12159110072?profile=RESIZE_584x Online Bhakti Vaibhava Canto 5 to commence from 24th of July 

Srila Prabhupada had envisioned four levels of study of his books—Bhakti-sastri, Bhakti-vaibhava, Bhakti-vedanta and Bhakti-sarvabhauma. The Vrindavan Institute for Higher Education (VIHE) is endeavoring to establish these degrees and thus provide an opportunity for higher studies in Krsna conscious philosophy to interested devotees. The first ever Bhakti-vaibhava Course was started in 2002. Bhakti-vaibhava Course covers the study of the first six cantos of Srimad-bhagavatam.

Presently, the VIHE Bhakti-vaibhava course will continue with Canto 5. The VIHE Bhakti-vaibhava Course Canto 5 is an online course with 1 class (of up to 2 hours) Mondays to Saturday 5.30-7.30pm IST. There are 2 additional weekly classes of 2 hours each for memorization of verses, group work, and presentations by students. There are also japa sessions, value classes, dhama darsana, and festivals. A special effort will be made to bring remembrance of Sri Vrndavana Dhama to the heart. Classes will be held on Zoom.

All those interested and have completed the first four cantos of Srimad-bhagavatam are invited and most welcome to join us this year from the 24th of July till 28th of October, 2023

Pavitra Dasa, a student from Ghana, West Africa, shares his experience with us. “Bhagavatam is like a sunshine, it dissipates all our ignorance; it is the nourishment for the soul; it is the nectar of immortality; it destroys all of your doubts; it is a literal incarnation of Krsna. The advantage of studying in Vrndavana is that you can visit the Holy places, spend time with the cows, the teachers are very friendly, caring and experienced and the students are all eager to ask questions. There is no better place in the world where I can study Bhagavatam to my full satisfaction. We do homework together, we do groupwork together. And after we do the course, we are able to share this knowledge with others.”

To get further details for the course, Whatsapp +91 89799 43134 or write to courses@vihe.org or visit our website: https://vihe.org/bhakti_vaibhava.html

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