedication, we get easily entangled with worldly pursuits and hence our self ,works antagonistically like an enemy because our mind is still tainted and is unable to break lose of the material possessions. We need not worry at all, with further practice we can elevate  and conquer our self.

 Please let each one of us understand , that we need to be very patient in our spiritual pursuit for we cannot attain everything overnight, we have to meticulously with full hope, trust and  faith in our lord Sriman Narayana/ Sri Krishna,  keep following each of  his instructions correctly , read our scriptures in the very right perspective , fall and rise every time and always aim to be a servant of servant of our lord.

 We need to be highly content, by being subservient to him, in due course by the divine blessings of our most beloved Lord Sri Krishna, every jivatma  will reach where our lord  wants us , so no point in feeling frustrated, lost and depressed.  Maybe during this life time ,even with all our sincere efforts, we may not be able to even reach a step closer to Lord Sri Krishna, so be it. but try we will ever.

 Let us know for sure when the right time comes, our lord knows and does the very best for each of us, all we need to do is keep performing all our actions surrendering them at the lotus feet of our lord and leave every other thing unto his divine discretion and benediction. 

 Our lower self needs to be conquered and this is possible only by the anugraha ( blessings and grace) of our lord and this has to be earned by drawing our lord closer to us and the more close ,we manage to gently  pull him towards us ,the more fast he will rush to our rescue.   If we  look up to him ,from a great distance and with lots of protocol ,then maybe, we will never attain him for how can we love our near and dear ones keeping them at a very great space and remoteness. 


 Our lord conveys to us the wonderful traits of a yogi who looks at everything with the same equanimity, self control and level headedness, the gold and the stone, friends, well wishers, foes etc with absolute poise and grace and is never perturbed by the pair of opposites because this balanced nature which is at perfect equilibrium is that of our lord Sri Krishna’s and hence we being a part of his glory too possess the very qualities which can illumine us. 

 The yogi prefers to be silent, does not unnecessarily crowd his mind with thoughts that are of no use, nor does he like to be seen with many people and idle his time ,speaking and discussing topics which are mundane and hold no value add, for  he is forever in a position of meditation, self introspection and the highest analysis of all the matters of attaining parmaatma and finding every single means to elevate his soul and redeem it,  to enable it to reach the abode of our lord Sriman Narayana to permanently serve him lovingly and make our creator happiest. 

 What a fantastic position!  when the jivatma surrenders and every action of it, pleases our creator Lord Sri Krishna and the soul never returns to the transient world ever for it has gained permanent liberation and has become one with our lord Sri Krishna , the true yogi like all our most revered saints of India have practised and attained this state of pure bliss.

 A true Karmayogi will ensure that every of his thought and action revolves around lord Sri Krishna and in this process he strictly adheres to the Dinacharya (day to day routine) as prescribed in our most revered scriptures, he neither over eats nor does he starve, he neither over sleeps or keeps awake all the time, every of his action strikes a moderation, neither in excess nor in complete deprivation.

 What this means, is the food we cook has to be first offered to our Lord Sri Krishna and the moment he partakes of it , our food becomes anna prasadam , very pure and sublime.   Our earnings which has to be ethical has to be surrendered unto the lotus feet of lord Sri Krishna as a very humble offering and by doing so we will never be subject to poverty or penury ,for anything offered to Lord Sri Krishna keeps multiplying in abundance , beyond our expectations ,for he is our only  master who can compound our happiness in a way we can never ever think of. 

 Our lord Sri Krishna in this chapter, in full detail, enumerates the principles of yoga in its entirety, the uses, the purpose and the result of yoga on a jivatma.  Yoga when practised rightly is the most nectarine form of existence which can flood our body and soul with abundance of peace,  bliss and fulfilment.  It can cure us of every ailment no matter how deadly, can balance our mind and transport it to the highest arena of calm and hence has to be implemented by each one of us, more so in this highly complex commercial stress filled world that we inhabit.

 Yoga does not mean, to  retreat to the mountains but in the midst of confusion and tumultuous noise, we need to find peace and serenity, it is a highest form of art which needs to be unceasingly mastered to reach our beloved Lord Sri Krishna. It is compared to the state and  focus of an un-flickering lamp of  light which does not sway one bit .

 Our mind should reach that illumined state, efforts put will surely be rewarded,  for yoga is not difficult,  but requires a consistent ongoing  approach and one must strictly follow the routine and not flout the  discipline and the highly regulated ways of life as conveyed by our Lord Sri Krishna,  otherwise,  it would be very tough to implement and we would be permanently lost in the puddle of material activities and its contamination.

Arjuna is confused and conveys to our Lord, it is very difficult to control our self and wants to know, that despite ,our best efforts,  if we are unable to control our self ,then, what would be our fate, will it not be that of a torn cloud which is moving aimlessly and  all the efforts totally lost in vain. 

 Our lord Sri Krishna reassures Arjuna that the soul ,which is at all times, taking every efforts to rise itself will never meet failure, even if fails to achieve complete accuracy in its fulfilment, yet it will not fall, for on departure such jivatmas who tried their level best but could not succeed , entirely in their endeavour  , will reach heavenly abode, where only the most righteous have resided  and having stayed there for countless years and enjoying the very best come back to our dearest mother earth.

 They will be born in the family of the most pious people or saints and by the efforts of the previous birth once again, this time with lesser labour , will reach the ultimate destination of our Lord Sri Krishna, for in the previous birth, the mammoth effort undertaken  is carried forward in this birth ( the principle that our soul is immortal and never subject to destruction )  and that as a life boat ,carries the jivatma more smoothly and speedily this time.

 Our dearest and most beloved Lord Sri Krishna wants to clearly convey, in no uncertain terms ,that the soul which tries its very level best to reach him, will never fall, will eventually at the most appropriate time be carried away by our lord Sri Krishna in his loving arms, if not today , tomorrow or the day after ,but surely one day it will reach parmapadam.  As mentioned earlier, one should keep practising and practising unendingly ,with no dejection, but the highest hope, conviction and faith , that he would surely be redeemed, if not for his own efforts,  but definitely 100% on the love , grace and immense compassion of our Lord Sri Krishna.

 Our Lord Sri Krishna would break all the rules and regulations set by him and lovingly lift us to his abode ,for he is more impatient to redeem us and wants us to serve him lovingly and does not expect anything from us for there is nothing on mother  earth we can offer,  for everything / everyone belongs to our lord  Sriman Narayana/ lord Sri Krishna.

All our revered saints have showered their purest love on him and attained his lotus feet forever. Let us also follow them and reach him, for he is very eagerly and impatiently waiting for us, to plead him to take us to his abode.  Once having appealed to him, that we cannot be separated with him and yet survive, please believe, our lord will rush and then none can stop him.

 Here, please note, we need to clearly demarcate the worldly love which we feel and the transcendental love of Lord Sri Krishna, the emotion of love here( our mother earth ) and there ( Sri Parmapadam)  is as different as cheese and chalk , here every love is tainted, attached to the body and selfish but  the transcendental love of Sri Krishna is the purest of pure and  soul coonected nothing at all to do with the perishable body.








In this chapter VII, our dearest Lord Sri Krishna wants Arjuna to listen with one pointed concentration, total devotion and exclusive love, about  the pure science of knowledge of Parmaatma in his form and formless aspect, after knowing which nothing on earth needs to be known. 

Our lord Sri Krishna very clearly conveys , it is very difficult to attain him, for only few striving souls,  among countless can do so, but this does not mean that mere morals cannot reach him.   All our lord Sri Krishna wants to caution us of ,  is one should not take things very casually and feel  that by default, without any concrete efforts, one can easily reach the abode of Lord Sri Krishna.  On the contrary, even pure love requires one pointed focus, dedication and above all , the highest purity,  for our lord  Sri Krishna, which in no way can be undermined. 

 Simply put, to attain our Lord Sri Krishna,  is the toughest yet the simplest, may seem paradoxical, but all that it means, is we need to take that one step ( which is not that easy ) , having done that our Lord will take the giant stride towards us like our lord Sri Trivikrama,  where his first two steps are so huge,  that there is no place for the third step, which clearly ,without an iota of doubt, authenticates his Vishwaswarupam (gigantic universal form ) where the entire cosmos  is manifested in him and hence each one of us, first have to realize, the highest greatness of our lord Sri Krishna , acknowledge his limitless power and then in the humblest of humble manner, with an absolute devotion , surrender unto his lotus feet, as done by our revered saints, then  only , can we  say that we have paved our path towards him.

Our Lord Sriman Narayana ( Sri Krishna ) , our beloved  one and only one creator of this entire cosmos, reveals that the elements (fire , earth, water, air, ether, mind, reason,intellect  and ego) are his lower material nature and his highest constituent is which sustains this entire cosmos .  Each and every atom is evolved from him,  as mentioned in the Purushasukhtam and at the time of deluge,  will once again merge within him. His leela vibhutis on our dearest mother earth is a mere pass time for him, the nitya vibhuti at Sri Parmapadam is tough and requires great deal of efforts for our lord Sri Krishna. for it , encompasses the efficient and effective management of all the worlds known and unknown.

 This whole prakriti ( nature, creation, sustenance and dissolution is his sport ).  Our lord very emphatically declares, that there is nothing besides him, everything is permanently etched within him and is his part and parcel. Further our lord continues,  that he is the pleasant taste  in water, the brightness , effulgence  and light in the moon and sun gods , he is the sacred syllable “AUM” , he is the eternal seed of all creation , in short he is everything (animate and inanimate ) present in the entire cosmos. 

 After hearing this, Arjuna is awe struck, dumbfounded and thunderstruck that our most lovable Lord Sri Krishna is the one and only one Parmaatma, and how humble, kind, gentle, compassionate is he!.  Can’t we all learn lesson,  from our most loved Lord, that despite being the sole supreme creator of all , yet , how much accessible he is to all of us.

We, at our mini micro mortal plane, are filled with ego , with the feeling of mine , me and myself  and even  if,  we achieve a wee bit,  we feel highly bloated and tend to become very arrogant,  whilst our lord, who is the repository of everything, is so supremely loving and  down to earth. Amazing!

Our lord , very lovingly, ate the already tasted food of his loving devotee shabhari,  with great enthusiasm and relish, accepted the  old puffed rice  of his dearest childhood friend Sudama and as an epitome of compassion, forgave even the greatest wrong doing of kakasura , who harmed our beloved Sita amma , which clearly indicates our lord is everready to help and forgive us at all times, only we need to reach out to him and nothing more.

 The best part is, with the highest utter humility and personal experience,  can convey that he is always available 365 24 7 and we can surely seek his benediction and he is there for each of us, all we need to have is patience and unshakable faith in his love for us and one should not even for a moment doubt his purest of pure grace.

 He has in detail enumerated the three gunas (sattvik- pure, rajasik (filled with pride and arrogance ) and the worst of the lot tamasic seeped with( laziness, idleness, inactivity and sloth).  He has also mentioned the four types of devotees who approach him.  They are as follows:

  1. One who approaches him for wordly pleasures and for material gains. These are the lowest non evolved souls.
  2. Second group who approach him for getting rid of their pains and  the diseased. They want a reprieve for their ailments which is highly painful and unbearable
  3. The jignasu , the seeker of knowledge, he is in the process of refinement and has taken the first step towards enlightenment.
  4. Last but not the least the gyani, the permanent seeker of wisdom,  who is the most lovable to our dearest lord Sri Krishna,  for he is the one who loves our lord,  under all circumstances and never approaches him for anything, not even a needle worth requirement.

The gyani  is constantly in search of ways and means to eternally serve at the lotus feet of our most loving Lord Sri Krishna and our loving Lakshmi amma,  who is forever seated in the heart of lord Sri Krishna. The gyani does not even want moksha; all he desperately craves is,  only loving service and wants to perform only those actions which will please and bring the highest joy to our lord.

 He is ever willing to undergo any pain to ensure our lord is served.  What a magnificent state of mind!  In this state of enlightenment , will our most loving lord , ever forsake such a karmayogi?  Never, unasked such an evolved soul  will get everything,  for one thing is the most certain , in this uncertain world, and  that is our lord , is a fountain of mercy and only wants "THE VERY BEST" for each of his creation.

We need not aspire, ask or attain anything,  everything will be gifted at the right time unasked, unuttered , and unsaid. Such a kind of soul who lives, breathes and surrenders every second to Lord Sri Krishna, is never entangled in this web of birth or death, is forever released from this dreadful wheel and attains the abode of our Lord Sri Krishna. 

 Here our lord conveys to Arjuna, that any devotee worshipping any other form will only reach that abode and will be subject to birth and death. Only those devotees who worship him exclusively and none else, can reach the permanent   abode of Lord Sri Krishna which is a very clear indicator that Sriman Narayana only needs to be worshipped and none else. 

 The most delightful , exquisite and wonderful lines, which conclude this chapter, is where our lord Sri Krishna informs, not only to Arjuna but to each one of us, that those ,who have sought protection at his lotus feet will be permanently delivered and taken care of ,for he encompasses ,the entire Brahma ( the absolute), the whole Adhyatma ( the totality of all the jivatmas ), the entire field of karma, Adhibhuta ( the entire field of matter), Adhidaiva ( Brahma ) and Adhiyagna ( the divinity residing in the hearts of all jivatmas as a witness and conscience keeper).





Our lord Sri Krishna explains that the supreme permanent, eternal and everlasting being is Brahma, the individual jivatama is adhyatma, and the dutiful discharge of actions is Karma (action), all perishable beings are adhibhuta, the shining purusha (Brahman) is Adhidaiva, and the great lord residing in all beings as inner witness and conscience keeper  is adhiyajna which again goes to prove that everything in the three worlds is Parmaatma , our lord Sriman Narayana himself,  for all mentioned above,  is an integral  part and parcel of his supreme self.

As always, in the very best interests of each and every jivatma, our dearest Lord Sri Krishna once again, conveys , that those souls who think of him and him not only during their lifetime but  also during their departure,  uttering his divine glorious name will reach him.  Seems very easy, but just not easily  possible,  for only those soul , can ever think of him,  whilst they leave their mortal remains, who have forever engaged  and surrendered their thoughts, actions and fruits of action unto his lotus feet.

It would be impossible for an unsurrendered soul while departing  to think of our lord , all that  one can think of and feel extremely bad about, is what one is leaving back , the gains from his wealth, which on his leaving will be enjoyed by some one else.  All these thoughts would cloud and pain  the person shedding his mortal coil,  for he has never gained enlightenment.  The fact ,  that nothing on our mother earth,  can we bring,  nor can any being in the entire cosmos, carry along anything is permanently lost on this wandering lost soul.

If  a jivatama has not brought anything on arrival how can one take anything while leaving?  Terribly caught in the maya ( makeshift pleasure world), all of us forget our creator and get so much engrossed in the mundane meaningless existence that when the time has come to pack up , we are not willing to let go and keep thinking even at the last moment,  can we enjoy ,still more time ,on our dearest mother earth.

A realized soul , desperately waits for the time to shed his mortal coil , for he knows,  that to reach the transcendental abode of Lord Sri Krishna is the only place worth living , very merrily and willingly serving our most lovable lord Sri Krishna is the only duty of each jivatma. What the soul can only take at the time of departure is the karma performed here , which will act as a carried forward balance in the next birth .  After enlightenment ,when the entire debit and credit of all the lives  and births put together, is nullified by our creator lord Sriman Narayana,  as and when he so ordains, we can reach his abode to permanently serve him, till then we all have to patiently wait in the queue.

Our lord teaches all of us the science of loving him, where those pure hearted souls,  who strive all their lives with divine thoughts and service to Lord Sri Krishna,  by offering him everything , while on earth, with a very strong hope ,that one fine day , our  lord will carry us back with him, only that disciplined jivatma , will attain the lotus feet of our most divine Sri Krishna, this is the final verdict of our creator. 

 Here our lord Sri Krishna wants us to constantly practice meditation with the highest focus and devotion ,while residing on our beloved mother earth and while leaving he wants each jivatma , to utter the one syllable “AUM” with total mental picture of Lord Sri Krishna in his absolute form (with a beautiful silken orange robe, most divine flute and his entire smiling form).  Our lord is very particular, as always, that his personal aspect is the most important form of worship and the only easy swift path to attain him.

 He is the happiest of happy,  when every jivatma worships him with beautiful scented flowers, most fragrant sandal paste, uses each of the sense organs for his service and above all loves and serves him unconditionally,  in his divine form either as Lord Sri Krishna, Lord Raama, Lord Narsimha or any other form of the Dasavataar ( ten transcendental incarnation / form of Sriman Narayana) for he is the same Lord Sri Krishna only , having taken different forms,  as deemed fit, for the occasion to annihilate the evil doers.

 Our lord conveys that in the past great souls have reached him who have served him with the highest devotion at  Sri Parmapadam (the eternal abode of our dearest Lord Sri Krishna)

Also the time of departure is very important.  As per our lord Sri Krishna the uttarayanam punya kaalam (period from Makarsankranti, mid January till the end of June when days are longer and sun god brightest) and the Dakshinayanam  kaalam (from July to December when nights are longer, moon god is effulgent) both decide the fate of the departed soul. 

Souls who leave their mortal remains during uttarayanam reach his abode, of course , subject to every other condition,  ordained by the lord and fulfilled by the jivatma. One has to carefully note, that uttarapunya kaalam is not the sole condition for the soul to attain the lotus feet of our  Lord Sriman Narayana but one of the important aspects,   coupled with all the other , as declared and authenticated by our lord Sri Krishna.

Our most pious Bhishma pitamaha waited very patiently and suffered unbearable  pain,  lying on the string of arrows, awaiting in utmost devotion, for the  uttara punya kaalam to enable to serve our Lord Sri Krishna eternally in his abode.  His each and every action, whilst being alive,   was fully sanctioned by the scriptures and approved by our Lord Sri Krishna and hence before arriving at any hasty conclusion, we have to relentlessly strive , to decode the message,  of our dearest Lord Sri Krishna, in the very right perspective, fully meditating on him and seek the divine authorities, who have mastered our holy scriptures, to clarify and explain to us, matters that are beyond our understanding,  for these highly evolved gurus only can guide us in our spiritual journey.

A very careful observation and examination, that our Lord Sri Krishna, keeps on repeating again and again ,same points not for his benefit but as a brushing of our memory and in our very best interests to break the shackles of this futile existence and tries his very best to explain to us , in the most simple language one can think of, to meditate and serve him to reach him , to an abode which is only filled with permanency, happiness of the highest order and peace personified, for surely , each one of us would love to reach his abode , for we are absolutely tired of struggling and striving in this transient world for our daily petty existence of gratification of sense pleasures

Our lord conveys , that the best yogi , would surely,  try his level best,  under the very divine guidance of our Lord Sri Krishna himself,  using all his faculties , to reach the abode of our lord Sriman Narayana and forever unite with him, serving him, which is our only true karma and dharma.

Many times, few of us , could  feel , that our Lord keeps repeating the same philosophy in different words in all the eighteen chapters, wondering,  why does our lord emphasize on the same thing again and again , why can’t he be very brief and convey only once his views rather than mentioning it again and again.  The only reason for this is , anything very important, which when repeated and thought of several times ,sinks in faster and gets embossed  permanently and one never forgets and hence our dearest lord Sri Krishna ,at very regular intervals,  wants to refresh the points, mentioned before, with a fear that lest we forget the core principles  of his preaching. 

Our teachers ,will always repeat the most  important points for our ready reference and records , many times we get bored but a diligent student will never tire of his teacher, for he 100% knows that his guru is repeating the same points, in his favour only, because of its great significance and value, if this,  is understood in this transient world, then surely, each one of us, can relate to our creator who is awaiting desperately and impatiently with the highest love for each of his creation, to return to him as a eager doting mother, not willing to part with her children ,for even  a second









The whole of our universe is completely pervaded by our Lord Sri Krishna's presence. In every mini micro atom space, our Lord Sri Govinda rules, for he is our  master of all the world's known and unknown and our Supreme most personality of Godhead .

Our Lord conveys to Arjuna, that although he exists in each of us, yet our actions do not bind him. Our Lord, in an absolutely independent capacity, as our most beloved sole supreme cosmic head , monitors , controls and guides every single action of each one of us,  the movable and the immovable as a sarveshwaran. ( All in all sole supreme creator and  controller). 

 The two forms of worship Saguna ( personal aspect) and Nirguna ( non personal / abstract ) both lead to our Lord Sri Krishna only.  Point here to be noted nirguna ( Sankhya Yoga ) is very tough for the person's devoted to this path view everything as an abstract medium , the entire world as a mere illusion. 

Our Lord has clearly mentioned,  those who worship the demigods will reach them which is their most transient abode , much more  worse  than our temporary world here. The highest humility of our lord Sri Krishna is,  he has given unlimited powers to all the demigods to operate independently.  To my mind, despite this, these useless, good for nothing,  demi gods are so ungrateful that they are greedy, jealous of our lord and his most exalted position, To top it , these demi gods expect so much favour from all of us, each and  every action of these lowly demi gods is ever  guided with " highest  expectations from us with negative returns  " and we have to keep on pleasing them, they are slave masters and to reach their most sorrowful , unkind and absolutely futile fruitless abode is worse than suffering in the foulest of foul hells.

 I am of the strongest opinion , we have to save ourselves of the severe torture of these wicked demi gods ,   from this moment itself ,  we should totally stop approaching,  let alone praying to these dark evil demi gods who are mere jeevathmas like us and work totally under the supreme control of our Lord Sri Krishna. 

The very best part is our Lord Sri Krishna,  loves his most beloved humblest devotees like our gopas, gopis and whole of Sri Vrindhavan countless times more than these so called dreaded demi gods whose entire fortune rests with our most beloved Lord Sri Krishna only. These demi gods are so frightened of our Lord Sri Krishna that he never gives them an audience. He knows very well, that they are envious of our Lord and can never think of doing good for anyone, except trying to project , that they,  are the doers when in reality our Lord Sri Krishna is the actual doer, deed and also the Divine fruit of action. To utterly confuse mankind ,is the principle activity of these boastful cunning demi gods .

We all know what happened to Indra when he challenged our little  Lord Sri Krishna., He had to bite the dust and grovel at our Lord Sri Krishna’s lotus feet to save himself from his terrible fate , when our little Sri Krishna supreme controller, effortlessly , held up the entire Sri Govardhana mountain with his most beautiful tiny little finger and protected the beloved devotees of our lord during the torrential rains. One worst quality of these stupid demi gods is they compete with our lord Sri Krishna thinking they are his equal.  Their shameless acts only push them further in deep distress for which they come with a begging bowl to our lord Sri Krishna to redeem them of their plight.  The heights these mad demi gods go to , only highlights their gross wicked , devious plans which our lord Sri Govinda effortlessly unfolds.  Despite all their sinful acts, our lord Sri Krishna always loves them and hence OUR LORD IS PARMAATMAN and they are mere servants of our lord.

Each one of us  have to rush to protect our Lord Sri Krishna, from these unscrupulous demi gods, as a very small token of our immense gratitude,  to our Lord Sri Govinda,  who is doing so much for us.   When our Lord Sri Krishna,  captivates us beautifully in his divine most heart,  none in all the universe , can dare harm us,  but if our Lord Sri Krishna leaves us, none can redeem us,  for the power to grant salvation to each one of us,  lies solely, with our Lord Sri Krishna only. JAI SRI KRISHNA. RADHEY RADHEY.

Our Lord, has promised us unconditionally,  that whoever from amongst  us, irrespective of our stature , even  if , we are the worst of worse sinners , if we lovingly surrender unto his divine most lotus feet, our Lord Sri Krishna will personally attend to our needs, at all times and when the time comes ,our Lord will gently carry us to his most loving abode Sri Parmapadam,   blessing us with permanent salvation ,which is the highest most precious gift ,that one can ever dream of receiving , for we will be ever liberated from the cruel wheels of repeated birth and death.

Our Lord Sri Krishna has requested each one of us to lovingly offer a leaf, a fruit, pure water and fresh flowers to him, he will personally partake of the offerings with greatest happiness  and free it form all  contamination. When our Lord Sri Krishna accepts us, then the question of fear, doubts and every negativity ,will be permanently erased immediately, no doubt about that.

Our Lord Sri Krishna, has also condemned, all those foolish creatures, who think of him as a mere mortal like them, he has categorically emphatically with full truth and conviction , very  rightfully,  proclaimed to all of the worlds and its inhabitants , in no uncertain words, that he  is the sole supreme creator of all the worlds and every power conceivable is with him only to wield.

 When in Gajendra Moksham the holiest elephant called out   " Adimoolame" ( most ancient creator ) all the coward demi gods , as ever, shamelessly hid themselves,  for they knew of their non existent powers but our Lord Sri Krishna with his  unruffled hair, his most beautiful attire  haywire , like countless thunder and lightening ,sound and speed  rushed to save our dearest Sri Gajendran to protect him. It is a clearest proof , that our lord is the ORIGINAL OLDEST  creator of all the universes.

Our Lord Sri Krishna has rescued each of his devotees, across all the yugas.  All our scriptures are clearest on this point and this has been highlighted every time , that by now, it is the only truth known , understood and wholeheartedly agreed upon ,that our Lord Sri Krishna is the sole supreme creator of all the worlds,  but to remind the maddest mayawadis,  we have to keep on repeating this eternal truth billion times and yet we will fall short another billion times.  Chapter 9 concludes on all the points mentioned above.




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