Bowers Ponds is a nest nook within Red Deer with its gorgeous river, hard and soft wood trees, geese and ducks, everything but cars and trucks. An escape place.
Satyaurata and I took to the trails at an a.m. slot. Later in the evening Mahadev and Annapurna and I hit the same paths foe their appeal. What a way to fire up a day and then wind it down to take off its crown.
As has been observed, people are just the most mellow by trees and water - you get your balance.
I write my words on the paper lines as an equilibrium test
Perhaps it can bring a fickle mind to relax and to rest
When the letters go above the line I think I’m a little proud
And when they dip below the line I must be in a dark cloud
Off balance, I fumble and fall like a chronic disease
I want to hit that target, a tight rope to latch on to
That is my conviction because that is what I want to
When rich in thought are we not in the in-between ?
The middle path is the actual sound place to be
Truly then we capture the view and do properly see